
Kirby of the Pentagon accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of cruelty and viciousness because of the evidence of war crimes of the Russian army in Ukraine: “It is difficult to look at what he is doing in Ukraine, what his forces are doing in Ukraine, and think that an ethical, moral person could justify it. It's hard to look at... sorry. It is impossible to look at some pictures and at the same time think that you are facing the consequences of the actions of a sane, serious and mature leader. I can't talk about his psychology, but I think we can all talk about his viciousness."

The main humanists of the universe are speaking🤬


Even though it is also very difficult to look at some images below, strangely, they have not been taken in Ukraine

Almost forgot to show "atrocities" of Russians that Kirby was talking about above...

Distributing Easter cakes 🎂


Head of the DPR Denis Pushilin: A huge construction project is planned in Mariupol with the support and assistance of Russia

A large construction project will begin as soon as the issue with the militants who have settled on Azovstal is resolved. Now it is necessary to withdraw civilians from the territory of the plant: women and children.

💬 Nationalists are now demanding evacuation, humanitarian corridors. But listen, humanitarian corridors for civilians are open all the time. And if there is a desire to really save the lives of civilians, they must be released,” said Denis Pushilin.

From TG channel "Cemetery of fakes":

The main Ukrainian media "UNIAN" goes to the cemetery of fakes

This garbage dump is spreading a fake video, passing off an American ship as a Russian warship, which is allegedly blown up by a mine.

The truth is that the video shows the exercise of the American military, who for 12 hours could not destroy the decommissioned ship. Video was published back in 2016

This material is buried in the cemetery of fakes. Rest in peace and may your creator be cursed.

The refugees performed the traditional singing of mournful songs in Krakow, but this time they sang not the anthem of Ukraine, but the song "Chervona Kalina".

To their misfortune, among the spectators was a man who knows history. He told the group of Jews listening to the song that this song was used as the anthem of the UPA.(Ukrainian Nazi-collaborating army)

After the Jews listened to the historical background, they replied: “We don’t like Ukraine anymore.”

“The Azovs were hiding behind civilians”: A Mariupol resident describes how nationalists set up a firing position in her home

Buitenlandse generaal in Azovstal!

Laatst bewerkt:
Overal waar de Ukronazi's zich schuilhouden onder burgers hetzelfde beeld:

A resident of Kharkov told RIA Novosti that Ukrainian troops are not letting civilians out of the city.

And the residents themselves do not know about the opening of humanitarian corridors, including to Russia, since they have no connection and no one informs them.

Sommige idioten in de Amerikaanse politiek willen militaire escalatie!

JUST IN - Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) to introduce a joint resolution that would "authorize the use of U.S. Armed Forces to defend Ukraine" should Russia use chemical, biological, and/or nuclear weapons.


The Azov Battalion was cruel, I wanted to go and get some water together with my sister. So I walked into the house to fetch a rope. Just a rope, about 18-20 meter long, in order to cut it. I did not open the fridge or any cupboards, just wanted to fetch the rope. They began threatening me of execution.
Ours fucking Ukrainians scared us telling that the enemy would come and execute us. We were there and I said that it couldn't be that our brotherly Slavs would execute us. There were also the Chechens who helped some others out, they gave everyone water and calmed them down. Thank You so much. I bow in respect. Thanks again to South Front for providing transcription for this video:

In 2015 I was in Donetsk at the exchange of prisoners between the DR and Ukraine and became one of the first to talk to them. Most of them had been through the most severe tortures.

Based on a survey of more than 200 prisoners we’ve prepared this report later presented to the UN in New York and Geneva.

As a result, the UN recognized the fact that Ukraine uses torture. Over the years, the Kiev regime has made this practice ubiquitous.

This year together with the victims of torture from my report we visited the notorious Ukrainian torture center at Mariupol airport.

Download the text of the report on Ukrainian torture in Russian.

Download the text of the report on Ukrainian torture in English

«In Kiev, there is a serious shortage of gasoline due to the complete shutdown of all refineries in Ukraine - diesel has completely disappeared

There are many kilometers of queues at gas stations that still work. Gasoline A-95 is sold for 36 hryvnia a liter, or about 100 rubles. The volume is limited from 10 to 20 liters per tank. There is no diesel, as evidenced by the scoreboard at the gas station.

"Something is all wrong here, guys. These are queues for gas stations, these are not parked cars," the author of the video comments on what is happening.»

Na even rust te hebben genonen is journalist Patrick Lancaster weer aan het werk in Oekraine:

Laatst bewerkt:
A video has been published from the Ukrainian side of how people are being taken out of the dungeons of the Azovstal plant.

One of the bomb shelters was gouged so much that it formed an open breach.

That's why they decided to evacuate.

🇺🇦Kiev continues the war with all Russian.

The plaque "Glory to Russian arms" was removed from the monument of 1904 in Odessa.

It was removed from a captured cannon from a British warship during the Crimean War of 1854-1855.

On the eve of the local neo-Nazis and part-time "terroborontsy" proposed to demolish the monument to Catherine II in Odessa.


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