
IM schrijft exact op waarom je niets moet pikken van vrouwen:

Why It's Better To Be Feared Than Loved:

The problem with the masses is they are extremists who advocate for a balance they are too mediocre to grasp the nuance of. They love the idea of balance, fairness, equality - but lack the depth of understanding to grasp its implementation.

Point in case: if I said a woman cannot love a man she does not fear, they would take that to mean you should control women with fear, that this is toxic, and then proceed to morally lecture you for being such an insecure little man, you think you need to control women with fear rather than inspire them with greatness.

They consistently make false autocomplete/faulty inferences based on brief statements and limited data, and then protest strawmen arguments that were never made. They do this because they have a superficial understanding of words and language, and do not understand the deeper wisdom of what is being said.

Back to the point in case: women's love is based on respect, and in all respect there is an aspect of fear. Not in an actively terrorising, paralysing, tyrannical anxiety driving sense, but a tacit recognition that the other person could hurt you if you crossed them. It's that realisation subconscious or otherwise that is the driver of good behaviour. Where this is absent, there is only bad behaviour.

If a woman does not respect a man, she will be extremely unkind and cruel to him, even exploitative. We see this with how immodest and immoral women "monetise simps" and predatorily take advantage of pure hearted, well meaning men who desire them.

To elaborate further, most of the men you know of who were asset stripped through divorce were clearly, even for their faults, relatively harmless men, men whose wives who did not fear them or what they were capable of in the slightest - because if those men were credibly dangerous, the probability the woman would be willing to go to war with him and leverage the state against him is significantly lower, unless he made life so unbearable warring him was preferable to maintaining the status quo. Why? Fear.

The state can punish him for his actions, but it can't prevent him from engaging in those actions to begin with, and if he's crazy enough - he might just be willing to pay the price to harm her, and if she knew that and suspected as such, she would be much more careful and merciful in her dealings with him.

You see, it takes no courage to defame a harmless man you are comfortable with casually mocking and do not fear as an abuser, but it takes a lot of courage to expose a real abuser, and actually go to war with a resourceful, dangerous and capable man you know can inflict great harm and suffering upon you. And the vast majority of women are by nature cowardly, even if they are arrogant - which is why they conduct most of their warfare covertly.

That's why women often stay with abusive men they make excuses for (not something I condone), but emotionally abuse, falsely accuse and publicly humiliate men they do not respect - their lack of fear emboldens them to do so.

As Machiavelli said, it is always better to be feared than loved if you cannot be both, except with women, fear is a prerequisite for love in so much as that if she can't respect you, she cannot love you - and what woman respects a harmless man?

Terwijl hun vriendjes en mannen sneuvelen aan het front bemen de dames het er nog even van zo lang het nog kan:

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Vrouw en trouw rijmen op elkaar maar niet met elkaar.


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