Elon Musk

Arguing against H-1B from the pov of White Nationalism only does them a favor. Everything you racist get involved in you make worse because everyone hates you.

Imagine walking in to talk about abortion or immigration but you're dressed like a SS Waffen soldier. You already lost before you speak.

And you idiots insist of ramming your head into the wall instead of walking around it.


MUST SEE: CIA Whistleblower details attack by a Directed Energy Weapon.

“My ear started hurting. I started having vertigo. The room was spinning, my head started pulsing, it hurt so badly…”

While CIA questions the cause, Labor Dept does accept officer’s traumatic brain injury is a “work injury.”

BREAKING: CIA Whistleblower Comes Forward

Former Intelligence Officer Claims Career Ending Injuries Caused By Foreign Directed Energy Weapon

Leaked Defense Department Letter Acknowledges Injuries and Experiences “Are Real”

“It’s a Cover Up...It Should Be Terrifying for All Americans.”

Government Gaslighting

1:25 Foreign Adversary Likely Behind National Security Officials’ Havana Syndrome Injuries

2:40 High Powered Microwave System Weapon

3:37 Under Attack In Africa

4:01 Multiple Weapons Suspected

4:54 Crippling Cognitive + Neurological Symptoms Reported

5:43 CIA Director Privately Blames Russia

6:20 2023 Intelligence Report Betrayal

7:07 Government Gaslighting

8:11 $100K Medical Debt: Labor Dept. Labels Traumatic Brain Injury “Work Injury”

8:50 Cancer, Dementia, Parkinson’s Disease

9:27 Security Clearance Revoked

9:48 Female Officers Injuries Questioned

10:30 DoD letter “Your Experiences Are Real.”

11:53 Breaking Her Silence: CIA Betrayal

12:15 Trump/Vance Administration Can Make A Change

I beg to differ. The #GazaGenocide could not have been televised had it not been for platforms such as X and TikTok, as is witnessed by Israel's frantic attempts to silence them. To say that Elon is killing pro-Palestinian accounts for being against this genocide is disingenuous and a gross oversimplification.

What this is about is Elon shutting down so-called 'groyper' accounts. This movement, started by a federal instigator named Nick Fuentes, is often wrongly called MAGA, leading to such headlines as "Musk at war witb MAGA". The groyper movement is a racist white-supremacy movement which keeps finding new issues to try and divide the MAGA crowd with, the latest being a crusade against Big Tech favoring Indians over Americans. This is then blown way out of proportion by adding Trump's comments about legal immigration into the mix, thus playing into the fear that Trump will not combat illegal immigration but will simply legalize it. This is personal to Elon, as it was the H-1B visa program that gave him a start in the US. The groyper movement will then lump Trump and Elon together as being 'zionists' secretly undermining the interests of America and Americans in favor of Israel.

And that's where Arab accounts like yours and others get suckered in, as well as non-Arab accounts like Jake Shields and others. You are now being confronted with your own racism against Indians. Without realizing it, you've identified yourselves with the 'all Indians are zionists' sentiment put forward by disinfo agents like Fuentes. You go out of your way to remind people that not all Jews are Zionists. For decades you have had to deal with the 'all Muslims are terrorists' prejudice. Do you see how ridiculous it sounds to make this about race and how you would do wise to judge individuals based on their qualities and merit instead?

Which is exactly what the H-1B visa program is about. Has it been abused in the past and does it need serious reform? Sure, and both Trump and Elon have said so themselves. But according to Nick Fuentes' myopic world view they are conspiring to stamp out the white race. Muslims, in turn, see another conspiracy and that is the 'Indian takeover' of the White House on behalf of the Zionists. Frankly, it's tiresome and an insult to your own intelligence, which I hold in high regard.

Elon is not against a healthy debate but he's now teaching anyone aligning with the racist view that foreigners, particularly highly skilled Indians like his buddy Vivek Ramaswami and Kash Patel, are somehow taking over Team Trump on behalf of Israel a serious lesson. Elon is like the wise parent teaching rebellious adolescents that true freedom of speech is not a privilege where you get to insult entire demographics as a hyperemotional form of social-media wokism. It is a right which carries with it the responsibility of observing higher cultural and moral human standards.

We can't be like our enemies, we must hold ourselves to a high standard if we are to improve as a joint species. Treat others as you would like to be treated by them. Or, as another Indian once said:


It's coming.

Can't you see it coming?

Before Trump is inaugurated...

...there's going to be a MASSIVE PUSH for MAGA to ABANDON THIS PLATFORM COMPLETELY and move to Truth Social.

And a big honking fight is SUPPOSED to break out and fracture the movement between those yelling for MAGA to get off X and those who will refuse to leave.


Pay **FULL ATTENTION** those screaming for a full-fledge retreat from X.

Bookmark this.


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