
📕"The jew combines with a fiery temperament an obstinacy so inflexible, that it may well be said: the jew never gives way, and knows neither forgiving nor forgetting." - Major Osman Bey, "The Conquest of the World by the Jews," (published 1873).

Neither forgiving nor forgetting?

Left: Here a rabbi argues that the Notre Dame fire was divine retribution for Christians burning copies of the Talmud 777 years previously.

Right: Dr. Eric Weinsten flips off the Titus Arch, 1,940 years after it was constructed. He even makes the point that to jews, "75 years is the blink of an eye."

Meanwhile, jews will tell Palestinians that the Nakba was 75 years ago--stop trying to fight for your land & homes back, you terrorists! And they'll tell Americans the USS Liberty attack was 57 years ago--how is it relevant to talk about it anymore, you antisemites?!

Bey concludes: "the jew recognizes no armistice, and keeps up the battle without intermission."

The jews aren't just united across the world, they're united across time itself. We're to constantly be reminded about every time jews were slighted or victimized & pay for it forever--while they expect us to forget anything & everything they've ever done. Hence, the world is still brow-beaten over the sins of Adolf Hitler & the Germans, while we're expected to completely forget about sins of Genrikh Yagoda, Lazar Kaganovich, Menachem Begin & Baruch Goldstein.

🇺🇸🇮🇱 Tomorrow will be the anniversary of Israel's savage, unprovoked attack on the USS Liberty during the 1967 6-Day war.

Let's take a page out of the jewish playbook: Never Forgive, Never Forget.

Israel has never truly paid for its treachery & deception--nor have any of the American traitors involved in the cover-up.

While the true motive might never be known with certainty--we do know with certainty who did it and who helped cover it up.

We also know the men of the USS Liberty--living & dead--are American heroes who deserve their story to be told and justice to be served.

Tick tock, Israel. We will not forgive, and we will not forget.

Tick tock. ⌛


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