Fake news

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Honestly I've had enough of the flat earth shit. You guys are nasty, condescending and egotistical to a fault.

Anyone who mentions flat earth on this channel is getting banned from now on.

You're like how the atheists are. Used to be on Facebook you couldn't even post Anything even remotely religious without all these snooty self-important assholeish atheists jumping in your comments telling you how "stupid" you were. Now its the same thing with ANYTHING space related, Earth related, ANYTHING. Meanwhile I've NEVER jumped on an atheists thread to do that to them. And I've NEVER jumped on a flatearth thread to leave nasty comments to them either. If I don't like something I move on.

If this bothers you, just leave.
I also think JFK Jr is most likely dead, I think NESARA GESARA is made up garbage, I don't like Pence after turning on Trump but I've never seen any evidence that he's a Pedo, I think the snake venom shit is retarded and I don't think Biden is a clone.

There, anyone triggered by those things feel free to peace out

Yes, I am a divider.

We divide away from narcissism, virtue signaling, predators, and con-artists.

We divide away from ignorance and manipulation to seek truth and freedom.

We divide away from FAKE UNITY (a.k.a conformity) in search of true unification.

This is an information war, I fight hard in it. It makes people uncomfortable. I pray that they will wisen up someday.

It's literally been over two years now of people like Charles Ward, Michael Jaco, and others in that "Team" bullshitting people, and some people STILL want to associate with them in videos and follow their content without a second thought.

Some people are hopelessly lost in their own illusions, and sadly they'll fight to protect their mental safe space instead of take a good hard look at their own thoughts and actions and see what they're actually supporting.


Nou, daar ben ik dus ook mooi ingetrapt een jaartje of 4 geleden! You live, you learn.


Is dat wat enkele jaren geleden werd gezegd over Project Looking Glass dan ook een verzinsel of begrijp ik het niet goed?
Ja, we zijn er ingetuind destijds.

Maar los van deze Bill/William en of die documentaire qua inhoud juist was, er wordt wel gerefereerd aan project Looking Glass in Q posts;

Nov 11, 2019 7:49:10 PM EST
Project LOOKING GLASS? Going Forward in Order to Look Back

Oct 29, 2017 10:30:26 PM EDT
Projection D’s can’t lose control over the black population. At some point the great awakening will occur whereby these false local / national black leaders are corrupt and paid off to help keep the black pop poor and in need. D’s formed the confederate states against freeing slaves. D’s formed the KKK. HRC’s mentor is who? What happens if the truth about Haiti is released? Do D’s lose majority of the vote? Through the looking glass. They rely on the MSM to keep the narrative going but tech is entrenching on their controls. They missed this in 2016 and desperately attempting to censor now due to CIA cash infusions. This will fail.
Michael Jaco promoted Phil Godlewski on his show - tells his audience that Godlewski actually had that dark web phone call with Trump 🤦‍♂️

Once a 🤡, always a 🤡

Tarot by Janine sharing another fake conspiracy news post from a trash channel called "DUMBs and Underground War" - this post claims these photos are the "White Hats taking security measures by storing food!"

Thanks to Tineye, this is easily debunked. It's actually an underground food storage warehouse facility in Missouri that companies like Kraft and Dairy Farmers of America have been using for years. IKEA has been using it, too. This isn't "hidden food" at all, it's a very public underground warehouse.

Sauce: http://www.missouripartnership.com/...r-unique-business-environment/?articleid=3644

Maar los van deze Bill/William en of die documentaire qua inhoud juist was, er wordt wel gerefereerd aan project Looking Glass in Q posts;

Nov 11, 2019 7:49:10 PM EST
Project LOOKING GLASS? Going Forward in Order to Look Back

Oct 29, 2017 10:30:26 PM EDT
Projection D’s can’t lose control over the black population. At some point the great awakening will occur whereby these false local / national black leaders are corrupt and paid off to help keep the black pop poor and in need. D’s formed the confederate states against freeing slaves. D’s formed the KKK. HRC’s mentor is who? What happens if the truth about Haiti is released? Do D’s lose majority of the vote? Through the looking glass. They rely on the MSM to keep the narrative going but tech is entrenching on their controls. They missed this in 2016 and desperately attempting to censor now due to CIA cash infusions. This will fail.

Daar dacht ik inderdaad ook aan.
Misschien bestaat er wel zoiets, maar werkt het anders dan zoals toen in die video werd verteld?
Zou kunnen. De video waarom het ging is in ieder geval niet meer te vinden. Wat ze over die Bill zeggen is op zich niet zo heel boeiend. Framen van mensen gebeurt continu. En als het wel een nep-seal of sexoffender is hoeft dat dan nog niet 1 op 1 iets te zeggen over de behandelde onderwerpen in de video. Maar misschien was het wel compleet fake. Toch krijgen verdwenen video’s van mij het voordeel van de twijfel.
Romana Deluded-o and her crazy antics are making great cannon fodder for propagandist rags like VICE.

Now someone has given her an RV to tour around Canada with.

“Why didn’t the white hats put Zelenko in a med bed?!” is the line that the hopium addicts are now peddling.

These conspiracy clickbait influencers are really doing damage in the minds of their followers

Med 👏🏻 Beds 👏🏻 Don’t 👏🏻 Exist 👏🏻

Good chat.


Beware Fake Q drops like this one that some accounts are peddling around

This one is obviously photoshopped

Shills are active these days


Machiavelli Memez posting fake Q drops on Truth Social - not sure if he’s doing this as a joke, believes they’re actually real, or what

There’s a handful of these fake drops going around, I’ve seen one numbered “4959” and this one “4963” so far

Someone has their Photoshop BRRRin this morning


"Punisher Briefings" account peddling fake Q drops

Laatst bewerkt:

Ik weet dat Martin Vrijland niet jullie favoriet is, zit in dit verhaal een stukje waarheid?
Bovendien, als dit wel waar is, hoe komt hij dan aan zijn info.
Wat is waarheid vandaag de dag.
Laatst bewerkt door een moderator:
Ik weet dat Martin Vrijland niet jullie favoriet is, zit in dit verhaal een stukje waarheid?
Bovendien, als dit wel waar is, hoe komt hij dan aan zijn info.
Wat is waarheid vandaag de dag.
Alsjeblieft zeg😖😖

I wonder if the General knows how much of a con-artist Ward & his crew are.

& I wonder if the General is getting close to some of these folks to help keep tabs on them.

(Photo from Clay Clark’s VA Beach event over the weekend)

Keep your enemies close...


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