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Things like in Genesis 6:9 which reads in most bibles as:

“These are the records of the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his time; Noah walked with God.”

But the correct translation from Hebrew would be:

“These are the records of the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, perfect in his generation; Noah walked with God.”

One makes you think he was a “good guy”

The other tells you, he was the only one left on earth whose dna was not corrupted, as his generations (family lineage/DNA) was not corrupted (perfect).

This can be understood from the context of the whole chapter, because it’s talking about how fallen angels took daughters of men as wives and created Nephilim which is why God sent the flood to start over with just Noah , and his three sons, and their wives.

From there -they repopulated the earth after the flood. A flood that is documented in every corner of earth , despite not having the Bible in many of those places , or even coming from secular sources/ proven by real tangible evidence everywhere on earth today - like seashells on top of Everest , and all the quickly played layers of sediment trapping animals in fossilization , and some preserved entirely from the freeze that happened as well.

If they convince you that all these things don’t relate to the Bible, and if they can convince you not to read the Bible for it was “written by man” and “mistranslated” - but yet form these beliefs against the Bible from the words of man, and can’t see the hypocrisy.

The vast majority of Christian In America identify as Protestant

The most important figure after Jesus Christ in this religion is Martin Luther

According to Martin Luther you can’t support the state of Israel and also be a Protestant

If you are of this religion I recommend you go and read his opinion on this issue

First off, im about to rant. So if you don’t have time for that , keep scrolling.

1. Santa is an anagram for Satan.

2. They tell you it’s about St Nicholas so Christian’s won’t get upset, but you don’t see kids sitting on St Nicholas’s lap, they’re on Santa’s.

3. Who in their right mind, when you actually think about it, wants to tell their kids that some weird fat old guy , who watches your kids when they sleep and knows how they behave because they’re always watching, can sneak down your chimney at night and you have to reward him otherwise he’s leaving you coal instead of gifts.

4. Christmas - it’s IN THE WORD
- it’s about CHRIST , and it’s not even His birthday - which should be in September sometime according to maths and stuff. Meanwhile, instead of celebrating our Savior, we take the very end of the fiscal year and give our last dollars to (those who own) corporate America as we gift ourselves things we don’t need - and then compare with others the value of each’s Christmas.

5. SANTA IS NOT REAL. So at some point you have to tell your kids that he’s fake. MEANWHILE, you’re SUPPOSED to be telling your kids Jesus is real, and now your kids don’t trust you at all bc you just lied to them about Santa - and in their developing minds it’s no different.

6. The absolute perverts they hire to pretend to be Santa, many are on sex registry lists, or criminals, and all likely enjoy little kids sitting on their laps.

Get rid of the whole thing.

I’m half tempted to buy a billboard that says - Santa is fake , Jesus is Real.

During ChristMas

⚡️BREAKING: The Israeli army just destroyed a decades old cross at the summit of Mount Hermon in Syria.

The soldiers’ explanation on why they did so:
“In the briefing, we are told that the point to which the climbers and the people are going to work and place things is at the top of the peak (it is literally a kilometer north of the highest UN post on the mountain) which they decided to call - listen carefully - "The Jesus" and why - because there is a cross there that was built there a long time ago and it marks the summit, the place there to this day is called - "The Cross"
We really didn't like it and were worried that from now on, no one would have a reason to see a cross there and call this place that...”


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