Abortus, ja of nee ?

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Oklahoma en Texas hebben de nieuwe wet ondertekend. Tot 6 weken zwangerschap blijft abortus wel mogelijk.

Dat is de zogeheten 'heartbeat law'. Vanaf zes weken begint het hart te kloppen, dus daar trekken ze de grens. Wat mij betreft is er al sprake van heilig en onschendbaar leven vanaf de verwekking, dus ik ben voor een totaalverbod. Ook in het geval van verkrachting, want dan geef je het kind maar op voor adoptie als je het niet wil houden.


En waar staat precies in de Torah dat het OK is voor joodse vrouwen om omgeboren vruchten te vermoorden?

The REAL problem is way too many women (and men) are promiscuous deviants who should be looking to protect and cherish themselves instead of spending their entire time finding ways to get their jollies off.

They literally phuck around and find out…then cry that life is so unfair ….. if only there was a Good Book to guide people on what to do and not to do that could protect them from themselves

Precies. EINDELIJK eens iemand, anders dan mijzelf, die op durft te schrijven dat abortus de SCHANDVLEK is van vrouwen die weigeren verantwoordelijkheid te nemen voor hun zedeloze gedrag.

Margaret Sanger, de vrouw die de wereld Planned Parenthood en abortus gaf, bewonderd door Hillary Clinton:


I don't know who needs to hear this, but there is no such thing as a "viable fetus."

No baby can survive on it's own outside the womb.

If you leave a full-term newborn baby in the woods and come back in a few days, you will see it is very much not "viable outside of the womb."

For most children, being "non-viable outside the womb" will continue to be the case well into adolescence. Do you know a lot of 6 year olds that can find their own food?

A human baby can't survive without a parent while inside of the womb, it can't survive without a parent while outside of the womb.

There is no difference.


Nu gaat pas echt duidelijk worden hoe gestoord vrouwen werkelijk zijn. De mannelijke correctie is hier! 💪

Chuck Schumer announces [their] intention to codify Roe v Wade into law.
He's using this as a rallying cry for the mid terms.
This leak was planned.
They will fail.

Unless something changes their plan failed already. Looks like they'll have to resort to violence, Reeing, threats and intimidation as per usual.
I'm sure they are still going to use this as a mid term rallying cry. These people are stupid. 🤣

The demons are manifesting which means we are winning.
I love the sound of their reees.
It fuels me.

We gaan in volle hevigheid zien hoe bezeten vrouwen werkelijk zijn. 🍿

Soak in the panic coming from her voice.
This shows we are winning. They are trembling at the thought of not being able to satisfy Moloch.
Get absolutely wrecked, child murderers.
God is good and you have no chance. There will come a day when our country will be free from this abomination and that day is fast approaching. Let the demons panic. Keep your spiritual armor up.
Keep your ears close to God's heart as the demons shriek. Listen to God but also enjoy the enemies panic. Soak it in Patriots. We're in unprecedented times of winning. They won't back down without a fight. We're looking at a dangerous animal trapped in a corner. [Their] time is coming to an end. Bank on it.

JUST IN - U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts orders an investigation of Roe v. Wade leak, says the document is authentic, but "does not represent" the final position.


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