
Mijn zoon belde dat hij Corona heeft. Volgens mij heeft hij "onderliggend lijden".
Ooit ging hij naar de huisarts en bleek hij een vervette lever te hebben. Steeds veel te veel cola gedronken. Ik zei dat hij een bloedonderzoek moest laten doen misschien ook een trage schildklier, dan val je nl ook niet af.
eind 2019 had hij ook griep, was best wel ziek, geen arts erbij maar uitgeziekt. Ik dacht dat hij nu wel immuun zou zijn maar blijkbaar niet.
Collega was geprikt.
Verder is hij weinig ziek en denk dat hij bang is voor prikjes (bloed).
Kom Ivermectine halen zei ik maar denk niet dat hij dat gaat doen. Noemt hij ook maar onzin. Ben bang dat hij meer ziek wordt dan nodig is. Eigen schuld zou je kunnen zeggen.
Wat is het meest overtuigende verhaal dat ik kan sturen.
Zojuist over Afrika gestuurd.
Laatst bewerkt:
Vanavond in De Hofbar hadden ze het over o.a. vervuild water. Zou water corona kunnen verspreiden? Waar komen al die besmettingen vandaan en toch weer mensen in het ziekenhuis. Met keelpijn en 38 koorts kun je toch thuisblijven?.
Net de eerste paar minuten gezien. Strekking van de video:

Virussen bestaan niet, dus een giftig antiparasitair medicijn slikken tegrn SARS-CoV-2 is volkomen nutteloos.

Dit hebben we al 100 keer behandeld. Het is maar net hoe je 'virus' definieert. Het woord betekent: gifstof. Een 'virus' is geen besmettelijk en levend micro-organisme, maar een dood, synthetisch eiwit dat lichaamsvreemd en dus giftig voor ons is. IVM, dat NIET giftig is, ruimt deze eiwitten op en is daarmee een zeer effectief en spotgoedkoop medicijn tegen alles wat aan een 'virus' wordt toegeschreven - zelfs kanker en AIDS zijn ermee te genezen.

Klaar. End of story. Exit Spacebusters. Joep krijgt het voordeel van de twijfel.

Hey Donkers, how are you?
You know that this and other similar statements are very serious and that you have to take your responsibility, especially towards those who follow you and are plagiarized by your ideas. The same applies to your henchmen and retrievers dogs.
You know that I will come to legally prosecute each of you.
Now you can unleash your champions of 'democracy' to ban me in exchange for a prize bone.
I am not a troll, on the contrary, you will have the pleasure of making my acquaintance, face to face.
In the meantime, take care of your weak heart and hope it won't betray you.
Greetings to you and your "omniscients", my dear sect leader.
Hey Donkers, how are you?
You know that this and other similar statements are very serious and that you have to take your responsibility, especially towards those who follow you and are plagiarized by your ideas. The same applies to your henchmen and retrievers dogs.
You know that I will come to legally prosecute each of you.
Now you can unleash your champions of 'democracy' to ban me in exchange for a prize bone.
I am not a troll, on the contrary, you will have the pleasure of making my acquaintance, face to face.
In the meantime, take care of your weak heart and hope it won't betray you.
Greetings to you and your "omniscients", my dear sect leader.
And now get out of here!
Hi Vladimir, goodbye and good riddance. Your threats and intimidation don't faze me. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on!

Er komen steeds meer van die vage trollen, weten we in iedergeval zeker dat ze in paniek zijn bij de deep State shit heads 🤣🤣
Hi Vladimir, goodbye and good riddance. Your threats and intimidation don't faze me. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on!

Hello Donkey, you are a dear sick sweetheart. 🥰

As you have so promptly demonstrated your lapdogs have immediately stood up in support of their sect leader and puppet master.
I'm not intimidating or threatening anyone, don't worry starlet, I'm not a criminal unlike you and your thugs, like Warrior of Light (she's a sissy, isn't she?), Sailor Moon and... some of your colonels are still missing. They'll probably intervene after they're done licking your ass and have had their fill of your diabolical rotting nectar.
I would like to tell your minions to use their intellect, if they have one, to avoid repeating slogans. They look like parrots on the pirate's shoulder.
Who knows what consumes first, the master's ass or the servants' tongue?

P.S. I'm gathering a lot of information about your little kingdom of sick minds, so we could meet, maybe in a court of law, aren't you happy little star? 🤗

Bye-bye, minus habens and criminogenic scum bags. 😘

Kind regards, Vladimir
You still haven't understood shit, but I can't blame you since servants like you have the IQ of an annisakis worm.
By and large you are ignorant rubes, posing as know-it-alls.
Are you convinced that ignorant people like you, in the grip of a delirium of omnipotence, can really discover - through information sources that support and comfort your ideas - international secrets and conspiracies sitting at their desks? Don't you think you overestimate your knowledge and skills a little too much?
Grappig dat ie deze keer Engels praat en vol in de aanval gaat, en geen discussies meer aangaat... Hij heeft door dat z'n eerdere trolgedrag niet meer werkt...:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Hello Donkey, you are a dear sick sweetheart. 🥰

As you have so promptly demonstrated your lapdogs have immediately stood up in support of their sect leader and puppet master.
I'm not intimidating or threatening anyone, don't worry starlet, I'm ugs, like Warrior of Light (she's a sissy, isn't she?), Sailor Moon and... some of your colonels are still missing. They'll probably intervene after they're done licking your ass and have had their fill of your diabolical rotting nectar.
I would like to tell your minions to use their intellect, if they have one, to avoid repeating slogans. They look like parrots on the pirate's shoulder.
Who knows what consumes first, the master's ass or the servants' tongue?

P.S. I'm gathering a lot of information about your little kingdom of sick minds, so we could meet, maybe in a court of law, aren't you happy little star? 🤗

Bye-bye, minus habens and criminogenic scum bags. 😘

Kind regards, Vladim
I'm cockblocking your sorry ass once again, Vlad. Take your negativity elsewhete and get a fucking life!

Laatst bewerkt:
I'm cockblocking your sorry ass once again, Vlad. Take your negativity elsewhete and get a fucking life!

Hey Mr. Donkey and high priest of your sect of decerebrates.

Fortunately, I have a life that I like but among many things one of my tasks is to monitor and stop people who are dangerous to society, like you and the active collaborators-servants of your sect.
If you really think I'm a troll well you're wrong, because I'm not giving up on you until the lawyers are able to initiate the necessary procedures.
You are the administrator and the big boss of this forum and all responsibility for the contents is yours and whoever manages the site on your behalf.
But hey, little star, you don't have to fear, if you really have a clean heart and mind and are sure you are not breaking the laws you don't have to fear any legal consequences.
Who I will appoint will have to evaluate whether to proceed in civil or criminal matters.

Have patience, starlet, it will take time.
Don't worry, I'll contact you as soon as possible.

You can continue to be pampered by your ass lickers, satan's cocksuckers and clique of minus habens, now.
Enjoy the evening and have a good life, Your Majesty and Grand Master, Donkey's dickhead.

Your dear Vladimir.
Hey Mr. Donkey and high priest of your sect of decerebrates.

Fortunately, I have a life that I like but among many things one of my tasks is to monitor and stop people who are dangerous to society, like you and the active collaborators-servants of your sect.
If you really think I'm a troll well you're wrong, because I'm not giving up on you until the lawyers are able to initiate the necessary procedures.
You are the administrator and the big boss of this forum and all responsibility for the contents is yours and whoever manages the site on your behalf.
But hey, little star, you don't have to fear, if you really have a clean heart and mind and are sure you are not breaking the laws you don't have to fear any legal consequences.
Who I will appoint will have to evaluate whether to proceed in civil or criminal matters.

Have patience, starlet, it will take time.
Don't worry, I'll contact you as soon as possible.

You can continue to be pampered by your ass lickers, satan's cocksuckers and clique of minus habens, now.
Enjoy the evening and have a good life, Your Majesty and Grand Master, Donkey's dickhead.

Your dear Vladimir.
Ojee de troll is er weer.
Hoog tijd voor de trollschredder.

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