
Russian rescuers began clearing rubble in Mariupol

100 rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and 35 units of special equipment from Tula arrived in the city.

Together with the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the DPR, they are clearing rubble in residential areas and removing damaged concrete slabs. Before that, the buildings are examined by sappers.

Sappers = mijnenvegers. Er liggen overal mijnen die door deze sappers onklaar gemaakt moeten worden.

Vladimir Zelensky told Greek television ERT that he is grateful to the [Nazi] Azov Regiment and other "volunteers", whatever they may be.

"And if there are challenges or calls for radicalism, I believe that in our state there are much fewer of them compared to other countries of the world. I think that we have almost none. Despite the fact that we have a war and we could understand that. If such radical statements take place, believe me, we follow them, take them very seriously, we stop them and immediately take necessary steps," Zelensky said.

🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Throughout the battle for Mariupol, the nationalists stubbornly dragged away the bodies of their dead, abandoning the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and civilians. They did this to prevent the identification of their militants.

But what was the point in this when they themselves took and abandoned their staff lists, signed by the deputy chief of staff of the Azov regiment?

We found them, by the way, in an abandoned armored personnel carrier of nationalists

What happened in Odessa, on May 2, 2014?

The media won't tell you that Ukrainian militants set fire to a House of Trade Unions, with anti-Maidan activists inside. They stood against the pro-Nazi, US coup of the Ukrainian government. For their stance - 48 people were burned alive.

Those who made it out burned, were beaten to death.

Scenes of joy and glee on behalf of the Nazis can be found in the documentary film Donbass 2022 [R18+] and live scenes were televised on a Kiev talk show, to an applause.


On May 2, 1945 the commander of the 1st Ukrainian Front Marshal of the Soviet Union Ivan Konev reported to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Joseph Stalin that the front troops after nine days of street battles together with the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front seized Berlin.

▫️ Over 34,000 enemy soldiers and officers were captured on May 2.

Swastika, shouts of "Azov" and the flag of the "Right Sector". In New York, Nazi supporters held a protest in front of the Russian embassy. Surprisingly, the local police and authorities did not see anything wrong with this. Although, every day surprises less and less…

On May 2, 2014, a terrible tragedy took place in Odessa.
People were burned alive ... and finished off.
On that day, 48 civilians were killed by the Nazis.
Of these, 7 were women.
30 people were poisoned by gas.
6 people died from burns.
10 crashed to their deaths by jumping out of windows from the upper floors.
In total, 220 people turned to hospitals for help that day.
No one was punished, the investigation of the massacre was never carried out. Unlike the murders in Bucha (also carried out by Ukrainian neo-Nazis), the Odessa tragedy has been fully captured on video and photo, there are a large number of witnesses.
Never forget. Never forgive.

Footage from 2 May 2014 shows Ukrainian authorities openly coordinating a massacre in the Trade Unions House in Odessa, preparing Molotov cocktails by Maidan activists, shooting at people trying to escape fire.

Let goed op, de VROUWEN maakten de Molotov-cocktails waarmee de brand in het vakbondsgebouw werd gesticht! Zijn de mannen daarmee ontslagen van alle verantwoordelijkheid? Nee, natuurlijk niet, zij hebben de cocktails gegooid. Maar al te vaak zien we echter dat de vrouwen niet bestraft worden, terwijl ze op de achtergrond volop faciliteren. Denk ook aan de Tricoteuses tijdens de Franse Revolutie.

Laatst bewerkt:
#video #Odessa

“It was indeed a reprisal raid, and people were burned alive. Who needs THIS KIND of Ukraine?” On May 2, 2014, Odessa saw violent bloodshed. Euromaidan supporters drowned the pro-Russia protests in blood. Dozens of people died.

Watch horrifying footage of the mass killing that happened on that day and recollections of the Odessa residents who were there. This is a fragment of the documentary, Maidan: Road to War. Share it with everyone who still has doubts about nationalism in Ukraine.

The prosecutor's office of the DPR charged the mercenaries from the UK with a number of serious crimes committed by them. And under the laws of the Republic, they face the death penalty.

The mercenaries are not included in the categories of persons listed in Article 4 of Section I of the "Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War of August 12, 1949, as amended and supplemented", to which this Convention applies. Moreover, mercenarism has been recognized as a "military crime" and international bodies are prosecuting mercenaries in court.

Het ziet er niet best uit voor Aiden Aslin.

Odessa, May 2, 2014. We remember.

Revenge has already befallen many Nazis who committed atrocities in the House of Trade Unions. It will reach the rest.

In the photo, Kristina Bezhanitskaya (22 years old) and Vadim Papura (17 years old) were brutally killed by Ukrainian Nazis in the Odessa House of Trade Unions.

On May 2, 2014, Ukraine lost its right to exist.

The Ministry of Defense of Moldova does not see signs that would indicate the presence of a military threat from Russia. This was stated by the press secretary of the department Alla Deacon commenting on the publication of The Times.

"At the moment there are no signs that Moldova is in danger," the Deacon said in a comment to a local TV channel.

According to her, such conclusions are shared not only by the Moldovan authorities, but also by the republic's international partners.

May cool heafs prevail.

Gotta love it how they spin it all to try not to look like rotten bastards.

So there is this Russian tycoon Oleg Tinkov, the founder of Tinkoff Bank. Last month he said some really nasty things in social networks not only about the special operation but also in reply to just some regular people who expressed their disagreement with his position in the comments. He basically called everyone who supports the operation "dumb f*cks" and many other names.

Now, NYT publishes interview with him, where he complains that the Kremlin forced him to sell the bank for a penny, but he himself “realized that Russia as a country no longer exists” and does not want to “associate his brand and his name with this country".

It's OK, Oleg. The bank has already announced rebranding (Tinkov sold his share a few years back but the bank kept the name). You know why they are doing it? Because there is a mass exodus of customers. People are closing accounts and cutting up cards.

I usually don’t post this but…

The evacuation of the corpses of abandoned soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Ukraine didn’t want them, they did not pick them up. Everyday life of the war, Izyum front.

They don‘t pick their dead soldiers up because this would mean they have to inform their relatives. People would start asking questions.

In this case they can just say „there‘s no service thats why you can‘t call them, everything is fine“


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