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Prachtig stuk! Heel goed gedaan door Mike Verest van Leef Bewust Nederland.

Zelden zo'n goede repliek gezien. Pointer checkt, onderdeel van de NPO3. https://youtube.com/watch?v=EH7KtzDnmHc maakte een item over rauwe melk. Door Mike zijn zeer sterke optreden werd zijn gedeelte er niet in opgenomen.

Los van de inhoud waar Mike zeer goede punten maakte en duidelijk werd dat journalisten geen kennis hebben maar ook kennis niet op waarde kunnen schatten, staat nu vast dat pointer checkt aan cherry picking doet, daarmee is het per definitie niet meer serieus te nemen als factchecker.

Als je iets op waarheid controleert dan MOET je alle argumenten meenemen. Dat doet de NPO niet (geen verrassing)

We hebben meer van dit soort stukken nodig, de NPO mag ten toon gesteld worden als de dorpsidioot.
🔥Steven Crowder lays into Piers Morgan on limitless free speech.

Crowder: "Because I actually disagree with you that Elon Musk can do whatever he wants with his own platform. It comes down to this, I think it is far more dangerous for society to engage in a culture of censorship -- of viewpoint discrimination -- than it is to allow people to speak freely, barring the committing of violent crimes.

"But you had the government and these platforms deciding which views were allowed and which views weren't. And I don't think I should be allowed, you should be allowed, and certainly not the government colluding with five companies who control over 90% of the information in the digital sphere. It is terrifying to me."

@scrowder @piersmorgan

"I would've taken it down earlier but people said mean things to me that made me sad so I pretended this girl was being sexually abused and this man was a pedophile for a little longer."

Vile cretin.

He also says:

"If people carry on being mean to me, I'll pretend this girl was sexually abused and this man is a pedophile again!"

@EuroConOfficial, is this the type of journalists you have working for you?

A journalist who says that if people carry on being mean to him he'll post a false story on purpose?

A false story that involves lying about a little girl being sexually abused and falsely labelling a man a pedophile?

@DaveAtherton20 you're a disgusting, perverted man-child.


Lucas says it's time for everyone to step up their game & take LEGAL action:

'Everybody is sick and tired of j-wish supremacy. We can't rely on our world leaders--anybody in the matrix--we have to do the work ourselves.'



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