Bijbel en intuïtie

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Many who are first now will be last

And many who are last now will be first

People see who’s for the people and who’s stepping on the people

God sees too.

You can’t hide what’s true in your heart because it comes out of your mouth.

For it’s not that which goes in that defiles you but that which comes out of the mouth …. For out of the mouth comes what’s true in the heart.

Is dit zo ?

Jezus, die God de zoon is, verandert Simons naam in Petrus om het nieuwe verbond op te richten, net zoals God met Abram deed toen hij Abrahams naam veranderde om het oude verbond op te richten.
I bet you $1,000 you have never read the whole Bible.

NO ONE altered the Word of God.

What they did:

1. Change the definitions of words so you don't understand
2. Change history so it doesn't match what's in the Bible
3. Create Interpretations and sermons for people that distort, and alter understanding

If you read the Word yourself, search through the actual Hebrew and greek words, you would see indeed it has not been altered in a single way. For Satan did not write his own demise, and the Synagogue of S8n Pharisees certainly don't teach what is actually written in the Bible for if they did they would lose all authority and power over the minds of men.

Add mistranslations and footnotes to the list. Only the KJV has no copyright, all other translations are copyrighted. This means at least 10% of the original text has been willfully altered. For the same reason [THEY] can't copyright life forms and thus create chimeras. [THEY] can only artificially distort and invert the Divine. Satan is but a poor imitator of God, he knows who's boss.


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