Homoseksualiteit als superieur voorstellen? Komt dit idee uit één van de schimmige teksten waar jij zo graag gebruik van maakt, vanaf bronnen waar de riool journalistiek bij verbleekt?
Interessante reactie van iemand die zelf een 'studie' aanvoert waaruit zou blijken dat kinderen die opgevoed worden door partners van een gelijk geslacht GEZONDER en GELUKKIGER zouden zijn dan kinderen die door hetero-ouders worden opgevoed.
Maar laten we eens kritisch kijken naar de 'zuivere' bronnen van Aart. De 'studie' die hij aanhaalt stamt uit 2013 en is afkomstig van de universiteit van het Australische Melbourne. Laat ik beginnen met de opmerking dat westerse universiteiten veelal bolwerken zijn van linkse, 'progressieve' en politiek correcte propaganda, waar feministen mannelijke verkrachters zien op elke straathoek en je al gauw wordt beticht van 'racisme' of 'homofobie'.
Het vermoeden van bevooroordeeldheid is al daar, maar laten we heel concreet kijken naar deze 'studie', te beginnen met hoofdonderzoeker Simon Crouch. Het wordt meteen interessant als we vaststellen dat hij een
homoseksuele vader is van een tweeling. Hoezo bevoordeeld? Vooral als je bedenkt dat hij zich ook heeft uitgesproken over de 'vloeibaarheid' van geslachtsidentiteit:
Net als 'antropologe'
Margaret Mead een culturele determinist en dus een culturele marxist. En minstens zo frauduleus in zijn 'onderzoek'. Had je ook iets anders verwacht? En zo iemand mag kinderen opvoeden en jonge mensen onderwijzen!
Maar het wordt nog fraaier. Laten we kijken naar dit ' grootste onderzoek ooit naar kinderen die worden opgevoed door mensen van hetzelfde geslacht':
The ACHESS study was first noted in the media in June 2013. At the time, Kansas State University professor Walter Schumm noted that while the Australian press had made much of the results, “there is an important difference in the scholarly credibility of a one-page interim report that has not been peer reviewed or published in a peer-reviewed journal and a peer-reviewed publication.” Writing at National Review Online, Mark Regnerus of the University of Texas pointed out obvious flaws in the research’s methodology: “[N]onrandom samples are not a representative reflection of the population as a whole, but rather an image of those who actively pursue participating in the study.”
Dus het betreft een 'onderzoek' dat maar liefst 1 hele pagina beslaat? En dit 'onderzoek' is nooit kritisch beschouwd door collegawetenschappers? Het wordt alsmaar interessanter! In bovenstaand citaat wordt ook iets gezegd over hoe representatief de ondervraagden eigenlijk waren voor de algehele bevolking. Onderstaande kritische beschouwingen gaan in op de uiterst dubieuze methodiek van meneer Crouch:
Homosexual activists have been jubilant and have engaged in a public relations campaign, conveniently blurring the lines between fact and fiction. For instance, the activists imply that children actually participated when, in fact, the parents answered for the children and the children had no involvement in the responses. Further, any stigma reported was perceived by the parents as well. Is anyone surprised that the homosexual parents reported that their children are happier and healthier than children in heterosexual families?
Then, there are the questions about the study’s methodology. The authors advertised in homosexual publications and on websites to get participants; it was not a random sample. The study participants knew before going into the study that its purpose was to make homosexual parenting look successful. All of these factors made it difficult, if not impossible, to accurately assess the study’s findings.
Dus de kinderen zijn helemaal niets gevraagd en alleen homoseksuele ouders zijn benaderd via hun eigen netwerken! De rest van dat artikel is ook zeer de moeite waard om te lezen, maar ik beperk me hier even tot de hoogtepunten, of liever gezegd: dieptepunten.
Het volgende artikel stelt meteen al de belangrijkste vraag:
Should children’s need for stability and a genetic connection take second place to the desires of adults?
Dit is wat ik van het begin af aan heb aangevoerd als argument, ook naar Aart toe. De egoistische verlangens van volwassenen worden boven de belangen van kinderen geplaatst.
De 'studie' van Crouch blijkt niet de enige te zijn die onderhevig is aan vooringenomenheid bij de ondervraagden:
The problem with all studies of the homosexual community is the difficulty of collecting a truly representative sample. Even if a study begins with a large representative sample of the general public, the percentage of “LGBT” persons is so small that the findings may not be statistically significant. If the researchers collect their sample by soliciting the homosexual community, there is a high probability of volunteer bias.
Dit heeft tot gevolg dat er dus NOOIT echt objectief is aangetoond dat er 'geen verschil' zou zijn in geluk en gezondheid van kinderen die door ouders van hetzelfde geslacht worden opgevoed tegenover kinderen van hetero-ouders:
The most egregious manipulation of studies has been the claim made by the American Psychological Association in a 2005 brief, “Not a single study has found children of lesbian or gay parents to be disadvantaged in any significant respect relative to children of heterosexual parents.”
Sterker nog, het bewijs wijst eerder de andere kant op:
A meta-analysis of 25 well-designed studies with a total of 214,344 heterosexuals and 11,971 homosexual persons concluded that same-sex attracted men and women “are at higher risk of mental disorder, suicidal ideation, substance misuse and deliberate self-harm than heterosexual people.”
Nog een laatste artikel dat soortgelijke punten naar voren brengt over dit soort 'studies':
Authors of the “no differences” studies typically use participants derived by non-random methods, employ small samples, and have few controls. They often rely on recruited or volunteer participants, and some simply ask the parents about child well-being rather than studying actual outcomes for children. In other words, most do not adhere to best practices for social science. While these limitations are regularly acknowledged by the researchers themselves, very seldom are these factors reported within media.
Als er daadwerkelijk journalisten werkzaam waren bij de Volkskrant hadden ze dit uitgeplozen voor publicatie. Als ik dit in een poep en een scheet kan vinden, kunnen zij het ook!
Of the several dozen extant studies on same-sex parenting in the past two decades, only eight have used a random sample large enough to find evidence of lower well-being for children with same-sex parents if it exists. Of these eight, the four most recent studies, by Dr. Mark Regnerus, Dr. Douglas Allen and two by Dr. Paul Sullins, report substantial and pertinent negative outcomes for children with same-sex parents. The four earlier studies, by Dr. Michael Rosenfeld and three by Dr. Jennifer Wainright and colleagues, find no differences for children with same-sex parents because, due to errors in file coding and analysis, a large portion of their samples actually consists of children with heterosexual parents. When the sample used by Wainright’s three studies is corrected of this error and re-analyzed, these data also show negative outcomes for children with same-sex parents similar to those reported by Regnerus and Sullins. More importantly, they also show substantially worse outcomes for children who have lived an average of ten years with same-sex parents who are married than for those who have lived only four years, on average, with unmarried same-sex parents. At this time, the three largest statistically representative datasets used to address the question—Regnerus’s New Family Structures Survey, with 3,000 cases; the National Health Interview Survey, with 1.6 million cases; and the National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent Health, with 20,000 cases—have all found that children with same-sex parents fare substantially worse—most measures show at least twice the level of distress— than do children with opposite-sex parents on a range of psychological, developmental and emotional outcomes.
OOPS! Het pakt dus eerder negatief uit dan positief:
- The best social science tells us that men and women parent in different and complementary ways, bringing distinct benefits to their children. When one gender is missing, particularly fathers, we see almost predictable patterns arising in children, specifically early sexual behavior among girls and problems with the law for boys.
- It is widely acknowledged within the psychological community that children suffer trauma when they lose one or both parents to divorce, abandonment (even if subsequently adopted), death, or third-party reproduction.
- We know from decades of research on the impact of divorce and co-habitation, that non-biological care givers tend to be more transitory, invest less time/resources, and be more dangerous to children living under their care.
En mocht je denken dat de auteur zelf bevooroordeeld is, lees dan dit:
First, this is not a commentary on whether or not gay and lesbians are capable parents. One’s sexual attractions do not determine their capacity for child-rearing. A lesbian can be an exceptional mother, I know this by personal experience. She just cannot be a father. A gay man can be a fantastic father and I know several men who fit this description. However, a gay man cannot, no matter how nurturing, be a mother. Children require and desire both.
Secondly, children who grow up outside of a married mother-father home are not doomed. Conversely, if a child is raised by their married mother and father, it’s no guarantee that all will be rosy. But the research tells us that when children are raised by both biological parents within the stability of marriage, the deck is stacked in their favor in the areas of physical, emotional, psychological health. For those raised outside of the married mother-father home, whatever the household make-up may be, kids start out at a disadvantage.
Zij eindigt dan ook met deze rake conclusie:
This is serious business and children are depending on us to do our best on their behalf. Let us use the truth as a tool, not a weapon.