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(...) Depending on the changes in the genetic structure of viruses, a new type of influenza virus may emerge and easily switch from person to person.
In this pandemic (global epidemic) period, necessary precautions will be taken to prevent any malfunction and all support will be provided urgently by all public institutions in the 'Pandemic Influenza National Preparation Plan' (..) and the Ministry of Health organizations.
Turkish president went on record with a memorandum 11.5 months before the COVID-19 pandemic, Tan wrote in Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet.
Erdoğan’s presidential memorandum 2019/5, which was published on April 12, 2019, pointed to the emergence of an easily transmittable “new type of influenza”, Tan wrote.
“All precautions will be taken to ensure that there are no hindrances during this pandemic period,” the memorandum said, adding that a plan, called the “National Preparation Plan for Pandemic Influenza”, would be coordinated with the Health Ministry to provide efficient services to all public institutions.
Merkel even gebeld, zegt ze: Je kan toch echt beter bepotelen hebben dan corona, het scheelt zo maar 75 cm afstand (Es ist wirklich besser, unerwünschte Berührungen zu haben als Korona, es spart 75 cm Abstand).
Hoeveel mensen van diverse leeftijden is dit de afgelopen jaren overkomen omdat ze getroffen werden door een zeer heftige griep? Zoals Gerard laatst al schreef: alles waar je een loep op legt wordt ineens heel groot.