Fake news

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"So, as many of you know, I'm just getting off probation..."

Great start to his video.

This is the dumbass that claimed to be Q who was sending messages to himself from the future via "quantum computing", whatever that is.

This was before he managed to get himself arrested and sent to jail for trying to extort a company.

These people never really go away, because there will always be enough suckers for them to play with.

Charles Ward (or whoever runs his Telegram channel) is out here sharing horrible garbage Q "decodes". (not even decodes, just red string trash)

This "decode" is also using Donaldo Trumpo posts - these influencers constantly tell their followers Donaldo Trumpo is President Trump, which is a lie.

Something weird I noticed on Charles Ward's Rumble channel

Videos will have high view counts, but almost no comments and Rumbles. Check this example:

3 Rumbles

Bots much?

1) Gene Decode is full of shit
2) This is not the so-called "FrazzleDrip" video
3) Phil Godlewski is also full of shit and fake cries
4) This "Q News Official TV" account is terrible

That is all.
Santa Surfing is posting fake shit from Real Raw News again

Oh good lord, Santa Grifting is trying to tell her followers that Real Raw News is a "white hat operation" to justify her sharing it's bullshit.

It never ends with these people.

Steinbart is off probation, he's back, and he's triggered about being exposed for the batshit shill he is 🤣🤣

If you're not familiar with this guy, he busted onto the scene in early 2020 claiming to be a time traveling secret DIA agent using a quantum computer to write the Q posts... something like that.

Clowns gonna clown.

Clif High over Stew Peters en Mike Adams.=:

Well, so all the Water (being watched) Under the Bridge over these last couple of days has surely made it impossible to interview with Mike Adams or Stew Peters. Ever. They both live on sensationalism. Just not my style. Mike is irresponsible. I don't roll that way. His language is offensive to me. All of Stew Peters presentations are furious linguistic pressurizing pumps that exhaust the systems of the viewers without leaving any intellectual gain. IMO Stew Peters is dangerous to collective rational thinking. What is damning IMO is that i think it is a deliberate tactic being employed by him rather than merely a personality defect. So, basically, they can go pound sand.
Klopt. Niet elk MLM-programma is verkeerd. Enagic heeft in Amerika prijzen gewonnen omdat hun systeem het meest eerlijk is en absoluut geen pyramidesysteem (ik zou hier ook niet aan meewerken). Het werkt als volgt:

Na je eerste directe verkoop kunnen er maximaal 8 indirecte verkopen onder jou plaatsvinden, daarna moet je weer een directe verkoop doen met weer max. 8 indirecte verkopen onder jou, enz. Pyramideconstructies kenmerken zich door oneindige topdown-mogelijkheden waarbij degene die boven een ander staat altijd meer verdient dan degene daaronder. Bij Enagic verdient iedereen dezelfde commissie, ongeacht of je nu onder of boven iemand staat, met een maximum van 8.

Bovendien moet je een behoorlijk aantal directe sales doen wil je kunnen profiteren van een verdubbeling (2A), verdriedubeling (3A) of vervierdubbeling (4A) etc. Ikzelf ben nog 1 sale verwijderd van 4A en moet om de stap van 3A naar 4A te kunnen maken maar liefst 21 apparaten verkopen.

Dus: wie brengt mij naar 4A?

Laatst bewerkt:
There is a photo going around that people are claiming is of naked Joe Biden, taken from Hunter's Biden laptop.

David Nino posted it today, for instance.

✅ Fact check: FALSE

This is a years old video taken from a porn site that had been selectively screenshotted to look like Joe, it's not. Nor is it from Hunter's laptop. Just a gross piece of disinformation that some idiots put onto the internet.

After Seychelle water filter company turned down Phil Godlewski and refused to fill his orders because of his scammy promotion, Phil has taken to posting a link to the companies Google page in an effort to get his followers to leave negative reviews.

Is this cyber harassment?


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