
notabene mijn nummer #1 leverancier van nieuws, das een compliment maar tevens een signaal dat ik het niet meer bij kan en WIL bij gaan houden. De tuin is belangrijker als dotcom de komende drie maanden
Ja Henk, het is ook allemaal haast niet bij te benen. We moeten allemaal dagelijks keuzes maken. Ik heb tegenwoordig haast altijd oortjes op als ik in de tuin bezig ben. Voelt eigenlijk heel onnatuurlijk omdat ik veel liever de vogeltjes hoor zingen. Maar ja, ik wil ook niks missen. Van mij mag een dag wel 48 uur hebben!
Ja Henk, het is ook allemaal haast niet bij te benen. We moeten allemaal dagelijks keuzes maken. Ik heb tegenwoordig haast altijd oortjes op als ik in de tuin bezig ben. Voelt eigenlijk heel onnatuurlijk omdat ik veel liever de vogeltjes hoor zingen. Maar ja, ik wil ook niks missen. Van mij mag een dag wel 48 uur hebben!
Neem af en toe je rust! Is echt belangrijk om ook in de toekomst scherp en alert te blijven. Wat Henk zegt, de tuin is nu ff belangrijker ben ik het helemaal mee eens. Opladen is zoooo belangrijk 🙏🏻 je kan niet 72 uur per dag met 'dit' bezig zijn,dat is niet gezond
Ja Henk, het is ook allemaal haast niet bij te benen. We moeten allemaal dagelijks keuzes maken. Ik heb tegenwoordig haast altijd oortjes op als ik in de tuin bezig ben. Voelt eigenlijk heel onnatuurlijk omdat ik veel liever de vogeltjes hoor zingen. Maar ja, ik wil ook niks missen. Van mij mag een dag wel 48 uur hebben!
Maar daar geef ik ook mee aan dat echt belangrijk nieuws voor dotcom even op de mail gezet kan worden. Als ik op het forum een bericht deel gaat het ook nog naar 6 andere bestemmingen. copy/past en verzenden. met dotcomradio gaat het nog naar meer bronnen
Maar daar geef ik ook mee aan dat echt belangrijk nieuws voor dotcom even op de mail gezet kan worden. Als ik op het forum een bericht deel gaat het ook nog naar 6 andere bestemmingen. copy/past en verzenden. met dotcomradio gaat het nog naar meer bronnen
Zal er aan denken👍🏻

Biden and Xi to talk on phone as US presses China over Russia​

The US says Beijing has a ‘responsibility to use influence with Putin’ as toll mounts from the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

China declares position on Ukraine conflict​

Beijing asserts it won’t cave in to Washington’s pressure, which it considers “irresponsible” and “futile”
China declares position on Ukraine conflict

Beijing maintains an “independent” stance on the Ukraine crisis, a spokesperson for China’s foreign ministry, Zhao Lijian, said during a press conference on Friday. The remark came in response to threats made by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who warned China on Thursday that Washington would “impose costs” on it should Beijing choose to support Moscow.

Space companies invited to set up in ‘valley of satellites’ located in former Covid hot zone​

Beijing is seeking to build a space-focused city in Wuhan with $15.7bn in financial incentives
Space companies invited to set up in ‘valley of satellites’ located in former Covid hot zone

China's Long March-2F carrier rocket prepares to launch Shenzhou-13 spacecraft © AFP / STR
The Chinese government is offering companies involved in the manufacture of spacecraft, rockets and satellites a hefty financial incentive to relocate to Wuhan, seeking to reinvent the city as a “valley of satellites” by 2025.
China launches core module of its planned PERMANENT space station into orbit (VIDEOS)
China launches core module of its planned PERMANENT space station into orbit (VIDEOS)

Wuhan announced the official launch of its plans to turn the city into a $15.7 billion (100 billion yuan) space industry hub in a notice published on Wednesday, offering companies up to $7.88 million (50 million yuan) each in financial incentives should they choose to move their headquarters to the central Chinese location.
China hopes to become a major space power by the end of the decade, with plans to launch clusters of commercial satellites capable of delivering high-speed internet, tracking commodity shipments, and other purposes. Companies that locally source more than 10% of the production of high-orbiting and low-orbiting satellites and spacecraft can receive up to $2.36 million (15 million yuan) in financial incentives, while those that use more than 30% local products stand to receive up to $7.88 million (50 million yuan).
Wuhan wouldn’t be China’s first space-focused site, as last year saw Shenzhen dangle 300 million yuan in incentives for satellite development and related industries. Beijing also plans to construct a commercial spaceport at Hainan, a southern island province currently being developed as a “world tourism capital” as well as a working space harbor. The site is the only place in China where conditions permit the launch of China’s largest rocket, the 60.7m CZ-7A, as well as the commercial CZ-8, CZ-5 and CZ-5B. Ningbo, a port city in Zhejiang province, is being developed as China’s fifth rocket launch site.
READ MORE: China’s space station means lift-off on a new battle for the galaxy… and just like on Earth, Beijing has America worried
Becoming known as China’s “valley of satellites” might help Wuhan’s reputation, which has suffered through its association with the novel coronavirus that emerged at the end of 2019. While subsequent investigation has cast doubt on the notion that the virus actually came from Wuhan, the city and the pathogen are permanently linked in the minds of the media and many American politicians.
🇨🇳🇺🇲 "The US and NATO should establish a dialogue with Russia and take into account its concerns to address the real causes of the crisis in Ukraine," - Xi Jinping after a conversation with Biden.


China sails capital ship past Taiwan ahead of US talks​

Beijing says the aircraft carrier’s trip was routine and unrelated to the Biden-Xi phone call
China sails capital ship past Taiwan ahead of US talks

FILE PHOTO © Mark Schiefelbein / AP / Pool
Just hours before the scheduled phone call between US President Joe Biden and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping, China sailed its aircraft carrier Shandong through the Taiwan Strait. The Foreign Ministry in Beijing, however, says the two events are unrelated and Western media are being too “sensitive” about it.
The Shandong was accompanied by another Chinese surface ship and transited the strait about 12 hours ahead of the Biden-Xi call, Reuters reported on Friday, citing an anonymous source. It was reportedly followed at a distance by the USS Ralph Johnson, an Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer of the US Navy.
The photo of the carrier, captured by a passenger on a commercial flight passing overhead, has made the rounds on social media. It shows the Shandong with no airplanes on her deck.
Asked about the timing of the transit, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian told Reuters on Friday that he was “not aware of the specific situation.”
“I’m sure the aircraft carrier has routine training arrangements,”
Zhao added. “One shouldn’t link this with the communication between the Chinese and US heads of state. Perhaps you are being sensitive, not the Taiwan Strait.”
US should have dialogue with Russia, address ‘crux’ of Ukrainian crisis, China’s Xi tells BidenREAD MORE: US should have dialogue with Russia, address ‘crux’ of Ukrainian crisis, China’s Xi tells Biden

Biden spent nearly two hours on the call with Xi, among other things addressing the differences between Washington and Beijing over Taiwan. The island has been ruled by the US-backed nationalists who fled the mainland following their 1949 defeat in the Chinese civil war. Beijing considers it Chinese territory and insists on its peaceful reintegration, protesting the recent increase in US weapons sales to Taipei.
One of the major items on the agenda, according to the White House and the State Department, was the US demand that China denounce Russia over the conflict in Ukraine and agree to abide by the US-led sanctions, something Beijing has rejected.
Neither the Chinese Defense Ministry nor the People’s Liberation Army Navy have made any official statements about the Shandong’s trip. Chinese outlet the Global Times cited a PLAN commander who said that the carrier was “likely” on her way back to the shipyards in Dalian for maintenance, and just taking the shortest route home.
The carrier has made multiple transits of the straits before, twice in 2019 and again in December 2020.
Named after the heartland province that was the birthplace of Confucius, the Shandong is China’s first domestically built aircraft carrier, commissioned in 2019. The PLAN used the Liaoning as the template for its design, an unfinished Soviet Kuznetsov-class ship that Beijing had bought unfinished from Ukraine in the 1990s and commissioned in 2012.

China urges US answer on Ukraine biolabs​

Beijing’s ambassador to the UN said evidence provided by Russia deserves a response without double standards
China urges US answer on Ukraine biolabs

File photo: Zhang Jun, China's permanent representative to the United Nations, speaks during the UN Security Council meeting discussing the United States' alleged military biological research in Ukraine; March 11, 2022. © Getty Images / Liao Pan

Russia’s revelations of documents pertaining to US-backed biological laboratories in Ukraine deserve the world’s attention, and the parties involved need to address those concerns, China’s permanent representative to the UN told the Security Council on Friday.
Having been a victim of chemical and biological weapons, China believes that “any information and leads on biological military activities should trigger heightened concern and attention of the international community to avoid irreparable harm,” Ambassador Zhang Jun said.
“Russia has further revealed the newly discovered relevant documents. The party concerned should respond to questions, and offer timely and comprehensive clarifications to remove the doubts of the international community,” Zhang added.
We do not consider it too much to ask. And, on this issue, no double standards should be applied.
Friday’s UNSC briefing was called by Russia, which shared the evidence obtained from laboratories across Ukraine. Moscow’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia, argued that if the dangerous pathogens the laboratories were working on had leaked, the impact on Europe would be “difficult to imagine” and could have been worse than the Covid-19 pandemic, in comparison.
Russia presents new evidence from US-funded Ukraine biolabs
Russia presents new evidence from US-funded Ukraine biolabs

According to a briefing by the Russian military on Thursday, the Pentagon-funded labs were working on “biological weapons components,” and may have been connected to suspicious outbreaks of dirofilariasis, tuberculosis and avian flu over the past several years.
If the pathogens had gotten out of the labs, Nebenzia told the UN Security Council, “the scale of impact, including among the population of European countries, in this case is even difficult to imagine. It is possible that even the coronavirus epidemic could pale [in comparison] to this.”
Washington has for years dismissed as “disinformation” Russian claims of biolabs in Ukraine, and said the US was only funding peaceful medical research there. Earlier this month, however, senior State Department official Victoria Nuland admitted that the US was concerned about Russia potentially taking control of the labs and their contents.
Meanwhile, the UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Izumi Nakamitsu said that the world organization has neither the authority nor the ability to verify the data provided by Russia on the alleged US military biological program in Ukraine.

SHENYANG - De Chinese industriestad Shenyang is in lockdown geplaatst vanwege de omikronvariant van het coronavirus. De noordelijke stad heeft negen miljoen inwoners. China heeft door de opmars van omikron te maken met meerdere uitbraken.
🇨🇳🇺🇲 China will not support the US proposal to exclude Russia from the G20.

This statement was made by Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbing.

"No member has the right to exclude another country from the membership of the G20," the diplomat concluded.

POTUS45: “I would say that it’s a very good possibility that he (President Xi) will invade Taiwan because he doesn’t respect the United States of America any longer.”

Trump will be right again.


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