How would each MBTI type be like when unhealthy?
Ellis Hornthal
INFP, and an MBTI enthusiast
Answered 5 years ago · Author
They would overuse their dominant function and underuse their inferior, leading eventually either to a loop (using only dominant and tertiary functions, bypassing auxiliary) or, in more extreme cases, a grip (the overused dominant function shuts down and the underdeveloped and unhealthy inferior function takes over). Here's how that might look:
INFP: Loop—Fi-Si. Loses Ne ability to take in new ideas and make connections, stuck repeating the past and making increasingly unrealistic moral judgments. Grip—Te. Unhealthy reliance on plans and structures, loss of flexibility. No Fi moral compass leads to “lawful evil” (the rules benefit me) behavior.
ENFP: Loop—Ne-Te. Loses Fi ability for self-reflection and judgment, stuck in external connection-making and planning mode with no moral compass. Grip—Si. Unhealthy reliance on the past and what worked before. No Ne synthesis and adaptability leads to inflexible and change-intolerant behavior.
ISFP: Loop—Fi-Ni. Loses Se ability to take in and use experiences, stuck making moral judgments based on hunches and feelings that are increasingly not rooted in reality. Grip—Te (see above).
ESFP: Loop—Se-Te. Loses Fi moral compass, stuck observing and making plans with no inner reflection. Grip—Ni. Unhealthy reliance on hunches, own ability to synthesize information, and misguided assumptions about how the world works. No Se introduction of new experience leads to stagnant information from which to draw conclusions.
INTP: Loop—Ti-Si. Loses Ne new ideas and connections, stuck making intellectual judgments and reliving the past. Grip—Fe. Unhealthy reliance on relationship, others, and the community, and belief in own ability to manipulate the community. No Ti independent thought leads to follow-the-leader mentality.
ENTP: Loop—Ne-Fe. Loses Ti independent thought, stuck in external connections and concern for the community with no internal life. Grip—Si (see above).
ISTP: Loop—Ti-Ni. Loses Se taking in experience, stuck relying on independent thought and own misguided hunches. Grip—Fe (see above).
ESTP: Loop—Se-Fe. Loses Ti independent thought, stuck seeking out experiences and seeking out crowd support. Grip—Ni (see above)
INFJ: Loop—Ni-Ti. Loses Fe care for the community, stuck focusing on how the world works and using independent, groundless logic. Grip—Se. Unhealthy reliance on the senses, sensory awareness, sensory pleasures. No Ni perception of cause and effect leads to experience with no context or purpose.
ENFJ: Loop—Fe-Se. Loses Ni sense of connections, intuition, hunches, stuck living only with others and seeking external stimulation. Grip—Ti. Unhealthy reliance on independent, individual thought independent of external information. No Fe concern for the community leads to harmful or cruel behavior.
ISFJ: Loop—Si-Ti. Loses Fe consideration of community, stuck reliving the past and applying internal, unmoderated logic to it. Grip—Ne. Unhealthy reliance on connection-making and synthesizing abilities. No Si understanding of the past leads to “doomed to repeat history” state and lack of ability to learn from mistakes.
ESFJ: Loop—Fe-Ne. Loses Si understanding of the past and how to move forward, stuck focusinv on the community and taking in new ideas. Grip—Ti (see above).
INTJ: Loop—Ni-Fi. Loses Te ability to plan for efficiency, stuck feeding hunches and intuition with a moral compass that has no outside checks. Grip—Se (see above).
ENTJ: Loop—Te-Se. Loses Ni sense of how the world works, the big picture, stuck planning and categorizing fed by external experience alone. Grip—Fi. Unhealthy reliance on internal morality and the correctness of own standards. Lack of Te categorizing and planning leads to unstable and illogical chains of action and reaction.
ISTJ: Loop—Si-Fi. Loses Te ability to plan and categorize, stuck reliving the past and applying unchecked internal morality to it. Grip—Ne (see above).
ESTJ: Loop—Te-Ne. Loses Si sense of the past and moving forward, stuck planning and categorizing with intake of only new ideas. Grip—Fi (see above).
Introverts become isolated and lose touch with reality. Extroverts become shallow and lose internal life. In all cases the solution is to strengthen the auxiliary function and slowly and gently build the inferior.