Elon Musk

Don't lose sight of what happened the last 3 days. The people who run Twitter were literally forced to out themselves.

It's about controlling speech, what people are allowed to see.

Always has been.

Elon flushed these creeps right out of the tall grass into the open.

You now have the Left OPENLY screaming for continued censorship.

Twitter's board is going to be sued out of existence by their own shareholders.

Assuming most of the Twitter shareholders are virtue-signaling Liberals who will gladly watch the value of their stocks drop into the toilet so a massive gov't run censorship regime can continue at the company is where most of you are going wrong in assessing what's happening.

"The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend" - Edward Dowd Weighs in on Elon's Battle Against Twitter

"I've heard from one person on Wall Street... that he supposedly is doing this for all the right reasons. This isn't one of his little games or publicity stunts. He truly wants to do this, to create a free speech platform... The man's a genius at reading sentiment, and he understands the sentiment right now is that voices are being squashed."

Interessante invalshoek...

Elon Musk offers 43 Billion in CASH for Twitter acquisition.

Think about what Elon is poised to expose. Is there THAT MUCH tangible fiat paper in circulation? Where's it going to come from, when he demands it from the bank for this deal?

It's not just the fiat dollar that isn't backed by anything.
Digital numbers in bank accounts, aren't even backed up by the appropriated fiat paper dollar, which again, isn't backed by anything.

We know central bankers have been causing inflation to acquire our fiat dollars & MOSTLY numbers in a computer, so they can transfer them into hard assets like gold, silver, & more importantly, land / real estate, so they can smoothly transition into a future NWO monetary system & remain at the top of the pyramid of control.

Elon's forcing them to scramble to require those fiat dollars, that I don't think, they have the ability to print all willy nilly anymore.
Numbers in a computer maybe, but PRINT? No.

Multiple angles at play here.

Moves & countermoves.

Elon Musk talks Twitter and President Trump (December 2018). He says Trump is “amazingly good at Twitter” and specifically names the Space Force as one of DJT’s accomplishments that he supports 🧐

Twitter doet alleen maar of het een bedrijf is. De aandeelhouders hebben gezamenlijk nauwelijks aandelen!


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