
Die Vivid die door Gen. Flynn wordt aangehaald is een bedrieger uit India, die in India woont maar doet alsof hij een Israelier is.

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An open letter to the Jewish community around the world.

Israel ‘the Jewish state’ of ‘the chosen people’ has committed acts of well-documented injustice against the Palestinian people for decades. I won’t go into the details. October 7 didn’t happen in a vacuum and you know that. Israel had many opportunities to achieve a lasting peace with the Palestinians but failed to make an honest effort: https://theguardian.com/world/2017/...e-israel-palestine-peace-process-always-fails

Around the world people are watching the non-stop massacre of children on social media and somehow these innocent kids are blamed for what Hamas did. Those of us with kids think ‘what would I do if these were my kids’. That’s why nobody is talking about October 7 anymore.

The damage that Netanyahu and his genocidal co-conspirators are doing to Jews around the world should not be underestimated. I see the Internet explode with Jew hatred. I find myself angry and perplexed about how little pushback I can register against Netanyahu by the Jewish community. It makes me sick that the forever-victims don’t show empathy for other victims.

Sure there are a handful of Jewish journalists and activist who speak out against the indiscriminate mass murder of Palestinians but they are a drop in the ocean. Where is the condemnation from the global Jewish community? If you don’t speak out you are seen as complicit. The Israeli President claimed that all Palestinians are Hamas. If you do nothing the same logic applies to you.

Just imagine the anger of the world if Netanyahu would use nuclear weapons against Iran. The danger is real. Iran has sophisticated hypersonic ballistic missiles that cannot be stopped by the Iron dome. If Israel strikes sensitive targets in Iran they can retaliate by destroying Israel’s energy infrastructure and water supply. What do you think Netanyahu would do?

Israel expects that the United States will join a war against Iran. But as soon as Russia and China get involved they have to back down or risk nuclear war. You may have noticed that the US Govt is only good at carpet bombing civilians in countries with weak armies. Since WW2 they have not fought against a peer opponent and even then Russia did most of the work.

Just look at the graveyard of US and NATO military hardware in Ukraine. Hundreds of billions of dollars and the combined effort of the West could not win the US proxy war against Russia.

What is the US military worth in a fight against Iran, Russia and China? Nothing. Self destruction is the only possible outcome. Counting on the US Govt to achieve victory is stupid. Just look at Ukraine. The only chance that Israel has is peace. It will become impossible to manage the Jew hatred around the world if the indiscriminate killing continues and expands. Not even attempting to stop Netanyahu is condemning the Jewish people to be hated and punished everywhere.

Don’t let this happen. Show the world that you care about other victims of injustice and genocide. Please get involved and stop this madness. You have the power to stop this and if you don’t you will come to regret it.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
We need to start a Goyim defense force to help people that are fired, demonetized and censored by Jewish organization

We also need an offensive branch to try and destroy these jews' lives the same way they destroy ours

These people are enemies of democracy and it is time we treat them as such

Jews who don't agree with these people will need to pick a side

There are dozens of Jewish groups who work to get people fired, demonetized and canceled

This are vile disgusting people and do nothing but drive antisemitism

Obviously, not all jews are like this but unfortunately, the majority go along with it

Jews are either naturally born wanting to control everything or there is a worldwide banker conspiracy to control the world

At what point does it stop being conspiracy and start becoming just what we flat out see infront of us?

I mean seriously there is conspiracy and just reality, why do we ignore this?

I'm a level headed person, so I know exactly what you're thinking and if I had to guess it's something like, "Well, what's it matter if they are all Jewish, what's the big deal?"

The issue is these people are not loyal to America, they serve two masters and two alone, themselves and Israel.

So yeah, when you see all that, "woke," content and, "fake news," just know where it comes from.

At this point, I am convinced that if videos surfaced of IDF soldiers lining up Palestinian children in front of a ditch and shooting them in the head at point blank range, I imagine that Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen. Josh Hawley, Speaker Mike Johnson, Rep. Jim Jordan and other prominent Zionist zealots would declare, "Israel has a right to defend itself!" There is no level of violence against innocent women and children they will not support, it seems. If Israel loaded Palestinians onto railroad cars and transported them to giant ovens to incinerate them while live streaming a modern-day holocaust, half the Christians in America would applaud it and tune in to celebrate it. Zionism is a mental health disorder rooted in sociopathic insanity. If you support Zionism, you are mentally ill. If you cannot recognize the human dignity of people outside your own religion or political beliefs, then there is something seriously wrong with your mind, your heart and your eternal soul.


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