
Thanks to the research by the twitter user Ip2Is new information about both Shaun Pinner and Aiden Aslin popped up.
Both were at one point members of ''Azov'' and ''Georgian National Legion''.
Leader of the ''Georgian National Legion'' Mamuka Mamulashvili told in an interview in April that their legion murders Russian prisoners of war after a video emerged of Russian soldiers being killed on a road with their hands tied up behind their back.

When Pinner and Aslin were captured in Mariupol they've claimed to be members of Ukrainian marines.

In a documentary called Ukraine - Europe's Forgotten War: Robin Hood Complex Shaun Pinner is being interviewed and shown several times, including him training Ukrainian snipers.

Shaun Pinner the man with many faces.

In the last 5 years Shaun Pinner that was sentenced to death in DNR has been in Georgian National Legion in Ukraine, Ukrainian marine, ''Azov'' member and instructor and YPG Kurdish militia member in Syria.


Ukrainian Nazis defended Mariupol with bravery (and human shields) for weeks. Then, they surrendered en masse. Did they leave a 'deadly parting gift'?

Now that the US DoD has admitted to have been running FORTY SIX bio-labs in Ukraine with a multitude of different disease strains, check THIS out:

I'm not one for dramatic statements, and i've spent years in Donetsk. But, what we're witnessing here at the moment is a new level of terror, a new level of horror. Constant bombardment of the city by Ukrainian forces with all manner of heavy artillery, and now daily casualties. Today, 3 people killed when Ukrainian shelling hit a market in the city, a further 18 wounded. Evening, the sound, and smell, of shelling hitting all over the city. Today has been declared as the day of the heaviest shelling of Donetsk since the conflict began, over eight years ago - a massive statement, but one that anyone here in Donetsk would support. These are some of the darkest times in the history of this great city of Donetsk, and as you read this I know that your thoughts will be with the people here in Donetsk, and hopes that what has in recent days become a critical situation is resolved as soon as possible, and we all know that there is only one way to resolve it.

After today's unprecedented shelling of Donetsk and DPR, a traditional end-of the-day meme is not appropriate. So I'll do a quote instead:

There are two types of people: people-destroyers and people-creators.

People-creators are sometimes forced to destroy - the old and the obsolete (dialectic!)

But people-destroyers will NEVER create.

◾We got confirmation on the origin of the cluster munitions used by the Ukrainian Army against Donetsk.

◾French provided shells of cluster munitions as reported by @Rybar yesterday and confirmed by adviser to the head of the government of the DPR Gagin.

◾Roman Vladimirovich Kachur, a native of Sumy, colonel, commander of the 55th Separate Artillery Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. From 2014 to 2018, he commanded the artillery of the 81st odshbr, which operated in the Donetsk direction The brigade is armed with foreign military equipment, including 155mm self-propelled guns"Caesar" and towed howitzers M777,which are used for shelling Donetsk in recent weeks. In recent days, he has been using,among other things,ammunition with a remote fuse in residential areas.

The guys in Ukrainian Transcarpathia came for the beer, but there was a mobilization ambush at the store ...😡

The second motorcyclist decided not to join his colleague and drove off into the sunset ...Note, the other "recruiter" brought a guy off the street in handcuffs

Be careful lads…😜

Bloomberg said that Ukraine's accession to the European Union will break up this bloc

The rhetoric of the leading American publication regarding Ukraine's accession to the EU has played out again in a new way: "We would like to with all our hearts, but the union already has an overload in terms of the number of countries. This will affect the overall management system."

The publication writes that granting Ukraine membership now will create so many new problems for the EU that the bloc, which has never been a model of effective governance, may collapse or even disintegrate. The same warning applies to the acceptance of Moldova, Georgia and even Albania, Northern Macedonia and other Balkan countries that are already in the queue.

The fact is that the economy, the judicial system and other institutions of these countries are not ready to join the union. In addition, the increase in the composition of the EU countries from the original six to 27 today creates a huge management problem. It becomes more confusing and cumbersome. The growing number of institutions and commissioners from different countries leads to chaos of languages, traditions and national interests, writes Bloomberg.

"The real problem is that the EU, as it grew, did not rewrite its treaties carefully enough so that the bloc could remain consistent and solve the problems of the world. Often, one country can veto the joint actions of the other 26, even if it is urgent. An example is Hungary, which delayed the sixth package of EU sanctions against Russia for several weeks," — describes in a new way the impossibility of Ukraine's accession to the EU

◾Ukrainian radicals were going to reach Kazakhstan.

◾This is stated in the book “Ukrainian military doctrine”, which was republished specifically for the Azov regiment.

◾Several quotes from it were read to the Donbass channel by Tatyana Bondarenko, a senior researcher at the Donetsk Republican Museum of Local Lore, where a lot of “material evidence” is collected, confirming that the “Azovites” professed neo-Nazi ideology.

◾The doctrine, which the nationalists studied, notes that Ukraine should conquer both the entire east of Europe and significant territories of Central Asia, including Kazakhstan.

🇬🇧❗️3,000 Britons are fighting in Ukraine on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, commander of the Georgian Legion Mamuka Mamuashvili told Sky News.
In total, according to the publication, there are currently 20,000 foreign soldiers in Ukraine.

Speeches at our international round table "American-Ukrainian program for the development of bacteriological weapons", which was held by the International Public Tribunal for Ukraine.

Igor Lukyanov talks about the direct connection of the Biden family with the American-Ukrainian bacteriological laboratories.

The Ukrainian forces enjoy the benefit of brainwashing the entire world with the help of Uncle Sam— so now, they can strike civilian areas and you’ll not hear a word about it. It was not any different in 2014 -2020, but at least some media reported on it. Now? They just report it as Russia striking Donetsk. Ukrops can do whatever they want to the people of Donbas & they’ll get sympathies for it. 2022 western propaganda is A1. It is even more scary when you realize that the British and Americans know exactly what’s going on, yet they send them weapons to do just that.

Als Poetin niet op 24-2 had ingegrepen was er een offensief gestart op 8-3 waarbij het ondenkbare was gebeurd: de totale uitroeiing van alle Russen, Rusgezinde of Russisch sprekende bewoners van de Donbass. De medeplichtige media had deze eenzijdige agressie volledig stilgehouden en enkel de Russische reactie hierop belicht als zijnde eenzijdige Russische agressie en de vele doden toegeschreven aan de moordlust van de Russen, een totale omkering van de werkelijkheid.

🇺🇦❗An uncut video has surfaced showing how the bastard from the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is shooting at the children. The children run away. And this is not in the frontline zone, but in Kiev.

❗️Friends, those who are outraged and do not understand why they shoot at Donetsk after 3 months of war. Do you really think that our command are idiots? Cowards? Traitors? Maybe they, as in a bad action movie, are the real villains? “ahaha, we need more corpses”

I explain.

They shoot from the industrial zone of Avdeevka. This is from where that everything flies to the center of Donetsk

The industrial zone is such a thing that is very difficult to storm. Remember Azovstal? The decision of the Commander in Chief to stop the frontal assault spared the lives of hundreds of people who would have been lost in vain: Soviet factories were built with taking possible war in account.

I watched the storming of the industrial zone in Svetlichnoye, in the LPR. It is small, plus civilians were evacuated from Svetlichny (we must pay our respects to the pro-Kiev Lugansk Oblast administration on this one. As for why the Ukrainian Donetsk administration is so dismissive of civilians, I do not really understand). Well, this little industrial zone was stormed eight times, artillery, planes and GRADs worked; The effect was achieved after two months of battles. And it was NOT because the equipment and training were bad, they were the best fighters who were there.

In Avdeevka, the industrial zone is much, much bigger and thus is strengthened better. Our artillery works on it, but there is still a lot to work on. And the effect will be when Avdeevka will be surrounded into a boiler. Our troops are working on it. I think this will happen soon.

But for now -
Do not think that we are so powerful that we can just decide every battle at an instant with only the snapping our fingers. Our command has shortcomings, and quite serious, But in this case, if you freak out and try - well, extra hundreds of soldiers will needlessly die, and it is unlikely that an effect will be achieved. Do you really want this? I don’t think you want more needless losses.

Am I clear now??


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