
🇺🇦🇩🇪 The Ukrainian ambassador to Germany speaks of Stepan Bandera as a national hero of Ukraine

– You visited the grave of Stepan Bandera and said that you admire him. Why?
– I didn't say I admire him.
– Yes, you said.
– For all Ukrainians, he personifies a fighter for freedom, one who stands for the independence of Ukraine. There are no written laws for those who fight for freedom. Robin Hood also acted illegally.
– Do you admit that he was an anti-Semite, and his people were involved in the murder of 800 thousand Jews?
– No, he didn't participate. There is no proof. He was not convicted.
– Yes, there're proofs.
– Nope. I don't want to talk about it.

The representative of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, Nikolenko, called Melnyk's words about Bandera his personal opinion.

🇮🇱 The Israeli embassy in Germany harshly criticized the Ukrainian ambassador to Germany, for doubting that Bandera was guilty of the genocide of Jews and other peoples, and also for the fact that he "distances himself from this."

A Ukrainian medical-shooter Viktor Crutic from Lviv, military unit A0998 of the 24 brigade, which was stationed near Lisichansk, tells how they fired at the civilian population of Zolotoye-5 and were engaged in looting:

— Did you witness that there were shelling, regular shelling at Zolotoye-5 and the adjacent settlements?

— Yes. We could see how a mortar worked. Every two or three hours, two or three mines...

The guys were happy there, they took something away... Those who had access to the city came, they said that.

Fuck sake 😂 now Richard Branson... who else can they bring into this shit movie to make it anymore ridiculous...maybe an interview with Zelenskyy and a cartoon character still wouldn't wake the dumb masses up.

Mijnen tegen personen zijn toch oorlogsmisdaad? Alleen anti tank mijnen zijn toegestaan?

Demining scattered Ukrainian mines delivered by air

📚What is Ukraine 🇺🇦? Part 1.
In one of my previous posts, I showed how Ukrainian authorities developed the most absurd theories of how great and superior their nation is, and successfully brainwashed their population with this for 30 years. If you haven't watched it yet, get ready to laugh. I may sound sarcastic, but it's hard to react any other way. https://t.me/right2dissent/124

It's laughable how they're trying to rewrite history and make everything fit their theories. They do it to distance themselves from Russian culture and heritage. In this series, I'm going to write about Ukraine, and its history, not the "descendants of gods" theories.

Before the 20th century, there was no record of a country or state named "Ukraine." ❗️The modern country Ukraine is a purely 20th-century creation.
The term “Ukraine", which is an English word, is pronounced oo-kra-in-a, in Russian or Ukrainian languages. I'm not sure if I'm using the right word here, but I want to say that the term "Ukraine" was non-deterministic. It derives from the words such as:
Окраина (rus) - okraina - pronounced o-kra-in-a, meaning borderland.
People also used to say "У краины" (rus), meaning at the edge, or at the border. Pronounced oo-kra-i-ni.
Indeed, many lands west of the Dnieper River (that splits modern Ukraine) were Russia's Western borders. ❗️It should be noted that those were not defined territories. These lands were also listed/mentioned as a historical region.
In the 18th century, the Russian government referred to the term "a ukranian line", as a line of western defence with strongholds. Or "a ukrainian division", for the troops guarding those areas. This had nothing to do with ethnicity.
In Polish sources of the middle of the 17th century, there is a mention of suppression of Cossack's revolt. Those who suppressed the revolt were Hungarian mercenaries and Ukrainians (oo-kra-in-zi). This time, the term was used for the Polish noblemen called "Szlachta", who lived west of the Dnieper River. As can be seen, they used the term "Ukrainian" for the Poles living on the eastern border of Poland.
"Ukrainians" were also called Cossacks who revolted against the Polish king and then also betrayed the Russian Tzar.

Deel 2:

📚What is Ukraine 🇺🇦? Part 2.
In part 1, I explained that the term "Ukraine" (oo-kra-in-a) was not a definitive or deterministic term.
What about the Ukrainian ethnicity? Well, it is a mixed ethnic-linguistic group. If you look at the historical timeline, you'll see four main groups: East Slavic, Turkic, Balkan and West Slavic. Each group has its own sub groups. For example, Russia is represented by nearly 200 different ethnic groups and nationalities.

❗️Ukraine, however, seeks to stand out as a special nation, and claims certain territorial sovereignty.

✍️I want to emphasize that all this is done to cut ties to Russian culture and heritage.
The Austro-Hungarian Empire initiated this process in the 19th century as part of their confrontation with the Russian Empire. They chose Galicia, the west-most region, historically Polish and anti-Russian, and contributed to the development of Ukrainian nationalism and language.
From being one of many Russian nationalities, they gradually developed a concept of a separate nation, which later developed into political Ukraine. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Ukrainian government began to promote the idea that it was separate from Russia in every respect. Their slogan was " «Украина — не Россия!», meaning Ukraine is not Russia.
It took almost a full generation to gradually change the minds of many, especially the younger generation, who had been literally raised on myths.

🤔So, what is so special about the Ukrainian nation? 💥According to their textbooks, they belong to the ancient group called "Ukry", pronounced as oo-kry. This group was an ancient tribe, the intellectual elite of an ancient society, spreaders of spiritual knowledge that they have been carrying for thousands of years in the vast expanses of Eurasia. The Ukrainians are descended from them.

I bet this makes many Ukrainians feel distinct, and they believe in restoring Ukrainian glory. Is there some connection between Ukrainian neo-Nazism and this ❓

I'll write later about something more realistic, like Kievan Rus, etc.

💡A brief note
Why does Ukraine 🇺🇦 want so hard to be associated with Europe?
I'd like to share my personal opinion on the subject.

The fall of the Soviet Union was a disaster for many. The once proud nation was torn in pieces. The last USSR General Secretary, M. Gorbachev, and the first Russian president, B. Yeltsin, pretty much "sold" their country.

Poverty. Crime. Lawlessness. This period is known as the "chaotic 90s". Ukraine wasn't an exception (to this day, Ukraine has one of the most corrupt governments in the world). It was a decade-long social and political turmoil that still resonates even today. It impoverished many and affected not only their lifestyles but also their visions for the future.

So, you understand that it was not like having no jam for your bread and peanut butter sandwich. People sometimes didn't have bread. The same little tea bag was used at least 3 times, making tea for the entire family, not a single person.

Many lost their way. Many immigrated to other countries.

So, when you show beautiful and rich Europe or the USA to those crushed by poverty, they become "besotted" 😲 Think of this as a marketing/advertising/sales campaign:
🪄"If you become one of us, or like us, you'll have the same wonderful lifestyle." (Just sign the contact 😈)

In time, all the bad things came to be associated with Russia, and all the good and beautiful with Europe. What do you think were the reactions of many Ukrainians in 2013 when their government did not sign a political association with the European Union, instead choosing closer ties to Russia?
They wanted to be like Europeans and not live in a backward country like Russia. It's obvious this isn't true, but I guess that's how many people felt. Then the 2014 coup (Euromaidan) took place, and nationalists came to power.

☀️This is how the residents of Lisichanks greet Russian forces (Chechens and Cossacks). They were waiting for liberation from the Ukrainians. The truth is coming out. It brought tears to my eyes.
Here's what they say (in order):
Thank you! Thank you so much!
Thank God!
Beyond words happiness
We've been waiting for 8 years
Thank God!
Just look what those bastards (Ukrainians) have done
They cause provocations/attacks, then blame you (Russians)

☀️Another recent video from the liberated Lisichanks. Very emotional.
The residents are coming out and waving to the soldiers. They're crying from joy, hugging the soldiers, thanking God and calling them liberators. People were waiting for the liberation from 8 yr. long Ukrainian oppression.
🇷🇺is fighting for those people.

💡Another thought I wanted to share...
A lot of people living in the southern and eastern parts of Ukraine don't think of themselves as Ukrainians. You can refer to my map, even though I can't claim perfect accuracy 🤓
Back in the USSR, there was no clear division between 🇷🇺 and 🇺🇦, except for Western Ukraine, which evolved differently in the historical timeline. ❗️After the Soviet Union fell, a lot of people ended up in the country they didn't want.
It was one big family sharing space and resources, and then suddenly there was a "wall" in between.
Things only got worse after the 2014 coup.
This is why I think we see all these emotional videos of locals greeting Russian troops.
They've been waiting for this hour to come.


The Ukrainian Armed Forces have been shelling Severodonetsk since March, hitting residential buildings, places where humanitarian aid is issued. Residents of different districts are trying to somehow save, warn relatives, friends and acquaintances about the shelling.


🇷🇺🇺🇦❗Lugansk People's Republic is completely liberated - Russian Defense minister Shoigu.

🇺🇦 Ukrainian neo-Nazies

Ukrainian immigrants break in and loot each other's rooms at the German refugee-aid centres..


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