Censuur, media

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It sounds like a "Black Mirror" episode: a small country announces a crackdown on hate speech to seize control over the entire Internet.

Except it's not a "Black Mirror" episode. It's real life. And it's happening right now in Ireland.

The so-called "Hate Speech" bill isn't what it seems. It's not a bill about protecting the Irish people from hate crimes. It's a Trojan Horse designed to control the world's Big Tech companies — X, Facebook, Google, and YouTube.

This is a free speech emergency. We thought the legislation was dead. But the Irish government is using recent riots as an excuse to ram the legislation through before Christmas.


It's right there in black and white: "One of the key features of the Bill," write two attorneys with a leading Irish law firm, "is the provision for offences by corporate bodies."


How can Big Tech companies avoid censorship?

You guessed it: by agreeing to regulation of their content by the Irish government.

"The current iteration of the Bill provides a defence for the corporate body to show that it took all reasonable steps and exercised due diligence to avoid the commission of the particular offence. Therefore, to establish and maintain such a defence, companies will need to have the appropriate processes and procedures in place."

The Irish government is almost certainly not acting alone. As my colleagues and I have reported, the demand for censorship is coming directly from the militaries, intelligence agencies, and their front groups in the US, UK, and around the world.


The intelligence communities of the Five Eyes nations of the US, UK, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand have been working together to censor ordinary citizens and politicians alike for disfavored speech for the last several years.


There's no time to mince words. What governments are doing is against the law. They are violating the constitutions of the nations that the people elected them to uphold.

Because of the high level of secrecy they are using, we can't say whether or not these are "rogue" elements within governments or whether these orders are coming from heads of state.

But we do know that demands for censorship have come both directly from the US military and from heads of state of Western nations around the world.

What's happening should terrify all freedom-loving people.

We must fight back.

We will fight back.

That starts with recognizing what's going on.

Please follow @FreeSpeechIre @Ben_Scallan and other Irish free speech leaders.

Please share this post and tell friends and family what's going on.

Finally, please consider getting involved directly. We have created and personally contributed to an Emergency Free Speech Fund to get the word out:


This isn't about "hate speech." This is about out-of-control elites within the intelligence, military, and security agencies around the world who are grotesquely abusing their power in a mad bid to take control of the Internet.

If we don't stop them, this terrifying "Black Mirror" episode will become real life.

Mike jij hebt de tekt waarschijnlijk handmatig uitgetypt?

Kan dat in principe dan meteen in het nederlands?


Het klinkt als een "Black Mirror"-aflevering: een klein land kondigt een hardhandig optreden aan tegen haatzaaiende uitlatingen om de controle over het hele internet te grijpen.

Behalve dat het geen "Black Mirror" -aflevering is. Het is het echte leven. En het gebeurt nu in Ierland.

De zogenaamde "Hate Speech"-wet is niet wat het lijkt. Het is geen wetsvoorstel om het Ierse volk te beschermen tegen haatmisdrijven. Het is een Trojaans paard dat is ontworpen om 's werelds Big Tech-bedrijven te controleren - X, Facebook, Google en YouTube.

Dit is een noodsituatie voor de vrijheid van meningsuiting.

There's a straight line between Israel, Netanyahu, the ADL, Bob Eiger (Iger🤣) of Disney & the rest of the major companies boycotting Twitter X: the global jéwish supremacist mafia.

In the short term, they want to stop the pro-Palestinian/anti-zíonist content we're blasting out to the world that is impeding Israel's extermination of Palestine. In the long-term, they want absolute control of the flow of information for their benefit--and to disguise their existence & hide their malfeasance. Think of it this way: what would have happened if the Sicilian mafia had gained control of the media & tech companies over the years instead of the taxi & garbage companies? What would that look like?

That's why Netanyahu visited Elon personally in September. That's why they had the 10-rabbi Twitter space with Elon. That's why they brought Elon to Israel during the ceasefire and paraded him around. And that's why the jéwish zio-controlled Disney & the other major boycotters are still taking action against Twitter & not the other platforms. They're trying to maintain their mafia cartel monopoly. (insert your favorite "jéws control the media" meme here)

Elon won't/can't tell you this, though, so he takes this "child abuse" angle--which is kind of beside the point (but also kind of not, because Jeffrey Epstein was part of their mafia). This angle is more palatable & acceptable to the masses & "normies." It's also safer for him. But make no mistake--all this boycott is, and all it ever was--is making sure that the global jéwish supremacist cartel can protect itself & control the flow of information to its own benefit. And right now that means stopping our voices on Twitter so they can more easily complete their wipeout of Gaza.

#GOPDebate #PearlHarbor

In the meantime, Twitter has indeed increased its suppression of pro-Palestinian/anti-zio content. My reach & new follows are down 70% over the last 7 days. Is Elon throwing them a bone? Is he playing both sides? Is he really one of them? There's arguments for all three, but here's what I've decided: whatever the answer is, I won't stop. And neither should you. Forward is the only choice.

Keep calling them out. Ignore their accusations of "antisémitism." They're history--they just don't know it, yet.

#GOPDebate #PearlHarbor


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