Honestly I've had enough of the flat earth shit. You guys are nasty, condescending and egotistical to a fault.
Anyone who mentions flat earth on this channel is getting banned from now on.
You're like how the atheists are. Used to be on Facebook you couldn't even post Anything even remotely religious without all these snooty self-important assholeish atheists jumping in your comments telling you how "stupid" you were. Now its the same thing with ANYTHING space related, Earth related, ANYTHING. Meanwhile I've NEVER jumped on an atheists thread to do that to them. And I've NEVER jumped on a flatearth thread to leave nasty comments to them either. If I don't like something I move on.
If this bothers you, just leave.
I also think JFK Jr is most likely dead, I think NESARA GESARA is made up garbage, I don't like Pence after turning on Trump but I've never seen any evidence that he's a Pedo, I think the snake venom shit is retarded and I don't think Biden is a clone.
There, anyone triggered by those things feel free to peace out

Where We Go 1 We Go All
Honestly I've had enough of the flat earth shit. You guys are nasty, condescending and egotistical to a fault. Anyone who mentions flat earth on this channel is getting banned from now on. You're like how the atheists are. Used to be on Facebook you couldn't even post Anything even remotely...
