
💢Evidence of st4g1ng Bucha:
(https://t.me/NewResistance/7018)This is what is used to neutralize IED's and roadside bombs.

Being 10 feet from an IED, pulling a corpose on a rope, is not a precaution for avoiding IED/Bomb blast wired inside of a corpse, or whatever the fantastical 'explaining away' had entailed.

These things literally throw Humvees in the air and obliterate everything 30 feet in all directions, or more.

Case closed.


Heftig nieuws uit Oekraïne: bevindt zich onder dit industriegebied een geheime NAVO-basis met een biolab?​

Diverse journalisten vragen aandacht voor heftige berichten uit de Oekraïense stad Marioepol, waar het beruchte Azovbataljon zich heeft verschanst in een industriegebied. Onder Azovstal, dat eigendom is van de Oekraïense oligarch Rinat Achmetov, zou zich een 24 kilometer lang tunnelstelsel bevinden dat tot 30 meter diep is.

In dat stelsel bevindt zich volgens diverse bronnen een geheime NAVO-basis, PIT-404 geheten, evenals een biolab waar biologische wapens worden gemaakt. In de gebouwen zijn naar verluidt NAVO-officieren aanwezig.

rt.com 11 Apr, 2022 09:39
HomeRussia & FSU

Russia claims killing of senior nationalist commander in Ukraine​

Taras Bobanich, a senior figure in the Right Sector group, was killed by Russian commandos, the Russian defense ministry said
Russia claims killing of senior nationalist commander in Ukraine

© Russian Defence Ministry

Russian commandos have killed a prominent member of Ukraine’s nationalist Right Sector group, the Russian defense ministry claimed on Monday. Taras Bobanich was accused by Moscow of causing hundreds of civilian deaths in eastern Ukraine during hostilities in 2014.
A Russian recon team killed Bobanich while on patrol about 5km south from the city of Izium in Ukraine’s Kharkov region, the ministry statement said. It said he was a deputy commander of the Right Sector responsible for reserve operations.
The ministry didn’t disclose the circumstances of Bobanich’s death. The Right Sector’s social media reported that he was killed on Friday near Izium, calling him a “legendary nationalist”.
The 33-year-old, whose nickname was “Hummer”, came originally from western Ukraine. He rose to national prominence during the mass protests and armed coup of 2013-2014, during which Ukrainian nationalists served as the street fighting force against Ukrainian law enforcement.
The coup ended with the toppling of Ukraine’s democratically elected president and a rebellion in the east of the country, which the new authorities in Kiev tried to quash with military force. The nationalists formed so-called “volunteer battalions” to participate in the fighting.
New chemical plant blast reported in Donbass
New chemical plant blast reported in Donbass

According to Russia, Bobanich personally ordered the indiscriminate artillery shelling of cities in eastern Ukraine during the hostilities, which allegedly resulted in hundreds of deaths.
In addition to serving as a nationalist military commander, Bobanich played a prominent role in the blockade of trade between Ukraine and Crimea in the autumn 2015. The blockade was organized by nationalist forces who wanted to punish people living on the peninsula for breaking away from Ukraine a year prior and voting to rejoin Russia.
Moscow attacked its neighbor in late February, following Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements signed in 2014, and Russia’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics in Donetsk and Lugansk. The German and French brokered protocols had been designed to regularize the status of those regions within the Ukrainian state.
Russia has now demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the two republics by force.
Zondag op de Dam stonden zo'n 20 mensen met bordjes voor zich.
Onduidelijk wat hun intentie was gingen we hun dat vragen. Een dame vertelde over de raketaanval op het treinstation en op het moment dat we beelden vanaf de mobiel lieten zien dat er twijfel is over de herkomst v d raket sloeg een vaag figuur uit die rij de mobiel uit de handen. Wees voorbereid als je in zo'n situatie komt.. een dialoog was in dit geval niet mogelijk.
"Kadyrov issues cryptic message

💥 The leader of the Chechen republic says "things are about to get interesting" (https://t.me/RKadyrov_95/1853). He appears to announce the start of an offensive on Donbass and continues (https://t.me/inessas100/848) to call on Ukrainians to lay down arms, to avoid unnecessary losses.

💥 He corrects the perception that Russian forces retreated from Kiev, rather, he suggests it was a regrouping.

💥 9:00 He illustrates what he would do if he was Commander in Chief - utilize a small tactical nuke against specific points of contention...in this way making Putin appear mild. [I'm advised 'tactical' is low yield and different to regular nukes].

May cool heads prevail. 🙏"

Video (met ondertitels):

Scott Ritter and The Battle of the Donbas​

Ik ben ook wel geïnteresseerd in wat er in of onder Azovstal is verborgen.
Is het inderdaad een NAVO-basis en biolab, genaamd PIT-404? Misschien komen we er binnenkort achter.

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