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Een Fries Provinciale Statenlid van de VVD stapt met onmiddellijke ingang op. Durk Pool had de afgelopen weken getwitterd met een nep-account op naam van een andere partij. Hij gaf zich daarop uit als lid voor de Fryske Nasjonale Partij (FNP). Pool volgde verschillende journalisten en verspreidde nep-nieuws.
Tesla-directeur Elon Musk zal niet toetreden tot de raad van bestuur van Twitter. De miljardair zag er afgelopen weekend van af, schrijft Twitter-directeur Parag Agrawal maandagochtend in een verklaring. Musk mocht toetreden tot de raad, omdat hij begin deze maand een belang van ruim 9 procent in het sociale netwerk nam.
Zoals ik 10 jaar geleden werd geboycot met google advertentie inkomsten over gezondheid is dit nu gaande:

Belangrijke kennisgeving: update over Oekraïne​
Beste uitgever,​
Vanwege de oorlog in Oekraïne onderbreken we het genereren van inkomsten uit content waarin de oorlog wordt geëxploiteerd, gebagatelliseerd of goedgekeurd.​
We ondernamen al actie naar aanleiding van claims rond de oorlog in Oekraïne als het bestaande beleid werd geschonden (zo verbiedt het beleid voor gevaarlijke of denigrerende content het genereren van inkomsten uit content die oproept tot geweld of tragische gebeurtenissen ontkent). Deze update is bedoeld om onze uitgeversrichtlijnen rond dit conflict te verduidelijken en in sommige gevallen uit te breiden.​
Deze onderbreking heeft betrekking op, maar is niet beperkt tot, claims die impliceren dat slachtoffers zelf verantwoordelijk zijn voor de ellende die ze meemaken of vergelijkbare gevallen van 'victim blaming', zoals claims dat Oekraïne genocide pleegt of bewust eigen burgers aanvalt.​
Met vriendelijke groet,​
Team Google AdSense​
  • Wow
Waarderingen: Surv
"A group of former intelligence and national security officials on Monday issued a jointly signed letter warning that pending legislative attempts to restrict or break up the power of Big Tech monopolies — Facebook, Google, and Amazon — would jeopardize national security because, they argue, their centralized censorship power is crucial to advancing U.S. foreign policy."

James Clapper was the main signatory on that letter - BIG SURPRISE

Everyone needs to pay close attention to the aftermath of the Elon news. Closely examine how the enemy responds. They reveal most when they are desperate. They get sloppy and obvious when under duress.

And right on cue, the current deep state assets at Twitter are mass deleting their bot farms. The politically charged entities operating Twitter are in a mass frenzy trying to cover up all of their nefarious Orwellian activity.

Why is bot deletion significant? Well firstly it proves that Twitter uses bots. Which in of itself is Orwellian, deceptive, and evil in nature. For those who don’t know how it works, Twitter and other social media sites use bots they control, to prey on human’s emotional and psychological natural groupthink tendencies.

For example, let’s say Twitter uses thousands of bots to like a tweet about the Pfizer vaccine. That tweet gets more interactions via algorithm manipulation due to likes, more people see it, and real users are naturally inclined to agree with something if they see thousands of other people agree with it, not wanting to be left out from the group, they like the tweet, the cycle continues. Next thing you the tweet has 60k likes, even though the majority of people don’t agree with it and lots of the likes are from bots. Same with how they will decide what is “Trending” based on what they want you to see and not based on actual numbers of what people are talking about. As well as giving more credibility to their liberal blue checkmark bootlickers by jacking up their follower counts with bots. It’s pretty messed up human psychological manipulation.

When they compound the bot usage with algorithm/hashtag manipulation, and censorship of dissenting voices; they can directly alter they way people perceive the overall public opinions on differing subjects. Giving them the ability to sway public opinion via psychological manipulation. Essentially making the sheep believe a false reality that they create.

In layman’s terms, they have been brainwashing the shit out of everyone and now they are trying to cover their asses before Elon gets his foot in the door and puts it all on blast.

They can’t have the sheep knowing about the bots because the bots proves the “what” the “why” and the “how”. Which will ultimately lead us to the “who”, which is what they fear most.

What: psychological manipulation

Why: to control the public perception and groupthink to alter election outcomes and use the sheep to do their bidding

How: bots, censorship, algorithm/hashtag manipulation, demonetization as punishment for wrongspeak, etc.

As for the “who”, the public will be forced to ask themselves, “who benefits from censoring conservative voices, silencing damaging TRUE stories about the Biden family, and altering elections in favor of the globalist agenda?”

We all know who’s behind it, but for those still asleep, they will be forced to have an internal dialogue with the coming revelations as Elon revamps Twitter.

The enemy will tell you everything with their actions. It would behoove all of us to watch Twitter closely.



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