Elon Musk

Elon Musk says that he has discussed with Trump the idea of a government efficiency commission. Imagine how much better the world would be if we cut back the enormous waste and idiocy embedded in the US government. These two make a powerful combination. Elon says that the Matrix will attack him if he does so and that there is a new psyop every single day.

It's very nice to see the list of Trump allies growing. Not just in the on Republican party but in the economic sector as well as tech.

"I have discussed with Trump the idea of a government efficiency commission. And, I would be willing to be part of that commission. The antibody reaction would be very strong. So you really have to..You're attacking the matrix at that point. The matrix will fight back.

How are you doing with that being attacked? Me? Yeah. There's a lot of it. Yeah. There is a lot of it. I mean every day another psyop, you know. *laughs* How is my tin foil hat?" X

UK police chief threatens prosecution of Elon Musk..

London’s Metropolitan Police commissioner has threatened to charge foreigners for “whipping up hatred” online, naming X owner Elon Musk as someone who could be prosecuted.

The warning comes amid a nationwide crackdown against supposed hate speech following a spate of right-wing riots.

“We will throw the full force of the law at people. And whether you’re in this country committing crimes on the streets or committing crimes from further afield online, we will come after you.”

"The decision to close the 𝕏 office in Brazil was difficult, but, if we had agreed to @alexandre’s (illegal) secret censorship and private information handover demands, there was no way we could explain our actions without being ashamed."


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