Fake news

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Journey to Truth had some thoughts about me today so I have some thoughts about their post.

The UFO community is full of just as much clickbait as the Patriot movement has become. (or has it always been that way and we're just getting better at seeing it now?)

I don't tell you what to believe or not believe, but I will tell you my opinions when I think what you're believing or doing is silly and irresponsible. Big difference.

Too many useful idiot content creators don't want to take responsibility for their work.

Even voor de volledigheid:

Jordan Sather was een van de 'youngbloods' in de Q-beweging, samen met Isaac Green en Dustin Nemos. Die laatste twee zijn gevallen voor negativiteit (Green) of disinfo (Nemos) maar laten we niet vergeten dat Sather zelf destijds ook behoorlijk van de UFO's was, iets waar ik me toen flink aan ergerde.

In dit fragment zegt hij dat hij in die dagen zelf is verschenen op het kanaal van Journey to Truth, maar dat ze heden ten dage kwalitatief zijn gedaald in hun informatievoorziening. Ik denk eerder dat Jordan Sather voortschrijdend inzicht heeft gehad en dit kanaal nu ziet voor het bullshit-platform dat het al die tijd al was.

Voortschrijdend inzicht mag, dat is zelfs goed. Ik heb te maken met trollen uit 2013-2014 die kennelijk mij al die jaren zijn blijven volgen en oude denkbeelden die ik in die tijd verkondigde vermengen met regelrechte leugens, zoals ik zou iemands zus hebben genaaid (letterlijk en figuurlijk). Mij vast proberen te pinnen op oude uitspraken is goedkoop, aangezien ik bij lange na niet meer de persoon ben die ik toen was. You live, you learn. Om die reden schrijf ik JS ook niet af vanwege zijn UFO-verleden, ik ben allang blij vanwege het goede werk dat hij nu verricht met het ontmaskeren van al deze clickbait-figuren.

Laatst bewerkt:
Ja hoor Mike. Flikker er maar weer tig links bovenop midden in de nacht. Ga je lekker? Eerst mijn familielid hier door de slijk halen en dan vervolgens hopen dat die ene kritische nood hier lekker wordt ondergesneeuwd door het te begraven in je achterlijke links die toch niemand zal lezen. Weet je wat Mike? Was je in het dagelijkse leven ook maar zo dapper. Maar dat ben je niet. Je bent een ongelooflijk weggewaaid dakraam. Dat is wat je bent. Een looser.
Ja hoor Mike. Flikker er maar weer tig links bovenop midden in de nacht. Ga je lekker? Eerst mijn familielid hier door de slijk halen en dan vervolgens hopen dat die ene kritische nood hier lekker wordt ondergesneeuwd door het te begraven in je achterlijke links die toch niemand zal lezen. Weet je wat Mike? Was je in het dagelijkse leven ook maar zo dapper. Maar dat ben je niet. Je bent een ongelooflijk weggewaaid dakraam. Dat is wat je bent. Een looser.
Looser is met 1 O🤣
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: JVG
Ja hoor Mike. Flikker er maar weer tig links bovenop midden in de nacht. Ga je lekker? Eerst mijn familielid hier door de slijk halen en dan vervolgens hopen dat die ene kritische nood hier lekker wordt ondergesneeuwd door het te begraven in je achterlijke links die toch niemand zal lezen. Weet je wat Mike? Was je in het dagelijkse leven ook maar zo dapper. Maar dat ben je niet. Je bent een ongelooflijk weggewaaid dakraam. Dat is wat je bent. Een looser.
Ik vind je eigenlijk een beetje zielig. Hoe vervelend moet het voor je zijn om met zoveel frustratie en boosheid te leven?
Dat is echt funest voor je gezondheid. Veel sterkte met jezelf.
Hen compassie voor onze vijanden, ook als deze dat niet voor ons hebben. De Russen laten dat heel mooi zien met de manier waarop ze krijgsgevangenen behandelen.

Remember all the vaccine claims from Stew Peters show last year?

The vaccine was 99% graphene oxide... then there were metallic doughnut things in it... then it was hydra creatures in the shots... then it was egg laying nanobots... then there were wireless nanosensors that can connect you to bluetooth in them.

Now it's Venom Water!!!

I'll be damned if his show isn't being used as a disinformation node by some handlers or something.

Infowars? Dat you?

Journey to Truth had some thoughts about me today so I have some thoughts about their post.

The UFO community is full of just as much clickbait as the Patriot movement has become. (or has it always been that way and we're just getting better at seeing it now?)

I don't tell you what to believe or not believe, but I will tell you my opinions when I think what you're believing or doing is silly and irresponsible. Big difference.

Too many useful idiot content creators don't want to take responsibility for their work.

Almost like that was the point with "venom water" - poison the well and divide the community?

Now look at the MSM hit pieces coming out

[Doorgestuurd van Chandali]
Via Ashley Everly, Toxicologist:

“They did not share proof. They shared coincidences, misinterpretations of research, and actually lied by omission.

This snake venom-LIKE ( important word that people are missing ) enzyme that was found to be elevated in khovid patients…

Is made BY THE HUMAN BODY NATURALLY. We literally have genes that produce this enzyme.

They are omitting this fact, leading people to believe that this enzyme is not naturally present in the body and that it was rather developed from snake venom and put in our bodies without our consent.

This natural enzyme is elevated in patients who have chronic illnesses like atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.

Who is at greatest risk of dying of the vid? Those who are chronically ill.

This enzyme (sPLA2-IIA) is actually very important, beneficial, and critical for the immune system to function properly and helps kill pathogenic bacteria.

Makes sense why it would be elevated in people with chronic illness… chronic pathogenic infections, chronic toxicity, etc.

Expression of this enzyme is upregulated when a patient starts to suffer a cytokine storm. Cytokine storms can happen when the innate immune system is responding too strongly and cannot trigger the adaptive immune system response to initiate. sPLA2-IIA helps coordinate / connect the innate and adaptive immune systems and initiate an adaptive response.

This particular enzyme can also be measured and used as a biomarker for SEPSIS. What do hospital patients die of, more than anything else? Sepsis.

Why are they not sharing this information? Why are they just saying it’s from snake venom and not including the fact that this is naturally synthesized by the body?”

Just another wild goose chase to distract & discredit us."
Phil Godlewski and the nameless, faceless Whiplash coward are triggered because I'm exposing the NESARA and Med Bed grifts, which is part of their bread and butter.

So they're lying to their followers by calling me Deep State and claiming that "Q told you Sather is out to bring down Q followers".

No, Q was referencing the Anonymous hacking collective, that was the creation to combat Q/you. Of course they don't show you my tweet that Q linked for full context of the drop.

Just another day exposing the frauds out there 😎

Nancy Drew out here forgetting that "Evergrande" is the name of the Chinese investment company, not the ship that was stuck in the Suez.

The ship stuck in the Suez was called "Ever Given".

Irresponsible for people who can't get basic facts correct to be influenecing tens, if not hundreds of thousands of people.

Hearing rumors that Wikileaks is going to be releasing Hunter Biden laptop info (so the claims goes)

In my belief, and evidence suggests, Wikileaks was compromised a few years ago, circa 2018.

My guess is that them Deep Staters are bringing Wikileaks in on a psy-op (along with Kim Dotcom) to be 'poisoning the well' with fake photo/video/email releases in order to discredit the real sutff from H. Biden's hard drive.

Just a hunch.

Godlewski has raised over $40,000 by telling his followers that he is going to buy water filtration systems for those who can’t afford them.

The money is going directly to Phil, using the Christian fundraising site GiveSendGo and I guess you’ll just have to blindly trust him to buy water filters for those in need 🤷🏻‍♂️

👆👆👆Making profit off the fake 'venom in the water is poisoning you!' claims in a video that got millions of views and about which the guy voicing that claim has already walked it back and retreated from it while calling out the guy who was interviewing him for supposedly slanting or exaggerating what he said.

See what a mess results when you don't vet people?

Laatst bewerkt:
[ Video ]
Another fraudster upset that I'm calling out their B.S. is Linda from "McAllister TV".

This woman promotes the NESARA lie, claims Gen Flynn is Deep State, and promotes a bunch of other lies and disinfo.

She was clearly upset when talking about me for a couple minutes in a video she posted last night - even saying that "I look like I eat the flesh of the dead", sounded like she was trying to call me a clone.

Dis bitch cray
[Doorgestuurd van The Clickbait Exposé Channel]
[ Foto ]
There's a video going viral called "EVENT 1 - April 18, 2022 - NYC FALSE FLAG BOMBING" on a new YouTube channel called "Guardians of the Looking Glass".

This video claims to be made from a "group of former intelligence officers and military officials who have come together to release classified intel about future events to come".

I call bullshit already. Classified info on YouTube video? Give me a break.

Video proceeds to claim a big false flag is going to happen on NYC next week.

And of course con-artists like Tarot by Janine have been promoting this video to their audiences.

Be careful who you follow.

Here's the link to the vid -
Notice how the Infowarsers and the TEAM are the ones at the forefront of pushing this venom water b.s.

Stew Peters - Mike Adams - Laura Loomer - Scott McKay - David Nino - Charles Ward - Melissa Redpill - Tarot Janine - Phil Godlewski - etc.

How many of these folks also push the NESARA b.s. & similar clickbait?

Same network, probably the same handlers.
I'm currenty checking out this "Disclosure" interview done by Jason Shurka with a guy named "Ray". Of course "Ray" isn't his real name and his face and voice have been altered and blacked out. Anonymous sources, great.

Ray claims to be apart of worldwide group called "The Light System" who is fighting the Cabal, apparently. Ray claims to have taken flights on alien craft and met ETs, he claims he can levitate, also says he witnessed a meeting with "TLS" members and a president, among many other claims.

I haven't listened to an interview that sounds totally horseshit like this for a while, and no evidence was provided for any of these claims, of course.

Oh, and while the video is free, of course there are big "subscribe and donate! Give us money!" buttons right under the video. https://unifyd.com/disclosure-an-interview-with-ray/

Not sure what Shurka's deal is. He asked NO hard questions of this guy. Shurka might just be gullible as shit. Hopefully he's not knowingly bullshitting his audience.


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