Fake news

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I wonder if the General knows how much of a con-artist Ward & his crew are.

& I wonder if the General is getting close to some of these folks to help keep tabs on them.

(Photo from Clay Clark’s VA Beach event over the weekend)

Keep your enemies close...


i've got it! Gen Flynn met with Charlie Ward to try to get early access to a med-bed! Or maybe to have Charlie introduce him to Q....


The best batshit quotes from Charlie Ward's speech at Clay Clark's latest Health & Freedom Conference in Orlando

He talked about the medbeds, the nonexistent "Quantum Financial System, and he sounds a little upset by people calling out other's bullshit in this movement. "Don't waste your energy!" - classic narcissistic speak to shut up dissent. Obviously he doesn't want people questioning him!

This new fella on the scene, Ismael Perez, , during his show with Michael Jaco says he's "representing an intergalactic alliance of benevolent races known as the Emerald Order", and when he was 26, "he started getting downloads from the different Pleiaidian commanders, downloads from the Syrian High Council."

Hahahaha this guy can't be serious. What a clown.

Is dit FAKE ????
Is dit FAKE ????
Neen, dit is effectief de openingsceremonie

Bekijk bijlage 14234

Insinueren dat een plakje chorizoworst een ster is. En dat voor een wetenschopper die beter zou moeten weten. Straks gaan wetenschoppers nog vertellen dat het hele virus- besmettingen verhaal gelogen is. Waar moet het heen met deze wereld. 😂

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