Paradogma berichtte er al over - Poetin zegt waar het op staat als hij stelt dat de vluchtelingencrisis in de lijn der verwachting lag:
Putin called the most serious refugee crisis since WW II “absolutely expected. We in Russia, and me personally a few years ago, said it straight that pervasive problems would emerge, if our so-called Western partners (America most of all) continue maintaining their flawed…foreign policy, especially in the regions of the Muslim world, Middle East, North Africa, which they pursue to date.”
iedereen die de vluchtelingen nu nog als 'parasieten' ziet, moet dit maar eens lezen:
People flee home areas in desperation - undertaking perilous journeys, seeking safe havens, risking everything to find them, anything to survive.
Thousands perish or go missing trying. Ending US direct and proxy wars is the only way to solve the refugee crisis. As long as they continue, the human flood will persist, increase, and overwhelm European countries complicit with US genocidal high crimes.
Zet dat af tegen hoe Rusland omgaat met vluchtelingen uit Oekraine (eveneens veroorzaakt door westerse inmenging):
Russia has its own refugee problem - the result of Obama’s proxy war on Donbass freedom fighters, using Kiev junta forces to do his dirty work.
Since aggressive war began in April 2014, over a million Ukrainians fled cross-border, seeking safe haven in Russia. Most remained.
They’ve been treated humanely, given “food, shelter and aid,” Putin explained. Over 100,000 applied for and got fast track help for citizenship.
In 2014, Russia had the world’s largest number of asylum seekers. It accepted 90% of requests - compared to European countries agreeing to far fewer numbers, some EU nations going out of their way block refugee entries or treat arrivals horrifically.
En zo doet Engeland dat: