Elon Musk

This is perfect. Exposing the rats and allowing them to confirm their complicity with their actions. Those who protest the loudest…

It’s not enough to just come in and take over Twitter, the media, and just fix things immediately and arrest people. Doesn’t solve the long term. It’s like putting a band-aid on a sucking chest wound. This operation is about eliminating this deep state entity FOREVER and deterring future generations from allowing this type of infiltration to happen again. Which requires the public (sheep) to see the depth of their evil on full display. It requires the history books in the future to have repeated evidence of this malfeasance so future generations cannot question nor deny this corruption.

The more they struggle and claw on the way down, the more they prove their malevolence.

Elon has a plan and it’s becoming more clear. Now, I’m not sure if Elon is acting alone or if he is acting along side white hats, but given the vitriol and fear from the left wing media complex, we know his objectives align with ours and he is seen as a threat to their control.

As for the first step of the plan, it’s simple: Offer them a shitload of money, far above the market value. An undeniable offer in the world of business. And if they deny it, it proves they are motivated by something other than money, proving Twitter isn’t actually a business, it’s a tool. It proves that they greatly value the ability to censor, suppress free speech, control information, and manipulate public perception. And given their allegiance to one side of the aisle, it proves that political bias has infiltrated social media and weaponized private enterprise to circumvent the Constitution.

This all culminates to one final conclusion. That Twitter is not a business, merely an arm of the DNC, and has been used to abuse the Rights protected by The Constitution and psychologically manipulate the masses to alter elections and seize political power. The DNC are engaged in treasonous political and psychological warfare at the expense of We the People.

That’s where we are at, and that’s what Elon is proving in broad daylight for the world to see.

Here's the question that should be asked: How much control did Dorsey actually have when he was Twitter's CEO?

Because it's starting to be revealed through what's happened over the past week that there 'hidden powers' behind Twitter's board.

And it looks like Elon Musk is attempting to force them to reveal themselves to keep control of the company.

How do you get the world's richest man to go away and quit exposing who really runs your company and what your company is really all about?

This is the dilemma Twitter's board now faces.

Saturday Night Live met een 'parodie' van Elon Musk:



[Doorgestuurd van Generaal Flynn ⭐⭐⭐️]
Beste Elon,

Ik werd gecensureerd van Twitter op exact dezelfde dag als president Trump (hmmm, ik vraag me af waarom?). Ik heb waarschijnlijk (te vaak) gezegd dat de presidentsverkiezingen van 2020 een verkiezing vol fraude was (ja dat was het) en ik heb waarschijnlijk een keer te vaak de zin God Bless America gebruikt (ja dat deed ik). Voor de zielloze mensen op twitter, dat kan hen in verwarring hebben gebracht...dat spijt me NIET.

Welnu, onderstaande tweet van @Techno_Fog (een groot patriot en een serieus slimme rechtsgeleerde) maakt allemaal deel uit van de reden waarom ze zich proberen te verbergen voor de waarheid. Ze denken dat als ze spraak verbieden van mensen die ze vrezen, we allemaal zullen opdrogen en weggaan. Misschien kun je niets aan twitter doen (het maakt echt niet uit). Er bestaat een leger van digitale soldaten (informatiestrijders) en ondanks de uitdagingen van de onmiskenbare aanval op het vrije woord, zijn deze strijders van de waarheid aan een opmars begonnen over alle andere vormen van sociale media en kunnen ze niet worden tegengehouden. Wij bezitten de informatieruimte van het vrije woord. Dit is onze positie en we zullen die niet afstaan aan een stelletje arrogante vlokken die denken dat ze de wereld bezitten.

Ik wil dat jullie slagen, want jullie succes is een deel van de overwinning die we allemaal nodig hebben voor de mensheid. Vrijheid is een menselijke eigenschap. Geloof is een nog diepere menselijke eigenschap en emotie. Ik heb beide.

Deze misdadigers die betrokken zijn bij het verraad tegen alle Amerikanen, niet alleen Trump en mijzelf, moeten ter verantwoording worden geroepen. Dat rekenschap afleggen moet op aarde gebeuren, maar als het niet in dit leven gebeurt, zal het gebeuren als ze allemaal de poorten van de hel binnengaan.

Wat we geleerd hebben omdat we gevochten hebben om de waarheid naar buiten te brengen is dat dit meer is dan corruptie. Wie houdt wie voor de gek. Deze groep plande en ensceneerde een coup van Amerika en denkt ermee weg te komen. Niet zo snel.

Dus Elon, veel succes met wat je plannen ook zijn voor twitter (twitter doet er niet meer zo toe als vroeger - maar met het juiste leiderschap aan het roer ...).

We respecteren wat je doet, je strijd is een nobele strijd en we juichen toe wat je tot nu toe hebt bereikt in deze strijd voor vrijheid.

Dank u en God zegene Amerika 🙏🏼🇺🇸

Met respect,

Een digitale soldaat
PS., Vrolijk Pasen 🙏🏼
I mean no disrespect, but I think a lot of y'all have been conditioned/programmed to dislike Elon by the same media who conditioned/programmed people to dislike Trump, Putin, and so, so many others.

Exact dat! 👋

Elon Musk krijgt de steun van Gen. Flynn!

Back to my Elon Musk discussion.

Dear Elon, you now see how little those on the board of directors actually care about the value of twitter (other than saying, look at me, I’m on the board of twitter). What a joke. They don’t care about value or a free voice, they care about control and condemnation of basic human rights (see attached photos below).

I pray you don’t give up this fight for us all. You’re willingness to spend billions of $’s for free speech, yet you’re vilified, while zuckerberg spends hundreds of millions of $’s to influence the outcome of our presidential elections and he’s made out to be a hero, tells you all you need to know about how upside down the world of elite influencers and the media have become. We The People are tired of the nonsense and are moving on to other means of information distribution. While some group of “elites” might own the platform, we own the information battlespace. They are a platform in name only, we decide on the destiny of the information.

These BOD stats should tell you all you need to know about where their priorities lie…it doesn’t lie in the value of twitter, it relies in the ability to control speech—we’ve moved on.

Thanks for all you’re doing to fight this good and faithful fight. We’re with you!

FLYNN ☘️🇺🇸

Eerder schreef Flynn dit:

Dear Elon,

I was censored from Twitter on the exact same day as President Trump (hmmm, I wonder why?). I likely said (to many times) the presidential election of 2020 was an election filled with fraud (yes it was) and I probably used the phrase God Bless America once too often (yes I did). For the soulless people at twitter, that may have confused them…I’m NOT sorry about that.

Well this tweet below from @Techno_Fog (a great patriot and seriously smart legal scholar) is all part and parcel of the reason they try to hide from the truth. They figure if they ban speech from people they fear, we will all dry up and go away. Maybe you can’t do anything about twitter (it really doesn’t matter). There is an army of digital soldiers (information warriors) that exist and despite the challenges of the undeniable assault on free speech, these warriors of truth have been on the march across all other forms of social media and cannot be stopped. We own the information space of free speech. This is our high ground and we will not cede it to a bunch of arrogant flakes who think they own the world.

I want you to succeed because your success is part of the victory we all need for humanity. Freedom is a human trait. Faith is an even deeper human trait and emotion. I have both.

These thugs involved in the treason against all Americans, not just Trump and myself must be held to account. That accounting should come on earth but if it doesn’t come in this life, it will come as they all enter the gates of hell.

What we’ve learned because we’ve fought for the truth to come out is that this is beyond corruption. Who’s kidding who. This group planned and staged a coup of America and think they got away with it. Not so fast.

So Elon, good luck with whatever your plans are for twitter (twitter no longer matters as much as it use to—but with the right leadership at the helm…).

We respect what you’re doing, your battle is a noble one and we applaud what you have achieved so far in this struggle for freedom.

Thank you and God Bless America 🙏🏼🇺🇸


A digital soldier
PS., Happy Easter 🙏🏼

“Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) Tweeted:
We've previously reported that they targeted the Executive Office of the President AFTER Trump was elected.

CIA notes of the Sussmann meeting confirm this.

They extracted and manipulated data from the Executive Office of the President during the transition.”


Yes, This would be Treason!”

Without offering an assessment of Elon's morals or ethics, it's apparent that a philosophical shift has happened in the tech sector.

Jack Dorsey's recent comments about centralized/decentralized social media are a clue that the shift has happened. Musk's effort to buy Twitter sheds more light on the shift.

Has Musk expressed concern about free speech and the role of social media in the past?

Why the sudden change of heart from Dorsey?

Why have they made their views publicly known only after Truth Social launched?

I think Dorsey and Musk know that Trump and his people are serious about changing the way social media functions. That's why Dorsey is lamenting what Twitter has become.

Apperently, Musk believes that free speech technology is a critical part of the future and he wants in. He's smart enough to see an opportunity staring him in the face. I don't know Elon's motives but exposing the corruption of Twitter and forging a new (or revamped) platform would not only make him look like a hero but it could be profitable.

Musk Man Bad.

Musk Man Bad.

Goed teken. Enkel maar extra bevestiging dat hij aan de goede kant staat.
There it is, folks. Dorsey taking a slap at the Twitter board. Now remember, Dorsey is not exactly friendly thank you MAGA movement. However it’s clear that he has had a beef with this board all along.

Dorsey Rips Twitter Board for ‘Dysfunction’ After Musk Accuses It of Failing to Represent Shareholders


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