In het verlengde van de vorige post kwam ik dit artikel tegen op ROK:
Moreel relativisme is een kijkje in de amorele vrouwengeest. Enkele citaten uit het artikel:
Everyone is being inundated in our culture with the idea of openness, specifically, the left’s idea of openness. This idea of openness is actually moral relativism masquerading as moral virtue; a moral virtue that changes, based upon convenience and emotion, which is really no morality at all.
Precies. Die zogenaamde 'openheid' is gevoelig voor de waan van de dag en gebaseerd op emoties, niet feiten. Welk geslacht ken jij dat gevoelig is voor de waan van de dag is en emotioneel en niet feitelijk? Juist ja!
Moral relativism teaches the philosophy that all moral truth is subjective (not to be confused with objective truth which is independent of the person and his consciousness, i.e. 5+5=10). Anyone that accepts the idea of tolerance as the highest moral priority really has no moral code. The arguments for universal tolerance, which is based upon no concrete standard, are typically very persuasive.
Moreel relatvisme accepteert geen objectieve, universele waarheid maar uitsluitend individuele en subjectieve 'waarheden'. Hierdoor wordt 'tolerantie' het allerhoogste goed. Welk geslacht ken jij dat een dergelijke visie aanhoudt? Inderdaad!
The death of objective truth leads to the eventual death of all things related to it. Morality, integrity, honor, and all other foundational underpinning of civilization crumble away. Civilizations can be compared to a building, the foundation being the objective truth and moral law of the civilization. Without objective truth and moral law we have no foundation.
En dit is waarom het morele relativisme van vrouwen ondermijnend is voor complete beschavingen!
Since moral truth is relative, this means that truth becomes unreasonable and cannot be known because moral truth is different for each person. Moral relativity is presented as moral liberty but in reality moral relativity is a type of slavery. Few realize the opposite of war is tyranny and slavery.
Door morele waarheid relatief te maken, zet je de deur open voor tyrannie en slavernij. Geen wonder dat vrouwen zo tolerant zijn jegens moslims!
In a world ruled by moral relativity, emotion is substituted for reason, cowardice is taken for bravery, tolerance is substituted for virtue and standards, and weakness is substituted for strength.
Personal restraint and self-respect are being destroyed. Moral relativity operates under the idea that what feels good is good for me and for society. Pleasure and emotional whims decide what is good, and our statutory law and case law come to reflect this idea.
Moral relativism is a disgusting, murky, swamp of narcissistic behavior presented as freedom and a trouble free playground.
Moreel relativisme maakt zwakte tot kracht en doet er alles aan om kracht te verzwakken. Het is inherent anti-mannelijk en boosaardig. Klinkt als feminisme, nietwaar?
The purveyors of moral relativism promote the idea of that a person can be morally neutral. This is a make-believe world where no right or wrong and hence no judgement exists for any of the behaviors of other people. This type of thinking is full of hypocrisy. The postulators of moral neutrality are more than happy to push the make-believe world of moral neutrality as long as they feel they have not been wronged by anyone else.
Even those that push moral relativism and have no morals pull rationale and their foundation, even though the foundation is extremely shaky, and ideology from external sources to justify internal desires. Moral relativism is practiced by those will little or no character and those without honor. Such people are quick to forsake any kind of standard for what is convenient.
Onder moreel relativisme is er geen goed of fout meer en verzanden we in een nietszeggende 'gulden middenweg' zonder oordelen. Dit zet de deur open voor immoraliteit, omdat zwakke, narcistische personen wetten en regels naar hun hand kunnen zetten. Amoreel is dus immoreel! Goh, welk segment van de bevolking hangt dergelijke ideeen toch aan? Hmmmm...
Understand laws enforce some kind of viewpoint. The laws are changing in the Western world to reflect the current moral relativist view. Moral relativism leads to a double standard. Moral relativism is why many feminists are not prosecuted for bearing false witness against the men they accuse of rape or other crimes. Moral relativism is why no parties were prosecuted and nothing was really fixed after the 2008 financial collapse. Moral relativism is one of the reasons why
women and children have come to rule over men as spoken of in the Bible.
In dat bijbelcitaat staat het volgende te lezen, ik heb maar even een Nederlandse vertaling gepakt:
De onderdrukkers van Mijn volk zijn kinderen,
en vrouwen heersen over hen.
Dit is dus wat ik bedoel met mijn metafysiche uitleg over de vrouwelijke natuur. Het is een ongeleid creatiepotentieel van oneindige mogelijkheden en dus amoreel. Verwacht van vrouwen geen moraliteit, hen tot rechters, leiders en docenten maken is pure waanzin!