
"Christ is king" is a slogan of Christian nationalist triumphalism. Johnathan Affleck put together a brief summary for rabid anti-Muslim Nicker fake Catholics. These sloganeering fake Catholics also seem to be a form of Christian triumphalism.

Like Christian Zionists in general, Christians 'Nickers' are pseudochristians. In their total ignorance of the Bible, Christianity, and Jesus, they don't know the meaning of antichrist.

"Children, it is the last hour! As you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. From this we know that it is the last hour." — 1 John 2:18 NRSV (1989).

Christian Zionists deny Jesus by supporting monstrously evil Zionist colonial settler antichrists, who so abominate Jesus Christ that they invaded Palestine
(a) in order to dispossess the descendants of the first followers of Jesus,

(b) in order to commit genocide against the descendants of the first followers of Jesus, and
(c) in order to steal Palestine from the descendants of the first followers of Jesus.

In addition, the hate-filled Zionist colonial settler antichrists murder the children of the descendants of the first followers of Jesus in a reenactment of the Massacre of the Innocents.

"Many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh; any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist!" — 2 John 1:7 NRSV (1989).

With their deceptive and wrong understanding of Christianity and scripture, Nicker pseudochristians have become 2nd in evil only to the antichrists of the fake Israel the baby killer nation, which has no equal in contemporary evil.

"Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring—those who keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus." — Revelation 12:17.

The dragon is the monster, which the collective of the monstrously evil Zionist colonial settler antichrists has created. Those, who keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus, are the Palestinian descendants of the first followers of Jesus. The Zionist colonial settler antichrists spit on Christians.

A Zionist colonial settler antchrist is an invader, interloper, thief, impostor, and genocide perpetrator in stolen Palestine.

Zionist antichrists started the conflict! The descendants of the first followers of Jesus were not bothering anyone when white racial supremacist Zionist colonial settler antichrists invaded Palestine. Zionist colonial settler antichrists have fought with the descendants of the first follower of Jesus since 1881.

Zionist leader Vladimir Dubnow, wrote in October 1882: “The ultimate goal … is, in time, to take over the Land of Israel and to restore to the Jews the political independence they have been deprived of for these two thousand years… The Jews will yet arise and, arms in hand (if need be), declare that they are the masters of their ancient homeland.”

[Rabbinic Jews are not descendants of Greco-Roman Judeans. Rabbinic Judaism is an alien Mesopotamian religion in Palestine, and Rabbinic Jews are descendants of non-Judean converts to Judaism. The descendants of the first followers of Jesus never left Palestine but turned Palestine into a religious center where all worshipers of the one true God were welcome.]

In January 1919 at the Paris Peace Conference, Weizmann “The Zionist objective was gradually to make Palestine as Jewish as England was English.” This goal is predicated on destruction of Palestinian group (genocide by today's legal definition).

[Palestinians turned the other cheek and offered to live with white European immigrants on terms of mutual respect and equality, but mutual respect and equality was unacceptable to the Zionist antichrists.]

When the US Zionist antichrist movement succeeded in pressuring Truman to support Zionism’s genocidal goal, the US compelled the UNGA to support the optional non-obligatory Nov 27, 1947 Partition Proposal of United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) in violation of the international law of a Class A LoN Mandatory Territory.

Because the Zionist leadership feared a UNSC veto and had no interest in a dialogue with the Palestinian leadership, the Zionist leadership gave Palestinians no chance to respond to the Partition Proposal and immediately started the genocidal crimes that are now called the Nakba. The brutality of the Nakba was probably greater than the Gaza Holocaust and is the start of the never ending genocide and theft that continues until Palestinians return to their homes, property, villages, and country.

The descendants of the first followers of Jesus have the right to fight for the return of their homes, property, villages, and country from the depraved and evil Zionist antichrists of the baby killer nation.

True Christians throughout the world stand with Palestinians against Zionist colonial settler antichrists and against Nigerian pseudochristians that have transformed Christian belief both into worship of the dragon, which is the baby killer nation, and also into worship of the Zionist colonial settler antichrists, who pollute the Holy Land as they murder the Land's rightful owners, who had inherited the Land according to the words of Jesus.

"Blessed are the humble people [of the Land], for they will inherit the Land." — Matthew 5:5.

Zionist antichrists, Nigerian pseudochristians, and Christian Zionists in general are at war with the words of Jesus.

In 1947, President Truman urged Jews to stop massacring Palestinians

For this, the zionist Stern Gang attempted to assassinate him using a series of letter bombs

They used these same bombs all over Europe to kill and wound anyone critical of Israel

Thankfully, their plot was unsuccessful but in 1963 it all went according to plan

With friends like Israel who needs enemies

The zionist Stern Gang wasn't happy with Winston Churchill because he wouldn't grant them full control of Palestine

In 1944 they attempted to Assassinate Him but the plot Was foiled

The would-be assassin Bet-Zuri went on to assassinate a British minister and was hung in 1945

To create Israel they were willing to use any means including bribary, blackmail and murder

In 1954, Israeli agents bombed American and British interests all over Egypt

They blamed it on the Muslim Brotherhood

This was to get support so they could steal land from Egypt

Unfortunately, their plot Was quickly discovered, and 11 agents were arrested

Two were hung and the rest were given long prison sentences

This caused a Media blackout in the United States

In 2005 Israel awarded them certificates of appreciation

This became known as the Lavon Affair

In 1946 zionist terrorists bombed The King David Hotel killing 91 people

At the time this was the world's most significant terror attack in history

They disguised themselves as Arabs

Anyone who has been following the history of Jewish/zionist terror attacks will notice they typically pin it on someone else

This has been instrumental in creating a divide between Muslims and Christians

In 1940, zionist terrorists bombed the SS Patria in Hafa, Palestine

The ship was full of 1800 illegal Jewish immigrants being deported by the British mandate

267 died in this terrorist attack

This shows that they would rather kill their own the let them be deported

Those who created and run Israel do not represent nor care about the lives of the typical Jew

The majority of Jewish people are simply pawns in their struggle for power

Israel was founded off of massacring women and children

They were the first people to launch terrorist attacks in the Middle East

They assassinated British ministers and kidnapped and killed soldiers

They even poisoned the wells

Zionest are more evil than Hamas or the Nazis

John Crossmen worked on Israel's illegal Nuclear program

He tried to leak information about the program to the Mirror

Robert Maxwell father of Ghislane Maxwell owned the mirror and tipped off the Israeli embassy

He was then drugged and kidnapped in Italy and secretly flown to Israel

Time and time again they have shown that they do not respect the laws of other nations

Identifying as an "atheist," Jewish intellectual Sam Harris loudly advocates for Israel's policies of apartheid and genocide, calls for preemptive nuclear strikes on Muslim countries, and insists that Muslims should be regarded as more evil than Nazis.

This type of behavior gives us reason to examine the place of Jewish intellectuals in major atheist movements.

They have always played a highly disproportionate role in these movements.

Indeed, it may be said that Communist Atheism and New Atheism are similar Jewish movements.

The leading figures in Communist Atheism were Jewish or part Jewish (e.g., Karl Marx, Lenin, Trotsky).

Similarly, the leading figures in New Atheism are Jewish or part Jewish (e.g., Sam Harris, Bill Maher, Christopher Hitchens).

People have difficulty understanding the Jewish role in atheism, because they mistakenly believe that atheist movements oppose all religions equally. But this is completely false. Atheists have always argued that some religions are far more problematic and dangerous than others. This is especially true of Communist Atheists and New Atheists.

Historically, Communist Atheists and New Atheists have promoted the view that Christianity and Islam are by far the most problematic and dangerous religions. Both groups of atheists also promote the view that Judaism is one of the least problematic and least dangerous religions.

Here Communist Atheists and New Atheists use the same arguments.

(1) Christianity and Islam have far more followers than Judaism, so they must be singled out for special forms of criticism and violent repression.

(2) Generally speaking, Christians and Muslims are far more religious than adherents of Judaism (who are largely secular). For this reason, Christians and Muslims must be attacked forcefully, while Jews can be left alone.

There is a fundamental parallel between the views of many modern Jews, and the views of Communist Atheists and New Atheists. Many modern Jews consider Christianity and Islam to be by far the most problematic and dangerous religions because it is claimed they have irrationally persecuted Jews throughout history. Hence many modern Jews have advocated for weakening and destroying these two religions. Jewish activists have promoted Communist Atheism and New Atheism to aid them in the destruction of Christianity and Islam.

The largely Jewish Communist Soviet government targeted Christians and Muslims for special violence - fiercely repressing their religions and killing tens of millions of them. Meanwhile, under Soviet rule, antisemitism was made into a major crime. Jews significantly increased their political power and their religion experienced far less repression. This was particularly true in the early decades of the Soviet regime.

Similarly, New Atheists have cooperated with Jewish neocons and the Israel lobby to control US foreign and domestic policy. Their foreign policy has centered on a two-decade-long "War on Terror" in which the US has sought to destroy Islam and all of Israel's Muslim enemies. Additionally, the New Atheists have waged a media war within the West to stigmatize and destroy its Christian heritage.

Communist Atheists and New Atheists claim to be fearless freethinkers who welcome all debate. But nothing infuriates them more than pointing out the fact that their atheist movements are forms of Jewish political propaganda. Whenever anyone says this, the "brave" atheist calls for the critic to be silenced for speaking "dangerous" and "hateful" ideas.

To be clear, none of this justifies hatred of all Jewish people or Jews as a race. Jews as a whole are not collectively guilty due to the fact that some Jews have attacked Christians and Muslims directly or through atheist activism. Many Jews have opposed such behavior.


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