

✡️In July 1932, Molotov and Kaganovich travelled to Kharkov, then the capital of Ukraine, to order the Politburo of the Ukrainian Communist party to set a quote of grain procurement of 356 million pood a year. Every member of the Ukrainian Poliburo pleaded for a reduction in the quantity of grain peasants were required to hand over to the state, but Kaganovich and Molotov "categorically refused".

✡️Later the same month, they sent the Ukrainian party leaders a secret telegram ordering them to intensify grain production and impose harsh penalties on peasants who failed to comply. In August, Stalin and Kaganovich pushed through a decree that made theft or sabotage of state property, including the property of collective farms, punishable by death, and Kaganovich sent a telegram to the Ukrainian leaders on "the unsatisfactory pace of grain procurement.

✡️On 13 January 2010 Kiev Appellate Court posthumously found:

✡️Kaganovich, Postyshev, Kosior, all of whom worked under Stalin, and other Soviet Communist Party functionaries, guilty of genocide against Ukrainians during the catastrophic Holodomor famine. Though they were pronounced guilty as criminals, the case was ended immediately according to paragraph 8 of Article 6 of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine. The court cited these four incidents as proof that Kaganovich was complicit in an act of genocide against the Ukrainian nation.

✡️On a separate note, Rosa Kaganovich was referenced as Stalin’s wife in the 1940s and 1950s by Western media including The New York Times, Time and Life.


Israel is a brand name for an entity that has no internationally recognized borders and has been in a constant state of war since before its founding.

The problem isn’t Hamas, the Palestinians, or the Arabs in general. The problem is the ideology that animates every decision Israel makes: Zionism. Violent resistance, no matter how abhorrent people might think it is, is a reaction to the implementation of the Zionist ideology.

Most observers believe that Zionism sought to create a safe space for Jews, and therefore believe it may have been a reasonable movement at one point because of the persecution of Jews.

That is pure Zionist propaganda. If that were the case, why didn’t the Zionists accept the Uganda plan at the first Zionist convention?

The truth is that Zionists needed the Holy Land in order to legitimize their goal: To transform Jews from a pacifist religious group awaiting a supernatural mega event into an anti-religious European-style nationalist movement that used Judaism as a mythology.

This transformation required the invention of a completely new “Hebrew” culture, a modern “Hebrew” language, a flag, and the conquest of land which happens to be inhabited.

That’s why Israel has been and still is constantly at war with Palestinians, Jordanians, Egyptians, Syrians and Lebanese.

The Palestinian resistance is not fighting against Israel because Zionists claim to be Jews. They would fight any occupier, no matter what religion or nationality.

The peace process is a farce and only goes on because the U.S. props up corrupt regimes to be subservient to Israel with huge amounts of money.

Ironically, the peace process has radicalized Israeli society. That’s why they killed their own prime minister.

The way to make peace is to reject Zionism and the claim that Israel is a “Jewish state.”

Once the ideology of Zionism, which inherently affords Jews (as falsely defined by the Israeli government) supremacy is discarded, then Israelis and Palestinians can make peace.

Don’t let Zionists and their supporters gaslight you with claims that criticizing Israel is anti-Semitic. It’s the opposite. Israel’s actions, while claiming to be the state of the Jews, generate anti-Semitism. Zionists need anti-Semitism, because it feeds Zionist propaganda about needing a safe space.

I reiterate: To make peace, end Zionism. It’s that simple.


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