Elon Musk


Told you it was all just a business ploy! Elon never had any intention of “backing out”. The deal didn’t “fall through”. The mainstream coverage around this has all been completely false, but to my followers, this is nothing new.

The takeover is inevitable. Elon is just lowering the purchase cost. While simultaneously, and most importantly, exposing the amount of bot activity and Twitter’s nefarious activity.

As you all know, I believe Elon to be acting on behalf of the US MIL in congruence with Trump. Elon is their highest paid contractor, and he just so happens to be taking out the most powerful deep state brainwashing asset with sterling precision and calculated counter moves that perfectly expose the enemy’s crimes to the public on the world stage. 🤔

Excuse me for thinking this is not a happy coincidence. Then you take into account that Elon recently confirmed he’s a conservative, he’s voting Red from now on, he’s endlessly dropping dank memes, he’s putting the left on blast constantly, and 2 days ago he was tweeting about the Epstein Island Lolita flight logs and Maxwell’s black book… Sounds pretty damn Anon-ish to me, just sayin.

Also notice Trump and his behavior throughout all of this. In the beginning, Nunes admitted that there was communication between Elon and Trump. But now, for optics reasons, Trump is off in the distance, on Truth Social, giving off the appearance that he is completely uninvolved. Making sure he is very public about not wanting to come back to Twitter. Which gives the illusion of distance. When in reality, Trump and his team are 100% involved with this behind the scenes.

You know how I know this to be true? Look at the way the Left-wing media and Twitter responded to Elon when he began his move. They smeared him with every single name in the book. Compared him to Hitler, unleashed sex scandals about him. A high profile billionaire they used to praise. They bought his products and loved him, until he decided to oppose them… Funny, that sounds EXACTLY like how they treated Trump.

The deep state are indicating they think Trump and Elon are working together in some fashion by the manner and vitriol with which they responded.

All of this realization coming from a high-profile centrist, directly in the public mainstream, disseminating red pills to normies en masse leading up to the mid terms…

I don’t believe in coincidences. Not even the happy ones.


Twitter ()
Twitter Inc. plans to comply with @elonmusk's demand for data on fake accounts, the Washington Post reported on Wednesday, citing a person familiar with the company's thinking. bit.ly/3MwUnoq

Vertaling met Deepl:


Ik zei toch dat het allemaal een zakelijke truc was! Elon had nooit de intentie om zich "terug te trekken". De deal is niet "door de mand gevallen". De mainstream berichtgeving hierover is volledig vals, maar voor mijn volgelingen is dit niets nieuws.

De overname is onvermijdelijk. Elon is gewoon het verlagen van de aankoop kosten. Terwijl hij tegelijkertijd, en het belangrijkste, de hoeveelheid bot activiteit en Twitter's snode activiteiten blootlegt.

Zoals jullie allemaal weten, geloof ik dat Elon handelt namens de US MIL in overeenstemming met Trump. Elon is hun best betaalde contractant, en het toeval wil dat hij de meest machtige deep state hersenspoelende troef uitschakelt met een enorme precisie en berekende tegenbewegingen die de misdaden van de vijand perfect blootleggen aan het publiek op het wereldtoneel. 🤔

Neem me niet kwalijk dat ik denk dat dit geen gelukkig toeval is. Als je dan bedenkt dat Elon onlangs bevestigde dat hij conservatief is, dat hij voortaan rood stemt, dat hij eindeloos dankbare memes dropt, dat hij links constant op de korrel neemt, en dat hij 2 dagen geleden nog tweette over de Epstein Island Lolita flight logs en Maxwell's black book... Klinkt mij verdomd Anon-ish in de oren, just sayin.

Let ook op Trump en zijn gedrag gedurende dit alles. In het begin, gaf Nunes toe dat er communicatie was tussen Elon en Trump. Maar nu, om optische redenen, is Trump in de verte, op de Truth Social, de indruk wekkend dat hij er totaal niet bij betrokken is. Hij zorgt ervoor dat hij publiekelijk zegt niet terug te willen komen op Twitter. Wat de illusie van afstand geeft. Terwijl in werkelijkheid, Trump en zijn team hier achter de schermen 100% bij betrokken zijn.

Weet je hoe ik weet dat dit waar is? Kijk naar de manier waarop de linkse media en Twitter reageerden op Elon toen hij begon met zijn verhuizing. Ze besmeurden hem met elke naam uit het boek. Vergeleken hem met Hitler, ontketenden seks schandalen over hem. Een high profile miljardair die ze vroeger prezen. Ze kochten zijn producten en hielden van hem, totdat hij besloot zich tegen hen te verzetten... Grappig, dat klinkt EXACT als hoe ze Trump hebben behandeld.

De deep state geeft aan dat ze denken dat Trump en Elon op de een of andere manier samenwerken door de manier en het vitriool waarmee ze reageerden.

Al dit besef komt van een high-profile centrist, direct in de publieke mainstream, het verspreiden van rode pillen aan normies en masse in de aanloop naar de mid termen ...

Ik geloof niet in toevalligheden. Zelfs niet de gelukkige.


Twitter ()
Twitter Inc. is van plan in te gaan op @elonmusk's vraag om gegevens over nepaccounts, meldde de Washington Post woensdag, onder verwijzing naar een persoon die bekend is met de denkwijze van het bedrijf. bit.ly/3MwUnoq

Elon receives the ‘fire hose’ of data from Twitter, this is his response

A child pornographer has been arrested for repeatedly posting child porn to his 290,000 followers on Twitter. His operation has gone on for four years! Twitter has much bigger problems than bots. I hope Elon Musk and AG Ken Paxton get the memo.

EXCLUSIVE: Leaked Internal Slack Messages Show Twitter Employees Reaction to Elon Musk's #TwitterAllHands Call

“A hearty 🖕to the board for selling the company to someone who cannot get through a single coherent sentence about this platform and who thinks a QAnon candidate is a “moderate candidate”” - Ryan Tanner, Software Engineer

Kash is asked about Q 👀

“I think people are having fun with Q… I don’t really follow him. We try to incorporate it into our overall messaging scheme to capture audiences because whoever that person is has certainly captured a widespread rep of the MAGA and the America first movement.”

He’s also asked about Q identifying him as a “name to remember”.

Elon Fires Woke Employees From SpaceX

I’d say it’s safe to assume these are the same type of people who laughed at Americans for losing their job after refusing the vaccine.

Part of me is thinking "ahhh Elon Musk just gave the whole call over to Project Veritas himself"

Same here!


Go back through my timeline and search for "Elon Musk" and what I said about the Twitter buyout. "They" will stop at nothing to prevent him from exposing the greatest PSYOP engine the world has ever known.


I wish more people would remember this drop and why I cringe so hard when I see people making “proofs” still that are mostly so far out of touch that barely make sense.

I stopped covering Q in that summer of 2020 because it was glaringly obvious what the mission was and where Q was going. Handing the reigns over back to we the people was always the plan. Training wheels off.

It’s why I laugh at people when they attack me for pointing this out. Scott did you even read the drops? Yes have you? I sure as hell did and I’m doing exactly that. Carving my own path waking up as many of citizens as possible with my voice as an individual with a free mind.


That's how to treat people who want to silence you!!! 🔥🔥🔥

Musk mutineers are FIRED: SpaceX 'terminates number of employees' who wrote letter slamming Elon Musk's 'embarrassing' tweets

'In an internal statement Gwynne Shotwell, SpaceX President and COO, said: 'The letter, solicitations and general process made employees feel uncomfortable, intimidated and bullied, and/or angry because the letter pressured them to sign onto something that did not reflect their view.'

''We have too much critical work to accomplish and no need for this kind of overreaching activism.''


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