

The Islamic Resistance in Bahrain, the al-Ashtar Brigade, calls for a general mobilization to 'avenge Nasrallah's blood' from the Zionists, and have declared 'every Zionist in Bahrain' a valid target obligatory to attack

🚨🇧🇭 Joint statement by the Islamic Resistance in Bahrain, Saraya Al-Ashtar, and Saraya Wa'd Allah:

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful.

"Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah, so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur’an. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment."

We offer our condolences and congratulations to our master, the Owner of the Age and Time (may Allah hasten his reappearance), to his rightful deputy, the guardian Sayyed Ali Khamenei (may his shadow extend), to all the working scholars and the fighters on the frontlines of Islam, and to ourselves, on the martyrdom of the Master of Resistance, the defender of the oppressed, the fighter Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon – Hezbollah.

The Master of Resistance departed as a witness to the oppression of the people and the oppressed, a witness to the arrogance of global tyranny represented by America and the zionists, a witness to the land and sacred sites usurped from the Islamic nation, a witness to the betrayal of the Arab and Islamic world, a witness to the existence of fighters strong in truth, and a witness to the unity of the battlefields. The blood of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah was spilled in paving the path to Al-Quds.

This great Master and leader, with the strength of his hand and his tongue, dealt severe blows to the enemies of the nation, instilled fear in their hearts, and shook the feet of the occupiers and the hypocrites. We see nothing after him—Allah willing—except the same strength, the bearing of responsibility, and steadfastness in the authentic Muhammadan Islamic principles and values.

We call on the people of Bahrain, who have melted in love for this great master, to mobilize and seek revenge for his blood from the criminal zionists, for any zionist present on the Islamic land of Bahrain is a legitimate target, as they are at war with Allah and His messengers. You are a people of resistance against this cancerous presence.

We recall the steadfast support this great Master provided to the people and his significant backing to lift the injustice they faced. He never ceased to support the people with his words and stance. Let us raise the images of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah everywhere, adorn our villages and towns with the yellow banner, and instill his love in the hearts of our generations.

We ask Allah for mercy and immortality for His Eminence, the martyred and cherished Master, and patience and solace for his family and dear ones, as well as steadfastness for us and the fighters on the path of hardship and resistance.


Dit wordt rampzalig voor Israel. Jon Elmer zegt terecht dat Noord-Israel met zo'n 15 km is gekrompen door de aanhoudende raketaanvallen van Hezbollah. Dit betekent dat het 15 km lange stuk niemandsland al levensgevaarlijk is voor Israelische soldaten - en dan zijn ze nog niet eens de grens overgestoken naar Libanon!

🚨🇱🇧🇸🇾 Syrian Foreign Ministry statement on Nasrallah death:

“We condemn the brutal and cowardly Israeli aggression that led to the martyrdom of the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, along with a large number of innocent civilians.

With the martyrdom of Nasrallah, all those struggling to liberate the land and preserve sovereignty and independence lost one of their icons and a role model in the struggle against aggressors and resistance to occupiers.

Despite the feelings of grief and sadness that the news of the assassination spread among us and among free people everywhere, his heroic path will remain a beacon for future generations to continue their struggle to liberate all occupied Arab lands and ensure that "Israel" is held accountable for its shameful actions.”


“Saraya al-Quds mourns the master of the resistance in Lebanon, His Eminence the martyr/ Hassan Nasrallah

The leadership and cadres of Saraya al-Quds, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, extend to the Arab and Islamic nations the highest verses of congratulations and felicitations on the ascension of the most prominent leaders of the axis of resistance, the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, and his fellow martyrs.

As we in Saraya Al-Quds mourn a great master who joined his great immortal martyr comrades who wrote history with their blood after a journey full of victories leading up to the battle of support and heroism in support of Gaza in the Battle of the Flood of Al-Aqsa, we congratulate His Eminence, may God have mercy on him, his family, the sons of the brotherly Lebanese people, the resistance, our brothers, the leaders and mujahideen of Hezbollah, and all the supporting forces in the axis of resistance for this great martyrdom of his soul and his fellow leaders and mujahideen following the treacherous Zionist raid on the southern suburb of the Lebanese capital Beirut on the evening of Friday 09-27-2024 corresponding to 24 Rabi` Al-Awwal 1446 AH.

Our message to you, our brothers in Hezbollah: From the heart of Palestine and from the battlefields and confrontations, we confirm that the enemy has committed a folly whose consequences it did not calculate, and we trust in you and we will see your strength and your jihad succeed, God willing, and we will remain loyal to Jerusalem and Palestine and to the blood of our struggling Palestinian people and to all the great martyrs walking on the path of Jerusalem.”


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