de film The red pill legt wel een vinger op een aantal zere plekken: zo laat de maakster wel zien dat mannen helemaal niet de bevoorrechte soort zijn. Maar ook weer door de ogen van een VROUW.
Rollo Tomassi over de film :
That said, and unironically, Casie the feminist makes the entirety of the documentary not about the MRM as such, but more about her own ‘journey of self-discovery’, a common romantic theme that appeals to women’s innate solipsism. In EVERY post screening interview about the film the story becomes primarily about her; the MRM just playing a supporting role in her ‘transformation’. This is sort of a poetic justice for AVfM who all too readily employ and endorse any and every ‘former feminist’ who’s not a feminist (until they become a feminist again, *couch* Christina *cough* Hoff-Sommers) as part of their efforts to be more perfected egalitarian-equalists than the feminists they despise.
en :
This film is NOT about The Red Pill, it’s about a 29 y.o. “feminist” actress-turned-indie-fim-director and her journey of self-discovery in which an opportunistic MRM is only too happy to play as her supporting actor.