Elon Musk

Elon Musk heeft de laatste tijd meer gedaan om de massa's wakker te schudden dan de mainstream media samen, van het werpen van licht op Hillary Clinton's Russische collusie hoax tot het ontmaskeren van Twitter voor hun linkse vooringenomenheid en overmatig gebruik van bots. Er is niemand meer geweest die zoveel liberale tranen heeft veroorzaakt sinds Donald Trump actief was op Twitter, en Musk's waarheidsbommen zijn zeker in het voordeel van de voormalige president. Niet alleen hebben Trump en Musk veel gemeen, ze hebben ook een unieke vriendschap die misschien dieper gaat dan de meeste mensen beseffen. Ik kan het niet helpen, maar vraag me af of Musk's oorlogspad tegen de Deep State deel uitmaakt van een goed doordacht plan om mensen te helpen uit The Matrix te breken dat de twee miljardairs misschien lang geleden achter de schermen nauwgezet hebben georkestreerd.

The Twitter move by Elon was the best WH move possible. By jumping out of the deal it only hurts Twitter and helps Truth.

+10 WH Points

80WH - 20BH

This is the closest he’s ever been to 100WH.

Did Trump make a deal with Elon Musk?

The deal would have been something like this:
I (Trump) make you the richest man in the world via DOD and you promise to destroy Titter for me in the precipice years.
I say yes. It happened. I can't prove it but it makes so much sense.
What does everyone think. Yes or no.


On June 21st Elon tweeted a picture with the numbers 711.

Monday on 7/11 Titter's stock is likely going to plummet.

I love it when a plan comes together. 🍿🍿🍿

So Elon Musk tanked Titter's worth, exposed the insane amount of bots controlled by the deep state on the platform, caused hard-core leftists to have meltdowns and then backed out of the deal at the last minute?

Elon Musk was playing 5d chess this entire time.
He's trolling them with memes now showing exactly what he planned to do.
The deep state is getting hit from every angle.
His next post after this:
A chess meme.
His plan to expose and destroy Titter is playing out perfectly.

Let it sink in that Elon is posting about how he put Titter in checkmate on their very platform. The Chad energy enimating from Elon is that of Chuch Norris. What a troll. .
Titter stock down 5.10 percent as of now.

So now the Twitter board is suing Elon Musk in order to FORCE him to buy Twitter.

The same board that fought tooth and nail to PREVENT him from buying Twitter.

Well I did not see that coming.

nog een, ... van Clandestine

Twitter’s stock is plummeting by the hour so they need to act quickly. No matter how they slice it, they will have to surrender the bot data. Essentially they are in checkmate.

Voor wie geen TG heeft:

Titter is officially sueing Elon Musk.
Isn't this exactly what Elon alluded to wanting?

Discovery coming?
Perhaps Elon Musk is about to expose the bot charade in a court of law..
The illusion that is the Titter bot farm is no longer on stable ground.


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