Abortus, ja of nee ?

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Go up to a pro abortionist and say your vagina has more confirmed kills than my rifle and watch them implode.

No Roe V Wade decision today but it looks like we are getting very close.
Forecast is calling for liberal tears and a hot summer.
We may see a decision on Wednesday. There's been some mystery behind when this will actually happen. Perhaps they are probing for more threats to the justices/etc.
Prepare to see the reee of a lifetime. 🍿

There have been 59 cases of pro-abortion violence since the Dobbs leak -- including attempted murder, firebombings, and vandalism.

This is an insurrection.

BREAKING: Jane’s Revenge militant group releases new communique, declare ‘open season’ on pro-life centers nationwide amid wave of firebombings, call for recruits

“Practice your cursive”

No abortion decision by the Supreme Court today but the sheep are already getting riled up at the steps of the Supreme Court. Thursday is the next opportunity for Roe V Wade to fall as the left stirs up anti cop sentiment with the UvaldeCoverUp hashtag.
The reee appears to be coming at the very last second before the Supreme Court goes on recess. Let's see what happens. I'm still preparing for liberal tears.


De verplichte bedenktijd van vijf dagen voor vrouwen die voor een abortus kiezen, verdwijnt. Na de Tweede is ook de Eerste Kamer akkoord gegaan met een initiatiefwet van D66, PvdA, GroenLinks en VVD, waarin dat wordt geregeld.

In de senaat stemde een ruime meerderheid van VVD, GroenLinks, D66, de fractie-Nanninga, PvdA, SP, Partij voor de Dieren, de fractie-Otten, 50Plus en de fractie-Frentrop alsmede vier leden van het CDA voor. De overige fracties en vier andere CDA'ers waren tegen.
Notice how he says that the Supreme Court stands at the edge of an abyss. Or in other words: A precipice.
This country is looking down the edge of what feels like many of them. It's important to keep your eyes on God, keep your spiritual armor high and be prepared.
Massive shifts are taking place. From Ukraine, to the Great Awakening, to abortion....
Moloch is looking to lash out but this means they are being challenged. If they weren't reeeing then we wouldn't be winning.
We are winning.

I’m tellin y’all. Roe v Wade will be the last opinion they release before they go on break.

It’s too politically charged to release that opinion any other way. The Justices will need to release it, and GTFO of town.


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