Fake news

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Fun fact about flat Earth (FE) propaganda:

I was at a conference a few years back having breakfast with one of the fellow speakers. A popular name in the UFOlogy circuit, has a big Instagram brand. They told me they were offered $50,000 by one of the FE groups to promote the FE ideologies. Good thing they shot down that offer.

While some influencers may unfortunately fall into the flat Earth mind virus and genuinely believe it, there's a good chance that some are actually paid to promote the disinformation. And this doesn't only apply to flat Earth, but they could be paid to promote NESARA/QFS disinfo, UFO disinfo, or whatever narratives they're told to give for the check.

There's far more infiltration and controlled opposition into the truth movement than some believe. The FBI/CIA have been doing it for decades. We have to wake up to that fact and be cautious about who we follow and believe.

The good news is that you don't have to worry about your cryptos, nor gold/silver prices any more. And the USA midterm election is totally a non-issue. This is because Paul LaViolette's Galactic SuperWave is an energy wave of cosmic radiation that pretty much fries everything in its path. So 99% of all life on earth would be destroyed by such a wave. Tarot by Janine thinks such a wave hits Earth before Sept of this year. So no more worries after that....https://youtu.be/oA8yI6w6yMQ?t=480


Babylon Bee?🤣
Benjamin Fulford on June 10th:
"I was in contact with the original General Flynn and he was a very intelligent and honorable man. Unfortunately, the person now pretending to be Flynn is a fraud.... So I'm sorry, but forget, General Michael Flynn. He's gone."
Can we get an answer from people like Mel K, David Nino, and other members from "The Team" as to why they associate with this absolute con-artist and have him on their shows?
Fulford has been posting "intelligence reports" on the internet for at least a decade, and has gained a following of people who truly believe Fulford has "inside connections" to intel agencies and governments around the world like he claims.

I was following Fulford around 2012 and he had me for a moment. I was young, dumb, and 21, but I quickly wisened up and realized he was full of shit and probably acting as a disinformation asset for somebody or group. Mind blowing to see him still doing his thing, and how influencers in our movement are giving him the time of day like he's legit without a second thought.

Getting easier and easier to spot who is doing this work for TRUTH and who is doing this for fame and money.

Phil Godlewski with some more insane bullshit.

He claims that Hillary Clinton was hung at GITMO, and Trump was in attendence.

What's even more hilarious is that these claims were exactly what was written in this RealRawNews disinfo article in 2021: https://realrawnews.com/2021/04/hillary-clinton-hanged-at-gitmo/

Phil caught passing off RealRawNews clickbait yet again.

He's one of the biggest liars in the alt media, and with how many clowns are in this space, that's saying something.

You know the guy in that popular Project Looking Glass video, the one who claimed he was a Navy Seal that Kerry Cassify interviewed?

His name is not Bill Wood, his real name is William Brockbrader, he lied about being a Navy Seal and he is wanted by U.S. Marshals for failing to register as a sex offender.

Sad how many frauds are in the truth movement and how many influencers fail to research the guests they have on their shows....

Nou, daar ben ik dus ook mooi ingetrapt een jaartje of 4 geleden! You live, you learn.

Meet Michael Tuffin, aka Michael Baxter, the guy who writes all the articles on Real Raw News. He told Politico "It's a satire site, exposing the insanity of rabid Trumpists (who lack the mental wherewithal to distinguish fact from fiction)". He's a leftist POS, funded by George Soros, who used to write a lot of crazy stuff for niburutruth.net and hosts another site called twistedtruth.net that's even worse than RRN.

👆Not sure if he's funded by Soros, but he most definitely admitted that he writes the shit on RealRawNews to mess with Trump supporters, and he also owns the two other disinfo blogs listed.

This RealRawNews site posing as 'like real shit' is frequently pimped out by Tarot by Janine, and others in the Patriotic Front Crew (michael jaco, scott mckay, nino r., veniamin, kerry c. and others.


Nou, daar ben ik dus ook mooi ingetrapt een jaartje of 4 geleden! You live, you learn.


Back in 2012, Bill Wood and Eva Moore became public figures when they said they were documenting everything President Obama did to prove that he was a lightworker.

This was in the wake of the David Wilcox book, Financial Tyranny, which led to a weekly podcast hosted by a man by the name of Drake Bailey.

Bill & Eva:

after having been immersed in the UFO/Woo-woo world for over 40 years, i can say that the most surprising aspect of it is just how the top dogs, people like Kerry Cassidy, David Wilcock, Steven Greer, among others, are just so fucking gullible.

Oh, I remember those times. David Wilcock's "insider" Drake that led him to believe "mass arrests were imminent"... in 2012.

"Imminent" for the last 10 years.

Isn't it weird how many clowns in our movement promote the NESARA/QFS schtick?

Charles Ward
Simon Parkes
Michael Jaco
Scott McKay
Tarot Janine
Redneck Renegade
Phil Godlewski
Nicholas Veniamin
Santa Surfing
Gene Decode
+ more

What do they have in common?

Cross reference those who promote the NESARA disinfo, with those who promote flat Earth disinfo, med bed disinfo, claim to have insiders.

Interesting how so the same names promote the same disinfo rhetoric...

Is it for money? Fame? Both?

Are they all plugged into the same disinfo network?

Are they all being handled by certain Agencys or corporate contractors?

Paid to shill?

"Not all anons are authentic. Some are injected."

Mooi lijstje met die Gene Decode erbij, daar hoor je ook niet veel meer van. Ik zat een jaar geleden aan het scherm gekluisterd met die Decode en die Ward. Alhoewel een soort van Gesara best mooi zou zijn en in de verre toekomst bij de nieuwe samenleving kan horen. Overigens geen idee hoe dat eruit moet zien. In elk geval geen dollar-euro meer.

En die Gene Decode was je nogal fan van toendertijd. Wie niet😉

Dit is wat Robin de Ruiter destijds al schreef over Fulford:
In China is de meest invloedrijke en legitieme vorm van ‘Chinese
vrijmetselarij’ de Hong Men Society, ook bekend als de China Zhi Gong
Partij, tevens een belangrijke speler in het politieke leven van China.
Niet zo lang geleden begon de Hong Men Society ‘niet-Chinese’ elementen
zoals Benjamin Fulford te rekruteren om ze te gebruiken in de
informatieoorlog van de New World Order.
Benjamin Fulford was een bekende journalist met een internationale reputatie,
die werkzaam was bij het prestigieuze Forbes Magazine. Hij veranderde
plotseling van carrière en werd auteur van samenzweringstheorieën.
Wereldwijd waren veel mensen door hem gefascineerd. Zijn plotselinge
aankomst in samenzweringskringen als de nieuwe internetheld, leek voor
velen een echte kans om de Nieuwe Wereldorde-‘bullies’ te bestrijden.
Fulford stelde de samenzweringswereld één van de meest onwaarschijnlijke
theorieën voor. In het begin van 2007 werd via het internet aangekondigd dat
een Chinees geheim genootschap met zes miljoen leden de Rothschilds
uitdaagde. Dit was gewoon één grote farce, niets meer, maar mensen over de
hele wereld vielen ervoor.
Fulford is één van de weinige westerlingen die geïnitieerd is in de geheime en
mysterieuze wereld van de Hong Men Society. Daarnaast heeft hij banden
met Japanse geheime genootschappen, en heeft hij ook banden met leden van
de Amerikaanse geheime diensten.
Na zijn initiatie werd Fulford volledig gemanipuleerd en werd hij een agent
van desinformatie ten dienste van de Chinese vrijmetselarij. Hij werkte aan
het verspreiden van desinformatie door middel van psychologische operaties
via het internet. Fulford kondigt wekelijks de meest onwaarschijnlijke
apocalyptische rampscenario’s aan, waaronder het einde van de Federal
Reserve, de aanhoudende arrestatie van Rothschild bankiers en de strijd tegen
wat hij noemt ‘De Cabal’ die volgens hem het Nieuwe Wereldorde
programma leidt in een nooit eindigende virtuele strijd.
Fulford negeert de implicaties en het gevaar. Hij schijnt niet op de hoogte te
zijn van het feit dat de Rothschilds en consorten ook achter de schermen van
de Chinese vrijmetselarij opereren.

Uit De "13 satanische bloedlijnen deel 4" van Robin de Ruiter

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