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Vanaf morgen de KERRYGOLD boter bij AH in de Bonus. Was me rot geschrokken dat een pakje nu al 4,19 kost!!!!! Nu een week voor "maar" 3,14! Zal effe inslaan,ja,de zuivel gaat steeds duurder worden.....
Goedemiddag. Is er al meer bekend over wanneer Dr Allyn naar Nederland komt? Ik ben zeer geïnteresseerd in een chiropractische behandeling vanwege mijn gezondheid. ik zou dit graag willen weten. En nog een andere vraag. Heeft hij hier al langer ervaring in?
Your body
Was Designed
To Heal Itself.

What makes anyone think the system of healthcare today where someone else is going to do ANYTHING for you that your body does for itself.

No one heals you but you. Period.
God designed it that way.
Any attempt otherwise are futile and incomplete at best.

Watch this.

Have you ever noticed that the ENTIRE medical system today gets people to submit to their “healthcare” and “treatment” based WHOLLY off fear tactics?

They scare you into it.

Someone once told me: Faith, Hope, and Love , and the greatest of these is Love.

And : fear is ONLY from Satan, For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.

Have you ever noticed that the ENTIRE medical system today gets people to submit to their “healthcare” and “treatment” based WHOLLY off fear tactics?

They scare you into it.

Someone once told me: Faith, Hope, and Love , and the greatest of these is Love.

And : fear is ONLY from Satan, For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.



This is restoring the river of life known as CSF , by unlocking all “layers” of upper cervical misalignment to give the patient ACCESS to heal themselves again.

In the case of Parkinson’s , it’s the transport of dopamine through the CSF to the frontal lobe that is the problem, and the substantia nigra that can’t be repaired bc the nutrients that help do that are in CSF.

For all neurodegenerative patients they will require iodine as well, in order to fully heal. But it’s not the iodine that does it, it’s the river of life being restored that does it….

…like taking a tourniquet off to restore blood flow to an area can let something heal, imagine fully decompressing the brainstem and CSF flow , and the absolute power that has due to then Design of the human body to heal itself.

See pinned video @OGChiropractic for detailed info

NEW AZ OFFICE, Scheduling NOW, New Contact Info, and Updates:

Welcome to 2025 (almost)
The Year of Redemption!

We finally did it—We finally opened an office in Mesa, Arizona ~ 15 minutes from SKY International Airport in Phoenix.

Fun Fact, (they) never told you: Did you know?

Cerebrospinal Fluid is called “The River of Life… and Spirit”

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is so much more than the circulatory system for your brain—it’s the river of life that fuels your body and connects you to your Creator. Packed with neurotransmitters and hormones like dopamine, serotonin, and glutamate, CSF powers the central nervous system (CNS), enabling the function and regeneration of your entire body, as well as thought, emotion, and memory. It also transports and delivers all the nutrients and healing agents that repair damaged neurons, ensuring the brain’s resilience and adaptability.

But CSF’s most mysterious role lies in transporting dimethyltryptamine (DMT), the "spirit molecule," produced by the pineal gland, often called the "seat of the soul. DMT is believed to enable spiritual and transcendental experiences, from moments of deep meditation to near-death revelations.

By bathing the pineal gland, CSF acts as a bridge between the physical realm and Spiritual awareness.

CSF is more than a physical necessity—it’s the hidden river that sustains your body and opens the Door of all doors. By restoring the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, the results are substantial, profound, and often miraculous for those whose river has been altered, kinked, or cut off through head and neck trauma, resulting in upper cervical misalignment(s). And I am one of 10 that have the newly found key to fully unlock your upper cervical spine, and thus permanently restoring cerebrospinal fluid flow. No BS, not even a little — this is 100% for real.

The following information is very important and those that do not follow instructions are going to have a hard time scheduling with us.
***Don’t blame us, blame yourself for not reading and following instructions***

Here’s How to Book, and important updates within:

Op zondag 23 maart 2025 komt in Baarlo (Limburg) een uniek gezelschap van sprekers bijeen op het Gezondheidscongres 2025. Gezondheid betreft alle facetten van het leven... Voor een kwalitatief en gezond leven moet er dan ook op allerlei vlakken veel veranderen. Pioniers, visionairs en onderzoekers schetsen de mogelijkheden voor een daartoe benodigd nieuw paradigma. Voor tickets en verdere informatie, kijk op:
Nicotine is a neurotransmitter that stimulates ALL dorsal root ganglion as a nerve signal leaves the spinal cord, at every single level.

This means Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous systems at the same time.

The body then regulates its own production to keep the balance due to the external supply.

You then HAVE to take in more because it's how your nerves work, and you up your dose to match.

This article is so silly...... As a former nicotine addict, I still have cravings, and it took 22 years and over 50 plus attempts to quit. I probably spent $200,000 in my lifetime on that crap.

I wouldn't tell my enemy to try nicotine.... most addictive substance on earth.

The amount of people that have this and don’t know why …. Or just think “that’s how I am normally”.

Facial Nerve : cranial nerve 7, along with all the other cranial nerves, exists in the brainstem. This nerve controls the movement of the face - and muscles of facial expression.

Bells Palsy is a large dysfunction of this nerve.

She has a mild dysfunction. Same thing.

Head and/or neck trauma(s) at some point in her life caused this when her upper cervical joints misaligned and compressed her brainstem.

Address the upper cervical spine and the face rebalances back out. We have already helped over a hundred people with this condition , including people with full Bells Palsy, and stroke victims, completely balance their face back out!

Well , they do it all on their own as soon as the brainstem is fully unlocked !

Piece of cake.

Find out more at the pinned video here:

Dank Bull voor deze info.
Wel een ingewikkeld verhaal en inderdaad gaat het alleen om Amerika.
Dus in Nederland zal het voorlopig niet kunnen.
Tenzij er iemand in Nederland bij hem de kunst gaat afkijken.
Het lijkt me dat er toch wel interesse is voor Ned. artsen.
Dank Bull voor deze info.
Wel een ingewikkeld verhaal en inderdaad gaat het alleen om Amerika.
Dus in Nederland zal het voorlopig niet kunnen.
Tenzij er iemand in Nederland bij hem de kunst gaat afkijken.
Het lijkt me dat er toch wel interesse is voor Ned. artsen.
Jij volgt dit forum niet echt he ?
  • Haha
Waarderingen: Bull

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