Elon Musk

Elon Musk pledges $45 million a month to electing Trump​

Tech billionaire Elon Musk said he plans to commit roughly $45 million each month to a new fund backing Donald Trump for US president, the Wall Street Journal reported Monday.

Musk’s donations will go to a political group dubbed America PAC, which will focus on promoting voter registration, early voting and mail-in ballots among residents in swing states ahead of the November general election, the Journal reported, citing people familiar with the matter.
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JUST IN: Elon Musk says his son is "dead" thanks to the woke mind virus after he was put on puberty blockers, says he vowed to "destroy the woke mind virus after that."


"I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys... This was before I had really any understanding of what was going on."

"There was a lot of confusion and you know, I was told, oh he might commit su*cide..."

"My son Xavier is dead, k*lled by the woke mind virus."

"I vowed to destroy the woke mind virus after that... and we are making some progress."

Video: @realDailyWire

Hard to imagine the horror of losing a son to transgenderism, but it's genuinely admirable that Elon responded by dedicating himself to removing the system that allowed it.

If only White billionaires had the same attitude to the ongoing emasculation and humiliation of their race.

But sadly, White billionaires are typically apolitical or liberal, spending their money on unimaginative humanitarian projects. The minority who are somewhat conservative are usually motivated by mere self-interest, keeping the political right dominated by liberal, business-friendly elements that are as hostile to nationalism as the left.

Contrast that to Jewish billionaires, who invest heavily in political influence for their people, either directly through their support of Zionism, or indirectly through their support for left-wing causes they see as an extension of their Jewish identity — George Soros will leave his fortune behind in a foundation dedicated to expanding "the open society" decades after his death.

Until white elites are willing take the kind of stance against White erasure that Musk has taken against the 'woke mind virus', the prospect for our people is bleak.


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