Elon Musk

Moslims zijn bezig om Israelische verkrachters onder de aandacht te brengen. Ze sluiten nog steeds de ogen voor islamitische verkrachters en wijzen uitsluitend naar zionisten, ze beseffen niet dat zionisten op basis van deze zelfcensuur hun kringen kunnen infiltreren.


Moslims zijn bezig om Israelische verkrachters onder de aandacht te brengen. Ze sluiten nog steeds de ogen voor islamitische verkrachters en wijzen uitsluitend naar zionisten, ze beseffen niet dat zionisten op basis van deze zelfcensuur hun kringen kunnen infiltreren.


Musk lokt ze gewoon uit om dit soort wangedrag van Israeliers te benoemen.

According to @stairwayto3dom and others Elon has it in for Muslim accounts because of Pakistani rape gangs. He then repeats the same talking points made by Muslims in which they paint themselves as eternal victims of ethnic profiling, such as: there have been many non-Muslim pedo rings but only the Muslim ones are constantly highlighted (see below). Based on their penchant for victimhood you'd think Muslims are vying for the gold medal against their Zionist counterparts in the Oppression Olympics.

The point is not that groomers and rapists come in many ethnic variations, it's that the Rochdale, Rotherham and Telford gangs involved mostly Pakistanis whose identities and practices were known to the authorities, yet leftwing governments turned a blind eye because they did not want to appear 'racist'. Not only that, but none other than Keir Starmer, Britain's current leftwing Prime Minister, refused to prosecute the Pakistani perpetrators when he was director of public prosecutions. So yes, there was ethnic profiling going on, except it was BENEFICIAL to Muslims.

The only person who was very vocal about the injustice inflicted on the white British girls victimized by these gangs was Tommy Robinson. I see many things wrong with Tommy, but the one thing he did right was that he brought this to the attention of the general public. I don't care whether his motives are racist or whether he's a Zionist puppet, if it hadn't been for Tommy few people would have known about these Muslim gangs and for that I commend him.

And all Muslims could do then, all the way up to the current day, is cry victim and racism instead of condemning this behavior of fellow Muslims in the strongest possible terms as a gross violation of Islamic law. White leftists and Muslims have banded together to sweep what can only be described as criminal conduct under the carpet. The faux outrage from Muslims and leftists against Elon Musk and Tommy Robinson comes from a place of privilege, not victimhood.

Elon Musk has opened up a veritable cesspool to expose a multitude of subjects:

Keir Starmer's role in covering up child rape. Contrary to the Muslim talking point, this does not just concern Pakistanis but also white TV host Jimmy Saville, who had friends in high places, including Britain's royal family. Elon has tarred Starmer's reputation and exposed him as a whitewasher of the sexual abuse and trafficking of minors. More scandals will be dredged up from Starmer's sordid past and it will lead not only to his downfall but will further awaken the masses to something they'd rather ignore than face.

The tendency of Muslims to self censor rather than self correct with regard to bad elements within their midst. They've kept quiet about Al Qaeda and ISIS and other Wahhabi/Salafist terrorists with Zionist ties and a murderous spirit. It's only now when Muslims are sticking up for Palestinians and with the recent overthrow of Assad in Syria that they are finally starting to wake up about these Muslim thugs. Islam needs reform in order to rid itself of its own rot, which Muslims can no longer ignore.

Lastly, believe it or not but Elon is also shining a light on Tommy Robinson. Musk openly supports both Nigel Farage and Tommy, thus putting Farage (who would like nothing better than to distance himself from Robinson) on the spot. Muslims and leftists are now doing a lot of digging on Tommy and because Elon has thrown his weight behind this a large audience is now finding out the truth about Tommy Robinson as well.

Elon is reading from the Trump playbook and that is to use controversy to get the conversation going. In a world where emotion and dogma rules and nobody seems willing to engage in civic dialogue anymore one must come out with controversial statements to get people riled up enough to do research so they can prove you wrong, all the while educating themselves and others. I'd say that's a pretty damn brilliant tactic, don't you?


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