
🇷🇺🇺🇦 No wonder they say: "He who gets up early, God gives it to him." This morning, the sleep of Bandera was disturbed Ismail Aguev and his fighters. It was in Rubizhne. Those Nazis who were on patrol, without much thought, were sent straight to the next world.

🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡ Captured Ukrainian soldier gave valuable information about the strength, deployment and weapons of the enemy. All these points, of course, will be taken into account in his favor as extenuating circumstances.

🇷🇺🇺🇦❗Fights in Mariupol are coming to an end

According to units of the DPR and the RF Armed Forces have reached the sea and are fighting in the port of Mariupol. Previously, it was under the control of the Ukrainian national battalions.

“We went to the sea. We are cleaning up,” one of the people’s militia fighters told us.

A significant part of the port is already in the hands of the allies. If the defense of the Ukrainian Nazis there finally collapses, then it will be possible to safely state the capture of Mariupol.

We are waiting for our victory

🇷🇺🇺🇦 Another manifestation of the "care" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine about their own population.

Soldiers of the 25th Airborne Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, during the retreat, mined a bridge in the village of Malaya Kamyshevakha. Thanks to the rapid advance of the Russian troops, the pyrotechnics left their positions in a hurry and did not have time to blow up an important infrastructure facility for local residents.

🇭🇺🇺🇦Hungary backs an independent probe into what happened in the Ukrainian town of Bucha, the spokesman of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban says.

🇷🇺🇺🇦 More captured Ukrainian troops They took them in the city of Rubezhnoye. They make a pitiful sight. Thin, hungry, exhausted by fear and despair. By all indications and the first data from the interrogation, they belong to the soldiers of the National Guard.

They themselves, apparently, do not understand what they came out to fight for and what is happening in general. They don’t even know how the West uses Zelensky and all of Ukraine. These young soldiers will no longer be sent to the slaughter by the criminal authorities of the Nazis. Fortune turned to face them at the most critical moment, when death breathed in their faces. It was lucky that our soldiers, under the leadership of Apta Alaudinov, offered them to surrender.

🇺🇦 Hohols crying for help

"Rescue fighters of 28 OmBr who are already 10 days surrounded in one of villages of the Kherson area, they are alive and ask for the help"

🏳️‍⚧️❗NATO is developing plans for a full-scale deployment of armed forces on its eastern borders in connection with the growing military activity of Russia, - Secretary General of the alliance.

Stoltenberg said that NATO is on the path of "fundamental transformation", which is happening because of the special operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. He pointed out that about 40,000 troops are already stationed on the eastern flank of the alliance, which is about 10 times more than just a few months ago, and their number will grow.

The final decision on what the NATO grouping in the region will look like is planned to be approved at the organization's summit in June.

In juni is dit allemaal lang en breed voorbij. Ze zijn te laat.


Jaren geleden vertelde iemand die in Maasland woont dat er "vluchtelingen" uit Syrië bij hem in de buurt kwamen wonen. Ze kregen een woning, maar daar hadden ze klachten over.
De gemeente had dat allemaal naar wens aangepast. 🤦‍♂️
Wat deden ze niet veel later? Ze gingen met vakantie naar het land waaruit ze waren "gevlucht". 🤦‍♂️
"Surrendering as a woman...

📍Mariupol. Not speaking Russian is a kind of protest, or a way to retain dignity - point being she's clearly not afraid to do so in a group of men of the opposing side.

Russian interviewer even switches to basic Ukrainian at the end.❗️All POWs are protected by the Geneva Convention. (https://t.me/inessas100/949)"


"⚡️What's the hold up with Azovstal? It's likely there is an entire battalion of international fighters/advisors there. This is their stronghold & they understand they aren't covered by the Geneva Convention - Prilepin (https://t.me/rt_russian/104937)."

Vanavond bij de NOS... :rolleyes:

Ukrainians appear to film their war crime
In an armed conflict, a white truck means it is either carrying the wounded or humanitarian aid.

Why would one film that? 🤔

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