BREAKING: Pavel Durov, the man behind Telegram, has been arrested by the French authorities simply for refusing to bow down to their censorship demands.
They're throwing the book at him with trumped-up charges like terrorism, drug trafficking, and even pedophile content – all because he stood for free speech. This is nothing but a witch hunt, an attempt to clamp down on the last bastions of free communication.
They're terrified of the truth getting out, so they label everything they can't control as 'terrorism' or 'hate speech'. It's the EU's latest move to strangle our right to speak freely, to share information without their Orwellian oversight.They're after him because Telegram doesn't bend the knee to their narrative control. This is about silencing dissent and controlling information. They want to turn the internet into another arm of their propaganda machine.
We're watching freedom of speech being attacked right before our eyes.Make no mistake, they’re using this to set a precedent which they will then use to go after Elon Musk and X.