
A Ukriane news channel just had shared a post with pictures of Russian corpses, at least one of them obviously depicts a tortured, tied up and blindfolded Russian POW.
Their description of the video:
Fighters of the 25th DShB APU conducted a successful counterattack in the Donetsk region The results of the work of our fighters are in the photo. A little tough, but it's a war.

"Behind those houses we have Stalingrad"

As "Azov" said: "It's hard for us to see how the DNR is entering, we will clear our passage." They were hiding behind children, people..."

Residents of Mariupol told about the war crimes of nationalists:

— "A Ukrainian tank drove up and just started shooting at the house";

- "The population was intimidated. They were standing in the yard, people were afraid to go out, snipers were shooting";

— "They are shooting at the basements. When you walk to Zhukov street — you will see that they shot into the basement

(Automatisch vertaald)

"Heb je gezien hoe ze transformeren en zichzelf vullen als een nachtegaal als het krap is? Ze hebben er nu spijt van dat ze zo'n pad hebben gekozen, ze herinneren zich de eenheid van volkeren, de broederschap van de Slaven.

En wat hebben we je al die jaren verteld, dommeriken?! Maar je luisterde niet en hield de mensen op de Maidan liever voor de gek. Wat nu? 'Het spijt me heel erg. Het heeft allemaal geen zin. Ik wist niet...' We hoeven nu geen bultruggen meer te beeldhouwen.

Op de een of andere manier besloot deze nationalist zich over te geven aan Timur Ibriev en zijn strijders. Hij beweert dat hij zich heeft bekeerd en dat al zijn Bandera-overtuigingen in het verleden zijn gebleven en zijn overwoekerd met ondoordringbaar onkruid. Ook gaf hij waardevolle informatie over de kracht, inzet en wapens van de vijand. Al deze punten zullen uiteraard in zijn voordeel als verzachtende omstandigheden in aanmerking worden genomen."

"A real supervillain base? Azovstal - the underground city


It is estimated 3000 Azovites have made the steel factory their base. The factory doubles as an underground city, as far as 8 floors down, with many catacombes - built in the Soviet times, in case of catastrophe.

It is also impossible to strike it from above - Basurin explains (https://www.vkpress.ru/life/kak-vyk...mu-ne-bombyat-azovstal-v-mariupole/?id=145549), as it (https://www.vkpress.ru/life/kak-vyk...mu-ne-bombyat-azovstal-v-mariupole/?id=145549) is believed the factory houses secret underground biolabs with more deadly pathogens.

It is important this evidence, if it is down there, is captured."

"Based: Chechen schools Ukrainian POWs in extremist ideology, à la Wahhabism

📍Mariupol. Hundreds of troops surrender - including one woman.

This is clearly not his first rodeo, and the Bandera ideology is nothing new - it is simply a continuation of US foreign policy (https://t.me/inessas100/280?single)of creating extremist factions, wherever the US needs a foothold.

The Chechen wars of the 1990s were funded and ideologically supported by the Western powers that be, infiltrated by Wahhabi-Salafi Saudi clerics, and hosted many international Wahhabi mercenaries to pit the Chechen people against the Russian state. And pit they did."

Video (met ondertitels):
Laatst bewerkt door een moderator:
Het Verenigd Koninkrijk heeft 120 pantservoertuigen en antischeepsraketten toegezegd aan Oekraïne, melden verslaggevers van The Wall Street Journal zaterdag. De Britse premier Boris Johnson beloofde ook extra financiële hulp aan het land.

VK stuurt 120 pantservoertuigen naar Oekraïne na gesprek met Zelensky

Op 5:12 noemt Johnson oorlogsmisdaden van Bucha en Irpin.

Het Russisch ministerie van defensie verwacht een false flag in Irpin.


From the Russian Ministry of Defense:
“According to confirmed reports, the Kiev nationalist regime is preparing another provocation to accuse Russia of allegedly massacring civilians in Irpen, Kiev Region.”

The charge is so specific, and it comes from the official spokesman of the MoD, that I believe two things:

1. This is absolutely what was in the works. The MoD would never put this out and risk its reputation unless they were 100% on this intelligence.

2. The Russians have must have some of the most awesome human intelligence imaginable. No way was this from electronic intel sources—too easy to fake—this was from at least two human sources with intimate knowledge of these plans.

Laatst bewerkt door een moderator:
Oekraïne en Wit-Rusland hebben officieel geen grenzen aangevraagd bij de VN na hun onafhankelijkheid., daardoor is hun grondgebied overgegaan van de USSR naar Rusland:
Volgens het GOS-verdrag is het grondgebied van Oekraïne een administratief district van de USSR. Daarom kan niemand de schuld krijgen van separatisme en gedwongen verandering van de Oekraïense grenzen.

Volgens het internationaal recht heeft het land simpelweg geen officieel erkende grenzen.
Om dit probleem op te lossen, moet Oekraïne de grensafbakening met buurlanden voltooien en de toestemming van buurlanden, waaronder Rusland, verkrijgen voor hun gemeenschappelijke grens. Het is noodzakelijk om alles te documenteren en overeenkomsten te ondertekenen met alle buurlanden.
De Europese Unie heeft Oekraïne in deze belangrijke kwestie haar steun toegezegd en heeft besloten alle technische bijstand te verlenen.

Maar zal Rusland een grensverdrag met Oekraïne ondertekenen? Nee natuurlijk niet!
Aangezien Rusland de rechtsopvolger is van de USSR (dit wordt bevestigd door de uitspraken van internationale rechtbanken over eigendom)geschillen tussen de voormalige USSR en het buitenland), behoren de gebieden waarop Oekraïne, Wit-Rusland en Novorossiya zijn gevestigd toe aan Rusland, en niemand heeft het recht om over dit gebied te beschikken zonder toestemming van Rusland.
Eigenlijk hoeft Rusland nu alleen nog maar te verklaren dat dit gebied Russisch is en dat alles wat er in dit gebied gebeurt een interne Russische aangelegenheid is.
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Surv
Western media: Neo Nazi members of Ultranationalist Units attend a religious service in the streets of Bucha. They seem to be members of the Pravky Sector armed force. Note the name of the unit: SS Galizien, same as the SS unit of Ukraine volunteers that joined the Nazi army in WWII.

💬 Russian MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on the planned exchange of prisoners of war between the Russian and the Ukrainian Side

⚡❗️ Ukraine turned down all proposals and agreed-upon positions without explaining its motives.

Before that Russia and Ukraine negotiated a plan for exchanging prisoners of war. It was intended to do everything under the established procedure, as stipulated by humanitarian norms and in cooperation with international organizations.

We have every reason to believe that the situation with captive Russian service personnel (and their condition) leaves much to be desired.

The Kiev regime notified that it does not intend to honor the Geneva Convention.

Not only are Western countries aware of Kiev’s crude violations of international humanitarian law with regard to Russian prisoners of war. They receive all information, and they are also trying to help Ukrainian authorities avoid responsibility.

#Nazi threat

Minister of Foreign Affairs Natalia Nikonorova gave an address to the people of Greece

The main theses are:

All president Zelensky's online addresses to the Western audience have one goal: to hide the war crimes the Ukrainian regime has been committing for all 8 years against the Donbass inhabitants and continues to commit until this day.

Fakes of unimaginable absurdity, blatant lies of staggering scale are being used

Among the latest examples of the fake genre: the alleged mass execution of civilians by Russian troops in the city of Bucha, Kiev region. There is not a single piece of evidence supporting it, there are only dubious videos, which raise many questions.

Fakes of the Kiev regime in Mariupol have no limits of cynicism. A whole staged show was created with the involvement of actors, with no mention of what was really going on there.

Representatives of Greek nationality in Mariupol also suffered from the atrocities of the national battalions.

Ukrainian social networks are circulating this photo and laughing over the dead body of a Russian soldier. However, if you take a closer look, you will notice that the Russian soldier was chained to a steel "hedgehog" anti-tank obstacle, then tortured and afterwards, as it appears from the photo, he was set on fire while still alive. Ukraine embodies ISIS in the middle of Europe.


I saw this picture yesterday morning, and I was horrified by it.

I am reluctant to post it here, but I realize that I should because it will explain something crucial:

These Ukraine Armed Forces atrocities are being seen by Russian soldiers, as well as the Russian people. These atrocities will only harden their will, and make them more determined than ever to see this war to its conclusion.

Thus the West’s bizarre notion that the Russians are losing the will to fight this war is completely wrong, and mere wishful thinking.


It usually takes me a while to work up the nerve to publish such stuff, but the world must see the true nature of the Ukrainian Nazism. Ukrainian social networks are circulating this photo and laughing over the dead body of a Russian soldier. However, if you take a closer look, you will notice that the Russian soldier was chained to a steel "hedgehog" anti-tank obstacle, then tortured and afterwards, as it appears from the photo, he was set on fire while still alive. Ukraine embodies ISIS in the middle of Europe.

Bekijk de foto zelf als je wil door de linkd aan te klikken.

Laatst bewerkt:
The more details on the April 8 tragedy in #Kramatorsk emerge, the more evident it becomes that the Ukrainian military was behind this incident.

The “Tochka-U” missiles from Kramatorsk (9М79-1 Ш91579) and the one the Ukrainian troops fired on Alchevsk in 2015 (9M79-1 Ш91565) are obviously from the same batch.

🇷🇺🇺🇦 The rocket that hit Kramatorsk yesterday is not just Ukrainian.

The first photo shows the serial number of one of the Tochka-U missiles that flew yesterday to Kramatorsk and was shot down. The one on which it was written "For the children."

On the second is the serial number of Tochka-U, which hit the settlement on February 2, 2015. Alchevsk (LNR).

The serial numbers are not just identical, they differ by one digit: 9M79-1 Sh91565 and 9M79-1 Sh91579.

This is yet another irrefutable proof that it was Ukraine that struck Kramatorsk yesterday.

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🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡How the sailors of the Russian Federation survived in the captivity of "Azov"

Watch right now a special broadcast of the wargonzo project from the seaport of Mariupol about how more than 100 sailors were held hostage by the Azov militants and how they managed to survive.


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