Fake news

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I got into this movement early 2017 and one of the first things I learned that anyone claiming new Wikileaks dumps were literally nothing and clickbait.

Some people will never learn.

Let's see who else has shared this "Wikileaks dumps all files" story:

David Nino on March 4th
Kerry Cassidy also on March 4th
Nicholas Veniamin on August 23rd 2021
Charles Ward on June 13 2021

The exact same post, all of them.

Does the "Team" just share the same disinfo around their network? Do they fact check their stuff?

Kim Dotcom claims to "work with the data forensics team that analyzes the Hunter Biden Laptop", huh?

That sounds sketchy.

Ohhhh Kim Dotcom doesn't have a copy but he's in "daily contact with the forensic team in Switzerland".

Jack Maxey is in Switzerland (supposedly).

Sounding like Kim Dotcom might be a part of the coordinated bullshit campaign surrounding Hunter's laptop.

Speaking of David Wilcock, he interviewed with Mike Adams today and said "the global cabal will be taken down BEFORE the mid-term elections".

I'm old enough to remember when he was saying mass arrests were going to happen "imminently" back in 2012.

Wilcock + Adams = duo of sensational proportions

Grift Send Go Godlewski is at it again. Here he is, offering to buy water filtration systems for his followers that can't afford it...all because of Stew Peters' unverified and inaccurate claim that there's snake venom in the water. Are you catching on yet?

Godlewski's whole livestream last night was about a new website he made called "WatchTheWater.World" where he is selling water filters.

He registered this website three days ago.

Now he has a GiveSendGo where he claims that he's going to be buying filters for people with the income (doubt it).

This guy is scum of the Earth.

Will be posting clips of his show soon.

Ik ben een beetje in de war. Is dit nou een forum of een informatie intermediair? Er wordt hier amper tot niet geforumd maar vooral linkjes gedumpt. Is er echt iemand die al die uren aan filmpjes en leesmateriaal doorworsteld hier? Ik bedoel: ik kan die links ook vinden maar ik wil op een forum gewoon discussieren geen kant en klare linkjes voorgeschoteld krijgen.
Ik ben een beetje in de war. Is dit nou een forum of een informatie intermediair? Er wordt hier amper tot niet geforumd maar vooral linkjes gedumpt. Is er echt iemand die al die uren aan filmpjes en leesmateriaal doorworsteld hier? Ik bedoel: ik kan die links ook vinden maar ik wil op een forum gewoon discussieren geen kant en klare linkjes voorgeschoteld krijgen.
Jij kan die links niet vinden, want je kijkt TV
In a video update posted to his YouTube channel on April 12th, Simon Parkes claims that in 2015 he held a Skype call with Russia President Vladimir Putin.

I find that incredibly hard to believe.

In what might be his griftiest action yet (and that's saying something), in last night's livestream Phil Godlewski accounced his new business venture selling water filters on a new website he registered 3 days ago - and he's piggy backing the selling of these filters off of the fear porn surrounding Stew Peter's truth twisting "Watch the Water" documentary

The website is called "WatchTheWater.World" if you want to see how ridiculous it is, he's selling filters from a company called "Seychelles". He found this water filter company through someone he knows from his 7K metals MLM scheme.

Don't worry though, he's doing it for you, and he claims to be donating 5% of proceeds to veterans (allegedly).

What a piece of shit. Can we report him or his website for scamming??

In Charles Ward's recent email newsletter, his news points that are supposed to be "happening behind the scenes" are fake news stories listed from the RealRawNews disinfo blog. They're just headlines of fake stories printed their over the last week.

I've also caught Simon Parkes, Michael Jaco, David Zublick, and others lifting their "intel" from Real Raw News. Many of these clickbait influencers do the exact same thing, and it's funny how many of them do interviews with each other ("The Team").

David Zublick, Michael Jaco, & CirstenW discussion from yesterday, Tuesday November 16th.

David Zublick: "I'm getting a report that George W. was arrested Saturday morning at his ranch in Crawford."

This "report" came from fake news website RealRawNews, who printed an article on Monday claiming George Bush was arrested at his ranch by the military, pure clickbait.

Michael Jaco and CirstenW agree with Zublick as if it's true.

Most of these folk's "intel" is garbage lifted from viral clickbait blogs.

Charles Ward & Mel K Interview from last Monday November 15th.

Charles Ward: "I've just got information this morning that Klaus Schwab was arrested."

Remember, this "information" about Klaus Schwab being arrested came from a recent viral clickbait article posted by a website called "Conservative Beaver" - it's fake news.

When you observe closely you can see where these guys get their "intel" and "info".


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