Elon Musk

The current crackdown on X is against groypers claiming Trump and Musk are legalizing the Great Replacement of whites by granting visas to Indians and Muslim accounts saying Indians are taking over Team Trump. Indians aren't the problem, painting them with the same racist brush is.

The comments on here are hilarious. X said that if you are engaged in a group that is, behind the scenes, colluding to drive narratives and being paid to become the new version of mockingbird media that your account will lose its blue checkmark and your X monetization would stop because you are being paid by others to produce mockingbird talking points.

Then, when its demonstrated to everyone on here, the ppl engaged in doing the EXACT SAME THING AS THE CIA MOCKINGBIRD MEDIA...everyone comes out and blames X and NOT the bullshit accounts that lied to you, deceived you and became what they said they were fighting against.

You were fed bullshit you wanted to hear, that you wanted to believe was true, a narrative packaged as truth. You failed to exercise discernment and instead of taking a second and ask how you were tricked (again), you attack X for revealing the trick.

But that isn't even the most important part of this revelation. Every person who appeared on these ppl's platform, every issue they 'exposed' will be questioned bc when a discredited person embraces a real issue and then are exposed as a scammer, the real issue/truth gets thrown out with the baby's bath water.

There are some of these ppl who had their minions contact me about coming on their platform and discussing Operation Gladio. I declined bc there were very real warning signs of who they were...the #1 warning sign is this:

If the majority of their presentation is emotionally charged, preys on ppl's emotions, and misleads ppl by misstating historical facts to increase the emotional impact, they are exercising propaganda JUST LIKE the mockingbird media has done to you for decades.

You're completely missing my point. This is not about race. I detest every child rapist and groomer, no matter their race or skin color. The point was Muslims have kept quiet about Pakistani lover boys as much as white leftists. I hate Tommy Robinson with a passion but he did speak out about this when others didn't. Muslims and leftists banded together in complete denial of the facts. Muslims are only now waking up to Wahhabist and Salafist criminals, a decade ago they were completely quiet about these thugs. They were quiet about Al Qaeda too. Muslims and leftists have poor self reflection.

Laatst bewerkt:
The British way for years has been to silence those who speak out about problems.

Protest the murder of 3 little girls? Jail.

The British Foreign office lobbied Romania to jail me without charge or trial (will be exposed soon).

Now they're crying that Elon is calling them out.

Well... If you couldn't silence Andrew and I as UK citizens with our comparatively small fortune and influence you losers have got precisely ZERO chance with Musk.

Enjoy the spotlight @UKLabour @Conservatives.


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