
🧵1/ THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION: Let's ask the co-conspirators if they're real!

In 1919, the US Senate held hearings on the "Protocols Of the Learned Elders Of Zion," first published in 1905 after they were allegedly leaked from a branch of international jewry in France.

Here's where it gets interesting: the US War Department opened an investigation and its report file was classified & sealed until 1973: "The Power And Aims Of International Jewry."

From this file we learn that The Protocols were shown to 2 prominent jews, who both immediately dismissed them: Justice Louis Brandeis of the Supreme Court, who called them the work of a Russian antisemite; and Jacob Schiff, the Wall Street Banker, who called them a German forgery.

What the US officials didn't know at the time was that Jacob Schiff had recently helped fund the Russian Bolshevik Revolution & helped conspire to set up the Federal Reserve--2 events compatible with, and basically called for, under the goals of The Protocols. Schiff's role in these events was not widely known at the time, being divulged only years later.

IOW, Jacob Schiff, the Wall Street jewish banker who secretly worked to implement the actions called for in The Protocols, when shown The Protocols, said they were fake!

The US officials who showed the Protocols to Schiff did not know that Schiff had recently been a key player in implementing them!

As for Brandeis, he was the first jew nominated to the Supreme Court--done so by Woodrow Wilson, the president who helped institute the Federal Reserve, get the US involved in WW1, and who was critical in the creation of the League of Nations--again, all goals & achievements called for in The Protocols. Brandeis dismissed them with the now-all-too-familiar deflection, "antisemitic." (the holo caust wasn't yet available).

Let us also note that Schiff funded Wilson's presidential campaign!

Are you getting the picture?

"tHeY'rE a fOrGeRy," - 2 jews directly involved in the plot

(Link to pick up a brand new copy of The Protocols in next tweet)


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