MICHAEL'S MUSINGS: Humanity has long suffered from a chronic condition known as illusion. So few people live in the dynamic of here and now - the only place that life exists - while so many live in a self-created mental and emotional illusion. The problems arise when most people are creating the same illusion, and when that illusion is fear based, then all hell breaks loose.
This is humanity today . . . not everyone, but a majority.
The direction of living in the helplessness of fear-based apathy is a direction for the disaster that has to happen. And we are in it. Imagine if all was calm and quiet now, and we were still cruising along in our illusion toward a pandemic of dementia . . . because this was in our probability path. I know this will shock some of you, but I view all the chaos and turmoil and death and disaster we are going through as absolutely essential to break out of a 'final' breakdown.
So people are dying — there is no death. The Western World is totally lost in its delusion of the illusion that death is the END. Wrong, death is a new beginning . . . although in Truth there is no end and no beginning: all life is endless continuity. Why is this? Because all life is about the growth of consciousness . . . and put simply, much of humanity has stopped growing. So this little bit of political turmoil in the U.S along with some help from our covid friend is kicking all of us out of our apathy and complacency and kick-starting humanity back into growth.
When we get stuck in the apathetic mud of more-of-the-same for too long, life is guaranteed to nudge us out of it. Right now, we are so immersed in the mud that a gently nudge would not work, so we get a good swift kick in the pants. Thank you, Trump. Thank you cabals. In the final analysis life always gets it right. When we lift our consciousness out of 'fear' and into 'Love' then the cabals will sink back into the karma of their own mud.
Meanwhile, a focus on Love is the way to switch on your own growth in consciousness. This is why I so often suggest that you constantly and CONSCIOUSLY . . . choose Love!