
Ik ben een Ivermectine junk en neem het nog elke dag.
De voorraad is groot genoeg voor de komende tien jaar. :D
Heb je al naar de uiterste houdbaarheids datum gekeken ? Dacht dat 2 jaar was, dus flink doorslikken of uitdelen 😂😂😂
Ik wil van die (oude en nieuwe) spike eiwitten af. Zolang er geen test is die de hoeveelheid spike eiwitten kan meten ga ik er nog wel even mee door.
Het voelt allemaal nog goed en ik voel me energieker dan ooit.
Gewoon doen wat voor jezelf het beste voelt👍🏻
Ik wil van die (oude en nieuwe) spike eiwitten af. Zolang er geen test is die de hoeveelheid spike eiwitten kan meten ga ik er nog wel even mee door.
Het voelt allemaal nog goed en ik voel me energieker dan ooit.
Als het goed is kom je er vanzelf achter als je schoon bent.....

Als het bovenstaande iedere scheet gebeurt ben je wel schoon.
(Je mag dan aan het werk als biogas producent) 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Heb je al naar de uiterste houdbaarheids datum gekeken ? Dacht dat 2 jaar was, dus flink doorslikken of uitdelen 😂😂😂

Zo snel bederft het denk ik niet. :ROFLMAO:
Ik maak me meer zorgen om de houdbaarheid van mijn zak zeezout. Dat is maar 10 miljoen jaar houdbaar en wie weet hoe oud het al is. :eek:
Wat denken jullie hier van?

Guys, I stumbled onto something interesting. During Trump's conversation with golfer John Daly, he said something that struck me:

"Taiwan will be next. You won't have any computer chips. They'll blow them off the face of the earth."

Remember the Swedish startup company, Epicenter, that unveiled their rice-sized microchip that stores your COVID passport info under your skin & is read with technology used to take contactless payments?

Well, I did a little digging on microchips in relationship to Taiwan. Here's what I found:

"Taiwan has the world's most important microchip industry. They have the most complex technology in the world. Microchips are everywhere and in everything. Taiwan produces 80% of the global supply."

Now, consider patent #WO2020060606A - "Cryptocurrency system using body activity data"

If POTUS is indeed coordinating with Xi to eliminate the NWO, could the purpose of invading Taiwan be to stop their agenda of microchipping us all? 🤔

Wat denken jullie hier van?

Guys, I stumbled onto something interesting. During Trump's conversation with golfer John Daly, he said something that struck me:

"Taiwan will be next. You won't have any computer chips. They'll blow them off the face of the earth."

Remember the Swedish startup company, Epicenter, that unveiled their rice-sized microchip that stores your COVID passport info under your skin & is read with technology used to take contactless payments?

Well, I did a little digging on microchips in relationship to Taiwan. Here's what I found:

"Taiwan has the world's most important microchip industry. They have the most complex technology in the world. Microchips are everywhere and in everything. Taiwan produces 80% of the global supply."

Now, consider patent #WO2020060606A - "Cryptocurrency system using body activity data"

If POTUS is indeed coordinating with Xi to eliminate the NWO, could the purpose of invading Taiwan be to stop their agenda of microchipping us all? 🤔

Zit zeker wat in👍🏻😉
China now getting back in the mix, complaining about our 336 labs worldwide in 30 countries.

You all know what this means right? This is backlash for covid! The other 2 world superpowers are calling the deep state out! They know the deep state is planning another pandemic!

President Trump: “China’s gonna be making a move soon - in my opinion - on Taiwan and Beijing is up for grabs, if you look at it. China’s gonna make a move, and a very strong move on Taiwan and I would say sooner rather than later.”

Mark it down.


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