Kankercellen uithongeren d.m.v. ketogeen dieet

hoi San goed nieuws!

Acupunctuur heeft bij mij een cyste op mijn eierstokken weggekregen in het verleden in elk geval.

Ineens niet meer te zien op de echo waar dat daarvoor wel het geval was...

Ik ben er ook heel blij mee! De osteopaat had me al getest, en zei dat alles goed was. Maandag de bevestiging in het z.huis, toen helemaal gerustgesteld.

Ik las dat inderdaad Lievergezond, fijn dat dat weggetrokken is! Acupunctuur kan veel doen. Ik kan nu ook geholpen worden, nu ik weet dat het geen kanker is.

Wat een fijn bericht, San! Supergoed nieuws!

Hoe hebben ze het in het ziekenhuis getest en laat me iets weten als je de borsten hebt laten behandelen door acupunctuur, dat zou idd ook iets voor mij kunnen betekenen. Ik ben benieuwd en hoop dat het iets voor je doet.

Yes, ben er zeer blij mee!

@Vanille: de osteopaat heeft iets met lichaamsrotaties getest. Daar moet een bepaalde volgorde inzitten, links rechts links dacht ik. Als je bijv. 2 keer links draait, dan is het niet goed (zoiets was het). In het ziekenhuis is er een echo gemaakt, en vervolgens manueel onderzoek door de chirurg. Hij was er snel over uit dat het niks ernstigs is.

Gister voor de eerste keer naalden in de borsten gehad. Ik hou je op de hoogte van eventuele effecten. Sowieso zou acupunctuur goed voor je zijn ivm je schildklier. Mijn TSH is al gezakt, vermoedelijk door de behandelingen.

“Paul Jaminet, who suffered from candida overgrowth,argues that since candida (being eukaryotes) have mitochondria that can feed on both ketones and carbs (as opposed to prokaryote bacteria without mitochondria), going very low carb or ketogenic will only provide more fuel for the overgrowth. Furthermore, since ketones are water-soluble and pass easily through cellular membranes, ketones will actually be a more accessible food source for candida.”


Medicine is still in a primitive state it’s not very good for diagnosing these infections much less treating them. But a lot of these pathogens respond very differently to different diets. So one of the key differences is in how they respond to a ketogenic diet for instance. So pathogens that have mitochondria like fungi and protozoa can metabolize ketones for energy. Bacteria and viruses can’t, and so if you go on a ketogenic diet you’ll starve bacteria and viruses but you’ll feed fungi and protozoa. And so a simple thing to do is go on a ketogenic diet for a while, do your symptoms get worse or better. And that can tell you which class of pathogen you have, one with mitochondria or one that doesn’t have mitochondria.”


Ik lees momenteel het boek Stop Alzheimer's Now! van Bruce Fife. Tot mijn grote verbazing lees ik in dit boek dat graviola (zuurzak) zeer krachtige neurotoxines bevat, die bij veelvuldige consumptie Parkinson's kunnen veroorzaken! Deze vrucht blijkt nl. hersencellen te doden!


Ik werk al een aantal jaren aan een dieet programma gebaseerd op het ketogenisch principe. Probeer mensen (veel uit Nederland) hiervan op de hoogte te stellen, maar krijk geen sjoegen in Nederland mbt artsen en/of instellingen die op de hoogte zijn van Prof Seyfried, D'Agostino, Volek and Phinney, Eric Westman, Peter Attia, Dr Perlemutter, etc, etc.

Ik wordt er gewoon een beetje triest van. Heb enkele vrienden verloren aan kanker waarvan ik van mening was dat een ketogenische behandeling eventueel tesamen met andere treatments hun had geholpen. Maar dan gaan ze met die info naar hun dokter (zoals bij Antonie van Leeuwenhoek) en wordt dit overboord gegooid. Gezien de wetenschappelijke feiten en dat"als het niet helpt het zeker niet schaad" eigenlijk een schande. Heb Wubbo Ockels gesmeekt naar de USA te gaan om aldaar kennis te nemen van dit dieet, maar helaas ook hij heeft het niet eens geprobeerd.

Wat ik zoek is adressen of 1 adres van een dokter of instantie in Nederland naar waar ik mensen die ik van dit dieet heb verteld heen kan sturen voor begeleiding. Voor alle gevallen van kanker, ALS, Alzheimer, Obsitas, hart en vaat ziektes en diabetes.

Kunt u me misschien helpen , ...ik smeek u bijna.

Met vriendelijke groet,


Nog even ter informatie. Ik had enkele jaren geleden diabetes type 2 en heb d.m.v. het ketogenisch dieet dit omgedraaid. Woon en leef in Spanje en is hier zeer moeilijk om hier bij de medische wetenschap ingang te krijgen mbt deze eetgewoontes.


De personen die je noemt zijn niet de minste op dit gebied en hun onderzoeken/kennis en manier van zich presenteren zou in ieder geval een hoog niveau van vertrouwen moeten wekken onder artsen etc. Wanneer dit niet het geval is (om welke rede dan ook)blijft doorgaan met zo'n arts/specialist tijdverkwisting. En ik denk dat wanneer kanker reeds is vastgesteld het heel moeilijk zal zijn om de burger(niet medisch)zich af te wenden van de reguliere behandeling.

Ik ken zelf geen arts die het ketogeen dieet toepast. Ik denk dat het simpelweg meer bekend moet worden onder de bevolking en dat kan alleen maar door blijven informeren(als dit je doel is).

Zelf heb ik dit dieet wel eens geadviseerd bij mensen die epileptische aanvallen hebben. Geen gehoor. Maar ik denk ook dat het zeer moeilijk zal zijn om dit dieet vol te houden. Het is, zoals je wellicht weet, niet gemakkelijk om in ketose te blijven. Juist daarom is begeleiding zeer belangrijk(motivatie/vertrouwen).

Nou, helpen kan ik je niet maar je krijgt bij deze een schouderklopje voor je inzet.


Dank je Ad voor je schouderklopje, maar zou eigenlijk toch niet nodig moeten zijn. Er is zo langzamerhand voldoende informatie op het internet te vinden en een land als Zweden is al om en heeft de voedsel driehouek omgedraait als voedingsadvies.

Ik ga er sowieso mee door en vind het eigenlijk niet zo moeilijk om in ketosis te blijven. Echter exact weten dmv het meten van de ketones in je bloed is of erg duur of bijna onmogelijk. En het is van het grootste belang dat je pcies weet wat je ketonen waardes zijn.

Las een, in lokale spaanse krant, artikel over een nieuw product voor type 1 diabetes waar je constant zonder bloed prikken je suikerspiegel kunt meten. Zou dan theoretisch ook moeten kunnen met ketonen.

Pieter, met zoiets kan het ook: Ketonix welke de acetoazijnzuur in de adem meet, schijnt vlgs een ervaringsdeskundige auteur heel goed te werken. Hij schreef ook dat de industrie die nu die ketonen-in-bloed-meters maken nauwelijks geïnteresseerd zijn in de niet-diabetes markt. Als ze dat zouden doen zou de prijs van die strips ook nog wel kunnen dalen.

http://tinyurl.com/ptpznsl via http://tinyurl.com/qx9vwfo

Woman battles deadly brain cancer using ketogenic diet without chemotherapy
March 14, 2014 10:31 AM MST
Alix Hayden is battling deadly brain cancer without chemotherapy using the low-carb, high-fat ketogenic diet.

Alix Hayden has brain cancer, but instead of undergoing surgery and grueling chemotherapy, she's fighting it with the low-carb, high-fat ketogenic diet and has been doing great so far.

In an exclusive Examiner interview, Hayden discussed her metabolic diet therapy and navigating cancer with a positive attitude.

Alix, director of operations at biochemistry research firm Phenomenome Discoveries in Saskatoon, Canada, was diagnosed with brain cancer in August 2012.

She has been following the ketogenic diet (which is a very low-carb, high-fat, moderate-protein diet) since February 2013, which cancer researcher Dr. Dominic D'Agostino told me starves cancer cells.

This is because all the cells in our body can use both fat and glucose (a carb), but cancer cells thrive on glucose and cannot survive on ketones. So by limiting carbohydrates — which turns into glucose inside the body — we can starve cancer cells.

"When we restrict carbs in our diet, we can prevent pro-inflammatory spikes in blood glucose and blood insulin," explained D'Agostino, who has a Ph.D. in physiology and neuroscience. "Suppression of blood glucose and insulin spikes can be very helpful when managing many chronic diseases."

A ketogenic diet has already proven effective at producing rapid weight loss, at treating epilepsy, and protecting brain health. Neurologist Dr. David Perlmutter, author of Grain Brain, told me the ketogenic diet prevents — and in some instances reverses — Alzheimer's disease and ADHD.

"Carbs are devastating for the brain," said Dr. Perlmutter, who also wrote Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain. "Even slight elevations in blood sugar have been shown to increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease."

Cancer Is a Metabolic — Not a Genetic — Disease

Dr. Jeff Volek, a professor at Ohio State University, agrees. "There are very few people that a ketogenic diet could not help," Volek told me in an exclusive interview.

The ketogenic diet has already proven more effective than drugs at treating epilepsy for some patients and reversing type 2 diabetes, said Volek, author of The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living.

Dr. Volek has followed a ketogenic diet for the past two decades, and credits it for his excellent health. "It was nothing short of an epiphany when I changed to a ketogenic diet," Volek told me. "I felt better, more satiated, and had more consistent energy."

Dr. Thomas Seyfried, a renowned cancer researcher at Boston College, revealed in an exclusive Examiner interview the ketogenic diet can beat chemotherapy for almost all cancers.

"The reason why the ketogenic diet is not being prescribed to treat cancer is purely economical," said Dr. Seyfried, author of Cancer as a Metabolic Disease. "Cancer is big business. There are more people making a living off cancer than there are dying of it."

Elaine Cantin discussed how she used the ketogenic diet to manage her son's type I diabetes and her own aggressive breast cancer in her book, The Cantin Ketogenic Diet.

"The cancer research community needs to change its view of cancer as a metabolic — not a genetic — disease in order to make meaningful progress," said Travis Christofferson, author of Tripping Over the Truth: The Metabolic Theory of Cancer.

Alix's Tumor Has Not Spread Since 2012 Diagnosis

Hayden's diet is roughly 65% fats, 30% protein, and 5% carbs. Her brain tumor hasn't gotten smaller since she began the ketogenic diet, but it also hasn't gotten any bigger — which is a great sign.

Alix gets an MRI every six months and is holding off on chemotherapy and radiation, as her brain tumor was categorized as slow-growing. Hayden's blog called Greymadder, chronicles her cancer recovery and has made her something of an Internet celebrity.

Question: You've been following the ketogenic diet for over a year now to treat your cancer. How are you feeling?

I feel very good. I did experience an adjustment period, about two weeks or so when I began the ketogenic diet, that was rather 'flu-like.' After that, I was astonished at how quickly my energy came back.

Having a lifelong interest in fitness and health, both my husband and I were surprised week after week to watch the changes in my body fat, to see ketone levels maintained in my blood once I got the hang of the diet. About seven months into the diet, my husband looked at me and said, 'You know, I think you are without doubt healthier today than you were a year ago, even considering the brain tumor!'

Question: Why did you decide to follow the ketogenic diet to manage your cancer?

About six months after my diagnosis, I started searching for lifestyle intervention information. I work in biochemistry research, on cancer, and for a few months after my diagnosis, it was as though my mental machinery was stuck.

I know from the work my company does that diet and lifestyle affect metabolic factors, and that these have a direct effect on health and health risk. I knew that lifestyle interventions have just as much place in treatment and prevention as any other modality, it just took me awhile to get moving on it.

Once I started searching online, I eventually found the work of Dr. Thomas Seyfried at Boston College, who seemed like the preacher to my choir. He had published work on cancer as a metabolic disorder, and reading his work led me to the idea of using the ketogenic diet to manage cancer, particularly brain tumors.

Question: Do your doctors have an opinion on your diet therapy?

No. I've told all of my doctors, my oncologist, my neurosurgeon, my neurologist, about my diet. I did not ask for their help in adopting it, I just began slowly and felt I had enough good information to take it on myself. I was also not undergoing any other treatment at the time.

I'm on a 'watchful waiting' program designed to monitor the tumor for progression, so I was in a position where I didn't have to be concerned about effects on treatment. One of my doctors, when I told him a few months in, said, 'We could all stand to cut out sugar.' That was really the extent of the conversation I've had with my doctors about it.

Question: What's a typical daily menu for you?

Typically, I start my day with a good-sized breakfast, always with a coffee or iced coffee supplemented with MCT or coconut oil and heavy cream. Along with that, I'll have about four slices of bacon and half an avocado, or full-fat Greek yogurt.

I often make a flax meal one-minute microwave muffin as well, half of which makes for a good morning snack. Lunch is typically a salad with fish or chicken. Snacks are usually macadamia nuts or cheese. Supper involves some sort of meat, fatty cuts preferred, and usually two green vegetables, say sautéed spinach and a green salad, with a side like riced cauliflower. I sauté in butter, and end the day with another creamy hot or cold drink containing more oils."

Question: You seem so upbeat. How do you maintain a positive attitude during this challenging time?

I believe I'm fortunate in that I'm naturally a positive person. My situation is one where this waiting pattern could (and hopefully will) go on for quite some time, so I have tried to adjust to a new normal and understand that I'm not 'sicker' in some way than I was two years ago. I had that brain tumor then, I just didn't know it.

I try not to let seeing it on a scan change my fundamental understanding of my identity as a successful woman with a career and a lovely family. Sometimes I try to ignore or forget it. Sometimes it works best to joke about it. Sometimes it's scary and overwhelming and I have to start all over again.

Question: Do you have any advice for other cancer patients who are considering the ketogenic diet?

I always recommend that everyone do his or her own research, and speak to their doctors, and of course consider how the change in diet might affect ongoing treatments. There are good dieticians out there who will help and offer advice, there are some available online who specialize in cancer diets. It's probably most responsible to get expert help and advice.

But mostly, I think we have to be responsible for our own paths in life, and ultimately, it's your life, so you should do what you think is correct and credible and not be discouraged by naysayers. Taking action feels good. Taking control feels good. I can only speak for my experience, but I've felt healthier on this diet, which feels good." http://tinyurl.com/oaeesdv via http://tinyurl.com/qx9vwfo
Travis Christofferson is the author of a phenomenal book called "Tripping Over the Truth: The Return of the Metabolic Theory of Cancer Illuminates a New and Hopeful Path to a Cure."

I read 150 books last year and this was one of the best. In my view, it's required reading for anyone who has cancer or knows someone who has cancer. This book has inspired me to passionately review the medical literature on mitochondrial metabolism for a book that will be published next year.

The Return of the Metabolic Theory of Cancer

In this interview, Travis — who has a Pre-Medical undergraduate degree and a Master's degree in Materials Engineering and Science — reviews some of the details covered in his book.

"I was doing a class on cancer theory and I stumbled on this book by Thomas N. Seyfried, Ph.D. called 'Cancer as a Metabolic Disease,'" Travis says. "It was just an incredibly well-written book ....

It laid out this elegant argument for this non-genetic origin of cancer; the metabolic origin of cancer.

I was so stunned and taken aback by this, and that more people didn't know about it, that I compiled a huge list of questions and actually flew out to see Tom in Boston ... He answered all my questions, which really served to pique my interest more."

Dr. Warburg discovered that in the presence of oxygen, cancer cells overproduce lactic acid. This is known as The Warburg Effect. A cell can produce energy in two ways: aerobically, in the mitochondria, or anaerobically, in the cytoplasm, which generates lactic acid — a toxic byproduct.

The former is far more efficient, capable of generating 32 times more adenosine triphosphate (ATP) than anaerobic energy generation. Dr. Warburg concluded that the prime cause of cancer was reversion of energy generation from aerobic energy generation to anaerobic fermentation. http://tinyurl.com/jsbmwen


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