Hoi Janse,
Ik ben geen expert maar doe een paar vlokken (dit meet ik niet af) in een fles water met sole en een beetje msm- poeder. Verder spoel ik mijn mond ook met de magnesiumvlokken net zoals je met kokosolie kan doen.
Three to five to even ten sprays of magnesium chloride in a glass of pure water or juice is an excellent way to take magnesium internally. It assists digestion, counteracts excess acidity in the stomach, and delivers magnesium swiftly into the bloodstream for distribution to all the cells of the body. Minerals like magnesium in ionic liquid form are vastly superior to pill forms. Much more magnesium will get absorbed and absorption will not depend on hydrochloric acid levels.
A sane rule of thumb for magnesium supplementation (not for therapeutic effect) is approximately 6-8 mg/kg (3-4 mg per pound) of body weight per day. That translates into a total dietary magnesium intake of 600 to 900 mg per day for a 200-lb man which is already way above the RDA, about double. With children some researchers indicate that 10 mg/kg/day are appropriate because of their low body weight and increased requirements for growth. Athletes also need more depending on their stress and training levels and we can always adjust upwards when under great emotional stress or when seriously ill.
Our cells are best served when they are brimming with magnesium reserves.
In general, for a large adult, spraying one ounce of Magnesium Oil a day all over the body is recommended for six months to recover cellular levels with that adjusted downward for children depending on their age and size. This coupled with oral intake, especially for adults, is necessary to get the maximum kick out of magnesium. When magnesium levels are at extremely low levels intravenous application is an option and is often necessary in emergency situations. Very strong therapeutic magnesium baths yield another level of effect which competes quite handedly with intravenous applications but they are no a substitute for them in emergency situations obviously.
Magnesium chloride and Vitamin C have similar toxicity profiles with overdose from both resulting at worst usually in diarrhea unless the kidneys are seriously compromised.